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ResearchCritique Guidelines – Part II

Use this document to organize your essay. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you provide a rationale, include examples, and reference content from the studies in your responses.

Quantitative Studies


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1. Summary of studies. Include problem, significance to nursing, purpose, objective, and research question.

How do these two articles support the nurse practice issue you chose?

1. Discuss how these two articles will be used to answer your PICOT question.


. Describe how the interventions and comparison groups in the articles compare to those identified in your PICOT question.

Method of Study:

1. State the methods of the two articles you are comparing and describe how they are different.

2. Consider the methods you identified in your chosen articles and state one benefit and one limitation of each method.

Results of Study

1. Summarize the key findings of each study in one or two comprehensive paragraphs.

2. What are the implications of the two studies you chose in nursing practice?

Outcomes Comparison

1. What are the anticipated outcomes for your PICOT question?

2. How do the outcomes of your chosen articles compare to your anticipated outcomes?

PICOT Question:

In geriatric post-surgery Total Knee Replacement patients, how efficient is Continuous Passive Motion therapy in concurrence with physical activity in connection to pain, recovery time, joint rigidness, and physical mobility versus physical activity alone beginning at post-surgery day zero up to discharge from the post-surgical orthopedic unit?

Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two quantitative research studies. Use the “Research Critique Guidelines – Part II” document to organize your essay. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you provide a rationale, include examples, and reference content from the study in your responses.

Use the practice problem and two quantitative, peer-reviewed research articles you identified in the Topic 1 assignment to complete this assignment.

In a 1,000–1,250 word essay, summarize two quantitative studies, explain the ways in which the findings might be used in nursing practice, and address ethical considerations associated with the conduct of the study.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

© 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.


Literature Evaluation Table

Student Name:

Mananita Gerochi-Caparas

Summary of Clinical Issue (


00-250 words):

The main goal of evidence-based practice is to improve patient management and to decrease the unwarranted difference in the provision of services. With the continuous flow of modern research information, it is vital for medical practitioners to routinely update their procedures and policies to involve the most effective practice methods for their clients or patients. Presently, there is longevity growth in the geriatric population, prompting the need for Total Knee Replacement. About 700,000 knee replacement procedures are carried out every year in the U.S. This number is expected to rise to about 3.5 million procedures annually by 2030.

The health care industry has developed the Continuous Passive Motion technique that enables swift and healthy recovery times for patients who have undergone Total Knee Replacement procedure. Continuous Passive Motion is carried out using a machine called CPM, which moves the replaced knee joint through a managed range of motions in order to reduce inflammation, pain, and joint stiffness. It is used to enhance the range of motion in patients who have undergone Total Knee Replacement procedure.

Though surgeons progressively use Continuous Passive Motion after the operation, this technique has come under criticism concerning its effectiveness in enhancing mobility and reducing joint rigidity and swelling (Levi, B. (2021). Consequently, there are several quantitative and qualitative research articles that prove the ineffectiveness of utilizing Continuous Passive Motion.

PICOT Question:

In geriatric post-surgery Total Knee Replacement patients, how efficient is Continuous Passive Motion therapy in concurrence with physical activity in connection to pain, recovery time, joint rigidness, and physical mobility versus physical activity alone beginning at post-surgery day zero up to discharge from the post-surgical orthopedic unit?


Article 1

Article 2

Article 3

APA-Formatted Article Citation with Permalink

Levi, B. (2021). A critical appraisal of “Prospective Randomized Trial of the Efficacy of Continuous Passive Motion Post Total Knee Arthroplasty: Experience of the


for Special Surgery.”

Retrieved from

Martin, S., Bernhard, K., Wolfgang, R., & Kirsten, S. (2018). Randomized, prospective, monocentric study to compare the outcome of continuous passive motion and controlled active motion after total knee arthroplasty. Technology and Health Care 26 (3), 499-506.

Retrieved from

Mei-Chu, C., Chiu-Chu, L., Jih-Yang, K., & Feng-Chih, K. (2020).

The effects of immediately programmed

cryotherapy and continuous passive

motion in patients after computer-assisted

total knee arthroplasty: a prospective,

randomized controlled trial. Journal of

Orthopaedic Surgery and Research 15 (1), 1-8. Retrieved from


How Does the Article Relate to the PICOT Question?

The article relates to the PICOT question because it examines whether there is an additional benefit in CPM use during a short hospitalization period.

This article compares postoperative outcomes using CAM and CPM, in addition to standard physiotherapeutic exercises immediately after total knee arthroplasty.

This article elucidates whether immediate

programmed cryotherapy and CPM could

help to improve ROM swiftly

after TKA.

