Research outline due today 12/18 at 11:59

help! the directions and outline template is included in the attachments. can anyone help me complete this outline on the topic abortions or race relations. I can also send the chapter notes and other sources.

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Research Outline Directions:

· There are four “Research outlines” due throughout the course.

· Research outlines must be turned into the assignments folders which can be reached by clicking on “Assessments” at the top of the classroom.

· Every outline must cover a different topic we have covered prior to the date it is due with the exception of “Restoring our Republic.” That topic is not eligible as it would be too difficult to cover.

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· If you want to cover something else, I must approve of it by email or it will be docked 25%.

· You must follow the Research outline template below.

· Use the seven sections/questions and come up with the rest on your own.

· You should be as impartial and unbiased as possible in all but the final section of your outline. In the final section, you can add your opinion as long as you fully defend it.

· You must do the appropriate research and have adequate citations throughout the project.

· The project should be in your own words and the sources of your information needs to be cited in the body of the outline.

· You must use an approved citation method such as MLA, APA, or Chicago/Turabian.

· Here is a helpful link for generating references:

· Only use sources if you believe they are generally free of excessive political bias.

·, other “wiki” sites, and encyclopedias are inappropriate for academic research.

Do not copy and paste any information or use any direct quotes in your research outline. Everything you write should be in your own words.

Research Outline Template

Title (e.g. Health Care)

1. Why is this an issue? Why is it important? What is the current state of affairs?

a. X number of American uninsured or underinsured (source).

b. Americans spend X on health insurance (source).

c. Other things you think are important (source).

2. What are the current U.S. federal regulations/policies that affect this issue?

a. The federal government provides health coverage… (source).

b. The federal government regulates… (source).

c. Use as many bullets/numbers/letters as you need to fully answer this question.

3. What are the current regulations/policies of (at least)
other (not the U.S.) countries for dealing with this issue?

a. In Germany (for example)… (source).

i. This has created… (source).

ii. Add more tiers to the outline if you need to.

b. In Japan (for example)… (source).

i. Some criticize… (source).

ii. Others claim… (source).

c. In Switzerland (for example)… (source).

d. Again, these are just examples. Pick other countries if others do things that are interesting.

4. What are the current regulations/policies of (at least)
different states within the United States for dealing with this issue? If there is no variation between the states, describe the different policies the United States has had during (at least)
different times.

a. Minnesota… (source).

i. This costs… (source)


i. Add as many tiers as you need.

b. Massachusetts… (source).

i. This took effect… (source).

c. Alabama… (source).

i. Add as many tiers as you need.

d. Again, these are just examples. Pick other states if others do things that are interesting.

5. In general, where do the major political parties (and minor parties if you wish) stand on this issue? If they don’t have clear positions on this issue, speculate based on their general ideologies.

a. The Republican Party… (source)

b. The Democratic Party… (source)

c. The Green Party… (source)

d. The Libertarian Party… (source)

6. In your opinion what are the strongest,
arguments for dealing with this issue? (Pick at least two,
arguments and summarize them fairly).

a. Some argue that… (source).

i. This would cost… (source).

b. Another different argument says… (source).

i. They would pay for this by… (source).

c. Feel free to mention more than two competing arguments if you want (source).

7. Proposal: what do you think the government
do about this issue and why?

a. Feel free to write several paragraphs for this section. Make sure you fully defend your answer — preferably based on the research in the previous sections. Since this is your chance to show that you understand and have evaluated the options, this is your most important section of the outline. To make this section as strong as possible, include arguments you disagree with and explain why those are not strong arguments.

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