Research paper

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Topic: Sexual deviance and society

Goode, E. (2016). Deviant Behavior (11th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.

In choosing a topic, consider the issues of deviance related to the topic, not just the topic itself. For instance, if you chose to do your paper on obesity, you would want to discuss why it is considered deviant, how it is labeled as deviant, or the effects of this deviant status, etc. versus simply explaining the medical causes and conditions/health concerns with obesity.

To be successful in this paper, you will want to develop a specific research question to guide your research. You should also identify the perspective (positivist or constructionist) which you are taking in your paper and you will need to apply at least one related theory to your analysis.

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Your paper should be a minimum of 6 pages (which does not include the work-cited page), typed, and double spaced and should consist of a description of the attitude, behavior, or condition you are researching and why it is presently considered deviant in U.S. society. You will use the APA format for citations and references.

Paper Requirements:

1. Develop a clear research question examining an element of deviance in the U.S. society.

2. Identify if you are taking a positivist or constructionist approach.

3. Identify and apply a theory from the Goode text to your topic.

4. Present a thorough analysis of the research as it relates to the sociology of deviance.

5. Proper use of quotes and citations.

6. Use of required resources:

. A minimum of three academic journal articles (peer review academic journals from the social sciences – including, criminology and deviance journals, general sociology journals, sociology of education journals, juvenile delinquency journals, and general social science journals).

. A minimum of two books discussing your topic (anthologies and single or double author books are fine). You need to be cautious not to choose a novel or work of fiction. Only research-based books with bibliographies/work cited sections apply. Use your textbook as reference

. If you choose to use website material related to your topic, they must be used in addition to the above listed requirements.

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