Quantitative, Qualitative (How do you know?)

Quantitative because randomized

controlled trials were used.

Quantitative because the randomized monocentric study was used.

Quantitative because randomized
controlled trials were used.

Purpose Statement

The purpose of this quantitative research is to assess whether there is an additional benefit in CPM use during a short hospitalization period.

The purpose of this quantitative research is to compare postoperative outcomes using CAM and CPM, in addition to standard physiotherapeutic exercises immediately after total knee arthroplasty.

The main purpose of this quantitative

research is to establish whether immediate

programmed cryotherapy and CPM could

help to improve ROM swiftly.

Research Question

Is CPM effective compared to passive stretching for increasing knee range of motion?

Comparison of postoperative outcomes using CAM and CPM, in addition to standard physio-therapeutical exercises immediately after total knee arthroplasty.

Can immediate programmed cryotherapy

and CPM help improve ROM swiftly

after TKA.


CPM group scored an average of 56 points four days after the surgery on the HSS versus 45 points in the control group.

The knee-associated problems scale improved significantly in both groups, but CAM group shows better results in terms of pain, flexion, and quality of life.

NRS scale showed 0-10 points which

was the primary outcome of the interest


(Where did the study take place?)

The study took place in a hospital.

In the hospital and after discharge.

Medical center


40 patients

took part in the research.

50 patients of between 62-78 years.

60 patients participated in the study.


Randomized controlled trials.

Randomized monocentric study.

Randomized controlled trials.

Key Findings of the Study

CPM has a favorable effect on pain and muscle strength in the first two weeks after surgery.

CAM and CPM results in significant improvements after TKA, however, CAM shows better results in terms of pain, flexion, and quality of life.

The effects of CAM are contentious.

Recommendations of the Researcher

The research elaborately illustrates the benefits of CPM on muscle strength and pain.

The research provides a compelling

evidence of the benefits of CPM after TKA.

The research provides a compelling

evidence of the benefits of CPM.


Article 4

Article 5

Article 6

APA-Formatted Article Citation with Permalink

Nils, W., Marco, E., Kai, S., & Michael, S. (2020). Impact of continuous passive motion on rehabilitation following total knee arthroplasty. Physiotherapy Research International 25 (4), e1869.

Retrieved from

Patel, Z. H., Dibyendunarayan, B., & Ramalingam, T. (2017).

Effectiveness of Conventional Physiotherapy along with Continuous Passive Motion after Total Knee Arthroplasty. Indian Journal of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy 11 (4).

Retrieved from



Tomokazu, Y., Shigeki, K., Hisashi, S.,

Norihito, A., Kojiro, H., Akihiro, K., &
Masashi, Y. (2021).
Feasibility and efficacy of knee
extension training using a single-joint
hybrid assistive limb, versus conventional
rehabilitation during the early postoperative
period after total knee arthroplasty. Journal

of Rural Medicine. Retrieved from


How Does the Article Relate to the PICOT Question?

This article analyzes the impact of CPM on early rehabilitation after TKA and the clinical outcome over time.

This article compares the effectiveness of conventional physiotherapy program along with CPM application.

This article evaluates the feasibility and

efficacy of treatment for the recovery of

knee joint function after TKA using a

robotic suit.

Quantitative, Qualitative (How do you know?)

Quantitative study because it uses randomized methods.

Quantitative because it uses prospective randomized clinical trial.

Quantitative study because it uses prospective case control method.

Purpose Statement

This quantitative study analyzes the impact of CPM on early rehabilitation after TKA and the clinical outcome over time.

This quantitative study compares the effectiveness of conventional physiotherapy program along with CPM application after TKA.

This quantitative study evaluates the feasibility and efficacy of treatment for the recovery of knee joint function after TKA using a robotic suit.

Research Question

What is the impact of CPM on early rehabilitation after TKA and the clinical outcome over time?

What is the difference between the effectiveness of conventional physiotherapy program along with CPM application after TKA?

How is the feasibility and efficacy of treatment for the recovery of knee joint function after TKA using a robotic suit?


CPM patients showed a higher flexion of 110 degrees.

There is significant difference in knee flexion range in the experiment group as compared to the controlled group.

Extension lag greatly improved in the experimental group after the 2nd and 3rd session.


(Where did the study take place?)

Patient homes during and after discharge.



40 patients

34 patients

Average age of 71.3± 6.2 years

for experimental group and 74.9 ± 8.7 years in the controlled group.


Randomized clinical trial

Prospective randomized clinical trial

Prospective case-control study

Key Findings of the Study

CPM significantly improved knee flexion in the early postoperative stage.

