Research Paper

I need a 6-7 page research done

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New communication and fitness technologies have arisen in the last ten years that claim

to enable the average woman to pursue professional running programs. However, these

technologies offer very little in the way of truly educating female consumers about the

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techniques and specialized language involved with running as a sport.


● To improve my design skills

● To improve my editing skills

● To improve my personal training skills

● To improve my story reporting skills


1. An 8-10 page research paper on how different running programs affect the physical and

nutritional aspect of the cardio workout.

2. Produce a package of 12 (one a week for 12 weeks) 60 second audio workout tips that will air

on Z98.7FM as well as appearing on the website

3. Website for the running programs to be posted as well as an instagram account for workout


and videos

4. Produce 5 different running programs including cardio workouts with nutritional aspects.

5. Produce a 5-7 minute documentary on the behind the scenes of what goes into writing

trainings, producing trainings, and the good and bad of being a trainer.

6. Post a total of 50 workout tips to social media.


● Adobe Premier Pro

● Sony Sound Forge

● Adobe InDesign

● Adobe Photoshop

● Wix website builder

● Canva logo maker

Six section division:

1. An 8-10 page research paper on how different running programs affect the physical and
nutritional aspect of the cardio workout.

● Collect 8-10 sources

● Write up a thesis statement

● Show sources and literature review to Dr. Tingle

● Make edits

● Complete a rough draft

● Send a rough draft to Dr. Tingle

● Make edits of rough draft

● Send to Dr. Tingle of the edited version

● Send to DVC

2. Produce a package of 12 (one a week for 12 weeks) 60 second audio workout tips that will air
on Z98.7FM as well as appearing on the website

● Write 3 draft scripts

● Practice timing of draft scripts

● Send scripts to DVC

● Make edits (if need be)

● Record voice over (either on phone or in radio studio)

● Record music (either on phone or in radio studio)

3. Website for the running programs to be posted as well an instagram account for workout tips

and videos

● Create instagram account

● Send rough empty instagram to Dr. Tingle

● Make edits (if need be)

● Show DVC instagram

● Start on website design

● Send a rough draft of the website to Dr. Tingle

● Make edits (if need be)

● Send website to DVC

4. Produce 5 different running programs including cardio workouts with nutritional aspects.

● Write drafts of programs

● Send rough drafts to DVC

● Make edits (if need be)

● Show edits to DVC

● Post every thursday

● Post on website as well

5. Produce a 5-7 minute documentary on the behind the scenes of what goes into writing

trainings, producing trainings, and the good and bad of being a trainer.

● Write filming schedule out for Prof. Jackson

● Get b-roll of personal training side

● Get b-roll of running side

● Edit b-roll and put sequences together

● Get interviews of personal training

● Edit interview

● Get interview of running coach

● Edit interview

● Show rough draft to Prof. Jackson

● Edit edits

● Show final draft to Prof. Jackson

● Show final draft to DVC

6. Post a total of 50 workout tips to social media.

● Write up tips on a draft document

● Put tips together in a post

● Send draft to DVC

● Make Edits

● Post as a story or post on instagram

● Include on website as well


MCOM 4999 Advanced Studies in Mass Media

Course Syllabus


School of Arts and Sciences





Class Time & Place Tuesday


:30 – 6pm Campus



MCOM 3850 and senior standing.

Course Description

This capstone seminar class is designed to synthesize and integrate the theories and skills of mass communications. Students are required to give both a written and oral presentation of their senior capstone project. This senior thesis project demonstrates the student’s abilities in the following areas: technology, public speaking, content knowledge, creativity and organization. Students must score 85 percent or better on the capstone thesis and presentation to pass the course. Capstone projects are evaluated by all members of the mass communications faculty.




Dr. Dale Van Cantfort Email Address


Room 111 SWC



Office Hours

Monday – 10:30am – 11am, 3 – 5pm Tuesday – 11:30am – 1:30pm, 2:45 – 3:30pm Wednesday – 10:30am – 11am, 2 – 3pm Thursday – 11am – 12 noon, 3-5pm

Friday – 10:30am – 11am

Textbooks and Class materials Careers in Media & Communications, S. Smith Key Readings in Journalism, King & Chapman Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

1. Produce a major research project on a selected topic in mass media that:

1. Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of content area as well as critical thinking skills, technology, presentation and writing skills.

