Research Paper


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Week 7 Research Paper

Essay/Research Assignment

Cyber-attacks can pose a great danger to an organization’s success, and the expertise of data scientists is sought after in order to prevent attacks from happening. Write a formal professional essay on the impact of Data Science in the Cybersecurity Industry. Identify one problem in Cybersecurity threats prevention which data science can be used to solve. Note, the main idea of an essay is conveyed through the thesis statement and carried out through the topic sentences.

Your paper MUST consist of the following elements:

I. An

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   This should discuss the bbackground of the problem that you will be writing about. Who are the people or entities impacted by this problem? 

II. A thesis statement:

Tells the reader how you will interpret the significance of the subject matter under discussion.

This should be a road map for the paper; in other words, it tells the reader what to expect from the rest of the paper.

III.  Minimum of Three (3) Major Ideas with subordinate ideas

Each Major idea should be supported by another subordinate idea and offer scholarly citation to support your 

IV. Conclusion

 No new idea. Includes atleast one recommendation

Other Requirements

A minimum of 5 scholarly Peer Review Citation

Only citations used inside your writing should be include in  your References list on the Reference page.

No entry should appear in the reference list, unless it was cited in your written paragraphs.

Properly formatted APA in-text citation and scholarly reference needed

————————————————————————————Example Outline —————————————


Problem & Purpose 


 A. Major Idea 1

  1. Supporting Idea & Citation

  2. Supporting idea & Citation

B. Major Idea 2

 1. Supporting Idea & Citation

  2. Supporting idea & Citation

C. Major Idea 3

 1. Supporting Idea & Citation
  2. Supporting idea & Citation

D. Conclusion

  Includes atleast one recommendation 

 Summarized findings

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