Research paper . COT / Research Assignment # 1 Purpose The student will share their PICOT question and further explore and explain its key components, as well as examine its feasibility as a hypothetical project.


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Research paper 1         


Exercise Content

    COT / Research Assignment # 1
    The student will share their PICOT question and further explore and explain its key components, as well as examine its feasibility as a hypothetical project. This PICOT question will be used in your practicum. At the end of the class, the PICOT question should be approved by the instructor to continue the program.
    General directions

    You will submit one (1) paper as part of this assignment; inclusive of:
    PICOT (written/narrative)
    Your scholarly paper must follow APA format. Include a cover page and headings per 6th edition APA guidelines.
    PICOT (written/narrative):
    The PICOT (written/narrative) component of the assignment should be no more than 4-7 pages (not including the title or references pages).
    Include the following components in the PICOT part of your scholarly paper:
    Title Page
    Problem Statement
    PICOT Question explanation of each component
    Population of Interest
    Intervention of Interest
    Comparison of Interest
    Outcome of Interest
    References Page
    Attached you will find

The following is the formats Required for Research paper 1:

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lorida National University



OT / Research




The student will share their PICOT question and further explore and explain on its key components, as well as examine its feasibility as a hypothetical project.

General directions


. You will submit one (1) paper as part of this assignment; inclusive of:

a. PICOT (written/narrative)

2. Your scholarly paper must follow APA format. Include a cover page and headings per 6th edition APA guidelines.

PICOT (written/narrative):

3. ThePICOT (written/narrative)component of the assignment should be no more than 4-7 pages (not including the title or references pages).

4. Include the following components in the PICOT part of your scholarly paper:

a. Title Page




Problem Statement


PICOT Question

explanation of each component


Population of Interest


Intervention of Interest


Comparison of Interest


Outcome of Interest





f. References Page


. All Florida National University policies related to plagiarism must be observed.

Directions and Grading Criteria: PICOT (written/narrative)











Introduction 5

The introduction must be clear and concise and be inclusive of a brief summary of the intent of your paper. It must also provide a formal purpose statement to set your paper up for your reader(s).

Problem Statement


Fully describe the primary problem you are addressing as part of your potential hypothetical project. Integrate contemporary/scholarly evidence (no more than 5 years old) to support the need for change.

PICOT Question


State the quantitative PICOT question in a clear and concise sentence.

Population of Interest

Describe your population of interest.

Intervention of Interest

Describe your intervention of interest. Evidence from the literature must be present with a minimum of 2 scholarly references to support the evidence based practice intervention. (Keep in mind that you are not conducting the actual research, you are using what has already been researched and published as an evidence-based intervention.)

Comparison of Interest

Describe your comparison of interest. If there is no comparison of interest, indicate that and provide rationale why one will not be used.

Outcome of Interest

Describe your outcome of interest. Is it measurable? Is the tool that you will utilize to measure outcomes proven to be reliable and valid?



riefly identify the timeframe associated with the implementation phase of your project.


Summarize the key points you made within your paper. Avoid introducing any new information in this section.

APA formatting, scholarly writing

Follow APA formatting guidelines. Present a scholarly paper without grammatical or sentence structure errors, spelling errors, etc.



A quality paper will exceed all of the above requirements.

Grading Rubric: PICOT (written/narrative) Component

Assignment Criteria


Outstanding or highest level of performance


Very good or high level of performance


Competent or satisfactory level of performance


Poor or failing or unsatisfactory level of performance


5 points

Introduction is clearly conveyed and summarizes the primary intent of the paper. A formal purpose statement is included.

5 points

Introduction is conveyed and outlines the primary intent of the paper. A formal purpose statement is included.

4 points

Introduction includes the primary intent of the paper. A formal purpose statement is included.

3 points

Introduction is vague and/or not included. The primary intent of the paper is not conveyed. There is no purpose statement included; purpose of the paper is unclear.

0-2 points

Problem Statement

10 points

The problem being addressed is fully described. Need for change is clear and includes strong support of scholarly evidence.

8-10 points

The problem being addressed is described. Need for change is clear and includes support of evidence.

6-7 points

The problem being addressed is identified. Need for change is touched upon and includes some evidence.

4-5 points

The problem being addressed is unclear or difficult to ascertain. Need for change is unclear and/or does not include support of evidence.

0-3 points

PICOT Question

15 points

Correctly and concisely states a quantitative PICOT question in one-sentence.

12-15 points

States a quantitative PICOT question, but fails to be concise.

8-11 points

States a quantitative PICOT question, but may have one or two elements incorrect.

6-7 points

Fails to state a quantitative PICOT question and/or may have three or more elements incorrect.

0–5 points

Population of Interest
10 points

Provides a detailed description of the population of interest.

9-10 points

Generally describes the population of interest.

8 points

Identifies the population of interest.

7 points

Fails to identify a population of interest.

0–6 points

Intervention of Interest
10 points

Provides a detailed description of the intervention of interest.

8-10 points

Generally describes the intervention of interest.

6-7 points

Identifies the intervention of interest.

4-5 points

Fails to identify an intervention of interest.

0–3 points

Comparison of Interest


Provides a detailed description of the comparison of interest. Indicates if there is no comparison of interest.

8-10 points

Generally describes the comparison of interest. Indicates if there is no comparison of interest.

6-7 points

Identifies the comparison of interest. Indicates if there is no comparison of interest.

4-5 points

Fails to identify a comparison of interest, or if there is none.

0–2 points

Outcome of Interest
10 points

Provides a detailed description of the outcome of interest.

9-10 points

Generally describes the outcome of interest.

8 points

Identifies the outcome of interest.

7 points

Fails to identify an outcome of interest.

0–6 points

10 points

Identifies an appropriate timeframe for implementation.

8-10 points

Identifies a timeframe that might need to be adjusted.

6-7 points

Identifies a timeframe, but might not be appropriate.


Fails to identify a timeframe.

0–3 points

10 points

Concisely summarizes key points made within the paper.

9-10 points

Includes summarization of points made in paper, but might not be concise.

8 points

Provides conclusion with brief overview of primary points made in the paper. Does not remain concise.

7 points

Fails to summarize key points made in the paper. Might include new information or provides a conclusion that is unclear/unfocused.

0-6 points

APA formatting, scholarly writing
10 points

Writes in a scholarly manner with no grammar, spelling, or syntax errors. Follows the rules of APA formatting.

9-10 points

Writes in a scholarly manner with minimal grammar, spelling, or syntax errors. Follows the rules of APA formatting.

8 points

Writes in a scholarly manner with several grammar, spelling, or syntax errors. Breaks minor rules of APA formatting.

7 points

Does not write in a scholarly manner. Commits many errors in grammar, spelling, and syntax. Does not follow rules for APA formatting.

0–6 points

Total Points Possible = 150 points


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