2. Demonstrates integration of knowledge and skills developed in previous course-work.

3. Demonstrates problem-solving capabilities and decision-making skills.

Educational Technology Requirements


Canvas is the learning management system used by Piedmont College and, through Canvas, students may view the syllabus and grades for this course. The link to Canvas is:


Grading Scale

A – 90 – 100%

B – 80 – 89%

C – 70 – 79%

D – 60 – 69%

F – 0 – 59%

Grading System

40 points – Weekly projects and response papers 60 points – Capstone project

100 points – Maximum total


Two unexcused absences will result in a failing grade for the course.

Class Policies

· Response papers containing 3 or more grammatical errors earn a score of zero (0)

· Late response papers will earn a grade of zero(0)

· Missing three or more deliverable deadlines earns a failing grade for the course

Course Outline/Schedule

Tentative class Schedule:


11 – Review syllabus, evaluation criteria and capstone project ideas. Assignment due August 18: Provide Capstone contract and outline.

18 – Sign contracts & discuss outline. Schedule an individual meeting. Assignment due August 25: Read Smith Ch.1- 7 and write a 2 page response paper.

25 – Outlines approved. Student led discussion of readings. Assignment due Sept.1: Read Smith Ch.8-15 and provide response paper.

Sept. 01 – Discuss Smith and finalize deliverables. Assignment due Sept.8: Read the Intro to King. Provide response paper. Complete deliverable one of the capstone project.

08 – Discuss King and present deliverable one. Assignment due Sept.15: Read Part I of King. Provide response paper. Complete deliverable two of the capstone project.

15 – Discuss King and present deliverable two. Assignment due Sept. 22: Read Part II of King. Provide response paper.

22 – Discuss King. Assignment due Sept.29: Read Part III of King. Provide response paper. Complete deliverable three of the capstone project.

29 – Discuss King and present deliverable three. Assignment due


6: Individual meetings.


06 – Individual Meetings. Assignment due Oct.13: Read Part IV of King. Provide response paper. Complete deliverable four of the capstone project.

13 – Discuss King and present deliverable four. Assignment due Oct.20: Read Part V of King. Provide response paper. Complete deliverable five of the capstone project.

20 – Discuss King and present deliverable five.
Assignment due Oct.27: Complete deliverable six of the capstone project. Meet with Professors Dennis, Jackson, Moss and Tingle. Provide written documentation of their comments and a signature

27 – Present deliverable six. Discuss faculty feedback and technology needs. Assignment due


3: Prepare PP slides and technology plan.


03 – Present PP slides/Technology Plan/Individual meetings. Assignment due Nov.10: Dress Rehearsal I.

10 – Dress Rehearsal I. Assignment due Nov.17: Present to Public Speaking class before Nov.17. Dress Rehearsal II.

17 – Dress Rehearsal II. Assignment due Nov.20: DROP DEAD DATE, 12 noon.

20 – Drop Dead Date … all deliverables and your presentation must be approved by 12 noon in order to present on Tuesday, Nov.24.

24 – Capstone Presentations 4:00pm in the Screening Room of SWC!!!

Piedmont Policies

The Learning Center exists to help our students reach their various academic goals. The Learning Center offers academic support in all areas, including accounting, foreign languages, math, science, and writing. Our tutors are selected by department chairs, trained in the art of tutoring, and monitored to provide the individualized attention our students need to achieve their personal best. We offer by-appointment or walk-in hours during both working and after-business hours. For more information, please visit:

or call 706-778-8500, ext. 1503 (Demorest) or 706-543-6973 (Athens).

Accessibility and Accommodations: It is the College’s goal that learning experiences be as accessible as possible. Should you choose to disclose a disability, contact your professor and the Office of Accessibility, Resources and Services (OARS) so that possible accommodations can be discussed. Accommodations are designed to minimize the impact of a disability and ensure access to programs for all students with disabilities. Piedmont College, professors and staff make every effort to provide reasonable and appropriate accommodations. The Coordinator of OARS can be reached at

or 706-778- 8500, ext. 1504.

Statement on Academic Integrity: Students must be familiar with the College Academic Integrity Policy. Plagiarism, the intentional or unintentional use of another’s words or ideas as one’s own, will not be tolerated. Instructors must send any Academic Integrity concerns directly to the dean who is responsible for the discipline in which the course is taught. See Catalog at

for complete policy.

Student Email Policy
: All Piedmont College students are required to use their Piedmont Lions email account (see Catalog at for complete policy). Since the Lions account is the official communications channel of the College, students are responsible for all information distributed to them through their account. Students are expected to check it daily.