CPM improves early knee motion and enhances functionality.

HAL-SJ- based training is effective and safe, and leads to instantaneous improvement of extension lag, without worsening knee joint pain.

Recommendations of the Researcher

More research is needed to establish other benefits of CPM.

The research is expiatory and descriptive.

This study suggests that HAL-SJ training is safe after postoperative procedures.


Levi, B. (2021). A critical appraisal of “Prospective Randomized Trial of the Efficacy of Continuous Passive Motion Post Total Knee Arthroplasty: Experience of the Hospital for Special Surgery”

Martin, S., Bernhard, K., Wolfgang, R., & Kirsten, S. (2018). Randomized, prospective, monocentric study to compare the outcome of continuous passive motion and controlled active motion after total knee arthroplasty. Technology and Health Care 26 (3), 499-506.

Mei-Chu, C., Chiu-Chu, L., Jih-Yang, K., & Feng-Chih, K. (2020). The effects of immediate programmed cryotherapy and continuous passive motion in patients after computer-assisted total knee arthroplasty: a prospective, randomized controlled trial. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research 15 (1), 1-8.

Nils, W., Marco, E., Kai, S., & Michael, S. (2020). Impact of continuous passive motion on rehabilitation following total knee arthroplasty. Physiotherapy Research International 25 (4), e1869.

Patel, Z. H., Dibyendunarayan, B., & Ramalingam, T. (2017). Effectiveness of Conventional Physiotherapy along with Continuous Passive Motion after Total Knee Arthroplasty. Indian Journal of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy 11 (4), 2017

Tomokazu, Y., Shigeki, K., Hisashi, S., Norihito, A., Kojiro, H., Akihiro, K., & Masashi, Y. (2021). Feasibility and efficacy of knee extension training using a single-joint hybrid assistive limb, versus conventional rehabilitation during the early postoperative period after total knee arthroplasty. Journal of Rural Medicine

© 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.




