research paper


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Students will select a topic about the sociology of pop culture for an in-depth research paper, 6-8 pages (double-spaced). Further instruction will be provided in class, including research skills, reading comprehension, writing skills and analysis. The final paper must be submitted through Canvas. Students are encouraged to talk with your instructor in advance about your paper ideas and content. Creativity is highly encouraged.


papers will be graded based on the following criteria:


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  • Sources are relevant to the topic and appropriate for study
  • Topic is researched and described in sufficient depth
  • Effective synthesis, making logical connections between resources and social issues
  • Minimum of five references that may come from any source, both academic (i.e. peer-reviewed books and journal articles) or non-academic resources are welcome (i.e. documentaries, blogs, participatory culture, etc)


  • Clearly defined focus and arguments
  • Fully explore important aspects of the topic in sufficient depth and detail
  • Comprehension of research, explained fully, clearly, and accurately
  • Reasoned arguments supported with evidence and analysis
  • Application of readings to media
  • Recognition of broader implications of social issues
  • Depth of analysis


  • Well-organized, with logical and systematic connections
  • Written clearly and comprehensible; convey coherent and intended meanings
  • Grammar, accurate and effective sentence structure
  • Vocabulary, appropriate for postsecondary level
  • Academic tone (avoids slang, etc)
  • Effective use of quotations and references
  • Personal opinion, I statements and subjectivity are welcome, (backed up evidence-based knowledge)
  • Formal referencing is required. You are welcome to use any formatting style, as long as it is consistent.

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