Withdrawal Policy
: Within the first several days of a term, students may add and drop courses with the permission of their advisor. The ranges for drop/add vary depending on the term (Fall, Spring, or Summer) and duration of the class (8 week or 16 week). Students should check the academic calendar for specific information. After this time, students may withdraw from a class. Please refer to the College Catalog at for the particulars regarding the withdrawal policy.

Excused Absence Policy: Student absences for College-sanctioned events are excused absences (with the exception of clinicals). Since College-sanctioned events are considered to be supportive of the College program, instructors must allow students to make up work that has been missed. Students are responsible for notifying their instructors, in advance, about College-sanctioned events.

Starfish®: We Care About Your Success! We have partnered with Starfish Retention Solution, creating a platform for communication and resources focused on supporting your efforts throughout your educational journey. During the semester you may receive emails or texts from Starfish® regarding your course grades or academic performance. Please pay attention to these communications and consider taking the recommended actions. They are sent to help you be successful! In addition, your instructor may: (1) request that you schedule an appointment by going to Starfish, or (2) recommend that you contact a specific campus resource, such as tutoring or counseling. You may also be contacted directly by one of these services. You can quickly connect to many resources using Starfish. We hope you will choose to use the tool to support your success. We will


Piedmont College Library is dedicated to student success both on- and off-campus. The Library’s website (

) offers the fastest, simplest solution to finding the authoritative sources you need. In addition to our online catalog, you will find valuable resources for every subject and discipline: journal citations and full-text articles, books and ebooks, study guides, encyclopedias, streaming video, and more. Overwhelmed? Need help navigating? No problem: reference assistance is available via chat or email.


New communication and fitness technologies have arisen in the last ten years that claim

to enable the average woman to pursue professional running programs. However, these

technologies offer very little in the way of truly educating female consumers about the

techniques and specialized language involved with running as a sport.


● To improve my design skills

● To improve my editing skills

● To improve my personal training skills

● To improve my story reporting skills


1. An 8-10 page research paper on how different running programs affect the physical and

nutritional aspect of the cardio workout.

2. Produce a package of 12 (one a week for 12 weeks) 60 second audio workout tips that will air

on Z98.7FM as well as appearing on the website

3. Website for the running programs to be posted as well as an instagram account for workout


and videos

4. Produce 5 different running programs including cardio workouts with nutritional aspects.

5. Produce a 5-7 minute documentary on the behind the scenes of what goes into writing

trainings, producing trainings, and the good and bad of being a trainer.

6. Post a total of 50 workout tips to social media.


● Adobe Premier Pro

● Sony Sound Forge

● Adobe InDesign

● Adobe Photoshop

● Wix website builder

● Canva logo maker

Six section division:

1. An 8-10 page research paper on how different running programs affect the physical and
nutritional aspect of the cardio workout.

● Collect 8-10 sources

● Write up a thesis statement

● Show sources and literature review to Dr. Tingle

● Make edits

● Complete a rough draft

● Send a rough draft to Dr. Tingle

● Make edits of rough draft

● Send to Dr. Tingle of the edited version

● Send to DVC

2. Produce a package of 12 (one a week for 12 weeks) 60 second audio workout tips that will air
on Z98.7FM as well as appearing on the website

● Write 3 draft scripts

● Practice timing of draft scripts

● Send scripts to DVC

● Make edits (if need be)

● Record voice over (either on phone or in radio studio)

● Record music (either on phone or in radio studio)

3. Website for the running programs to be posted as well an instagram account for workout tips

and videos

● Create instagram account

● Send rough empty instagram to Dr. Tingle

● Make edits (if need be)

● Show DVC instagram

● Start on website design

● Send a rough draft of the website to Dr. Tingle

● Make edits (if need be)

● Send website to DVC

4. Produce 5 different running programs including cardio workouts with nutritional aspects.

● Write drafts of programs

● Send rough drafts to DVC

● Make edits (if need be)

● Show edits to DVC

● Post every thursday

● Post on website as well

5. Produce a 5-7 minute documentary on the behind the scenes of what goes into writing

trainings, producing trainings, and the good and bad of being a trainer.

● Write filming schedule out for Prof. Jackson

● Get b-roll of personal training side

● Get b-roll of running side

● Edit b-roll and put sequences together

● Get interviews of personal training

● Edit interview

● Get interview of running coach

● Edit interview

● Show rough draft to Prof. Jackson

● Edit edits

● Show final draft to Prof. Jackson

● Show final draft to DVC

6. Post a total of 50 workout tips to social media.

● Write up tips on a draft document

● Put tips together in a post

● Send draft to DVC

● Make Edits

● Post as a story or post on instagram

● Include on website as well

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