and Literature Search

PICOT Question



















Explained 5.64/6.00




Format 10.0%



Course Code Class Code Assignment Title Total Points
NRS-433V NRS-433V-OL191 PICOT Question 120.0
Criteria Percentage 1: Unsatisfactory (0.00%) 2: Less Than Satisfactory (75.00%) 3: Satisfactory (83.00%) 4: Good (94.00%) 5: Excellent (100.00%) Comments Points Earned
Content 80.0%
Summary of Clinical Issue 5.0% A clinical issue is omitted or is not relevant to nursing practice. A clinical issue is partially presented. It is unclear how the clinical issue relates to nursing practice. Significant aspects are missing, or there are inaccuracies. A clinical issue is summarized. The issue generally relates to nursing practice. A clinical issue is presented. The issue relates to nursing practice. Minor detail is needed for clarity. A clinical issue is thoroughly described. The issue relates to nursing practice. This is a surgeon choice regarding the CPM; more information is needed regarding nursing interventions, Mananita 4.98/6.00
10.0% A PICOT question is not included. A PICOT question is provided but is incomplete. The PICOT question format is used incorrectly. A PICOT question is provided. The PICOT question format is generally applied. Some information or revision is needed. A PICOT question is provided. The PICOT question format is applied accurately. Some detail is need for support or clarity. A PICOT question is clearly presented. The PICOT question format is applied accurately and presents an answerable and researchable question. Explain in the private forum how this relates to nursing 9.96/12.00
APA-Formatted Article Citations With Permalinks Article citations and permalinks are omitted. Article citations and permalinks are presented. There are significant errors in the APA format. One or more links do not lead to the intended article. Article citations and permalinks are presented. Article citations are presented in APA format, but there are errors. Article citations and permalinks are presented. Article citations are presented in APA format. There are minor errors. Article citations and permalinks are presented. Article citations are accurately presented in APA format. #3 link does not take reader to article. Some of the journal information is missing in #1 #5 and #6 are not correctly linked
Relationship of Articles to the PICOT Question Three or more articles do not relate to the PICOT question. At least two articles do not relate to the PICOT question. The remaining articles provide a small degree of support for the PICOT question. Different articles are needed to provide better support for the PICOT question. At least one articles does not relate to the PICOT question. The remaining articles provide general support for the PICOT question. One or two different articles are needed to provide better support for the PICOT question. Each article relates to the PICOT question. The articles provide support for the PICOT question. Each article clearly relates to the PICOT question. The articles provide strong support for the PICOT question. Supportive of stated PICOT 12.00/12.00
Quantitative and Qualitative Articles Fewer than six research articles are presented. Four or more articles do not meet the assignment criteria for a quantitative, qualitative, Six research articles are presented. Three articles do not meet the assignment criteria for a quantitative, qualitative Six research articles are presented. Two articles do not meet the assignment criteria for a quantitative, qualitative, or mixed study. Some ability to identify the type of research design used in a study is demonstrated. Six research articles are presented. One article does not meet the assignment criteria for a quantitative, qualitative, or mixed study. A general ability to identify the type of research design used in a study is demonstrated. Six research articles are presented. Each article meets the assignment criteria for a quantitative, qualitative, or mixed study. An ability to identify the different types of research design used in a study is consistently demonstrated. There were to be 3 qualitative and 3 quantitative articles
Purpose Statements Purpose statements are omitted or are incomplete overall. Purpose statements are referenced but are incomplete in some areas. Purpose statements are presented. There are minor omissions in some areas, or major inaccuracies. Purpose statements summarized. There are some minor inaccuracies in some. Purpose statements are accurate and clearly summarized. Included 6.00/6.00
Research Questions Research questions are omitted or are incomplete overall. Research question is presented for each article. The research question has been misidentified or misinterpreted for at least two of the articles. Additional information is needed to fully illustrate the research question for several of the articles. Research questions are presented. The research question has been misidentified or misinterpreted for one of the articles. Some detail is needed to fully illustrate the research question for one or two articles. Research questions are presented. Minor detail is needed for clarity in some areas. Research questions are accurate and capture the fundamental question posed by the researchers in each study. Provided
Outcome Research outcomes are omitted or are incomplete overall. Research outcome is presented for each article. The research outcome has been misidentified or misinterpreted for at least two of the articles. Additional information is needed to fully illustrate the research outcomes for several of the articles. Research outcomes are presented. The research outcome has been misidentified or misinterpreted for one of the articles. Some detail is needed to fully illustrate the research outcomes for one or two articles. Research outcomes are presented. Minor detail is needed for clarity in some areas. Research outcomes are accurate and described in detail for each article. Explained
Setting The setting is omitted for one or more of the articles. The setting described for three or more articles is inaccurate or incomplete. The setting is indicated for each article. The setting described for two of the articles is inaccurate or incomplete. The setting is indicated for each article. The setting described for one article is inaccurate or incomplete. The setting is indicated for each article. Some detail is needed to fully illustrate the physical, social, or cultural site in which the researcher conducted the study. The setting in which the researcher conducted the study is detailed and accurate for each article. Indicated 5.64/6.00
Sample The sample is omitted for one or more of the articles. The sample described for three or more articles is inaccurate or incomplete. The sample is indicated for each article. The sample described for at least two of the articles is inaccurate or incomplete. The sample is indicated for each article. The sample described for one article is inaccurate or incomplete. The sample is indicated for each article. Minor detail is needed for accuracy. The sample is indicated and accurate for each article. answered
Method Method of study for one or more articles is omitted. Overall, the methods of study are incomplete. The method of study is partially presented for each article. Key information is consistently omitted. Overall, the methods reported contain inaccuracies. The method of study for each article is presented. Some key aspects are missing for one or two articles, or there are some inaccuracies for the methods reported. A discussion on the method of study for each article is presented. A thorough discussion on the method of study for each article is presented. Presented
Key Findings of the Study Discussion of study results, including findings and implications for nursing practice, is incomplete. A summary of the study results includes findings and implications for nursing practice but lacks relevant details and explanation. There are some omissions or inaccuracies. Discussion of study results, including findings and implications for nursing practice, is generally presented for each article. Overall, the discussion includes some relevant details and explanation. Discussion of study results, including findings and implications for nursing practice, is complete and includes relevant details and explanation. Discussion of study results, including findings and implications for nursing practice, is thorough with relevant details and extensive explanation. Discussed
Recommendations of the Researcher Researcher recommendations are omitted for one or more of the articles. The recommendations described for three or more articles are inaccurate or incomplete. Researcher recommendations are indicated for each article. The researcher recommendations described for two of the articles are inaccurate or incomplete. Researcher recommendations for each article are presented. Researcher recommendations described for one article are inaccurate or incomplete. Researcher recommendations for each article are accurately presented. Minor detail is needed for accuracy. Researcher recommendations accurate are thoroughly described for each article.
Organization and Effectiveness
Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is used. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence structure, or word choice are present. Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used. Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.
Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style) Sources are not documented. Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct. Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error. Italics for journals and volumes. List the journal and volume for the Levi, B. article. Volume for the Tomokazu article
Total Weightage 100% 110.76/120.0

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