Research Design in Social Work


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Impact of the Tobacco Law



Impact of Tobacco Law

Literature Review

The research into the youth consumption of Tobacco have been extensive since 1992 with the notion to try and find the best measures to attack the issue and make it permanent. The researches did focus on measures such as the use of the community, mass media and statewide campaigns to help get the message across to the general public (Berman, 2016). It is evident that the previous investigations did prove that there was a minimal response and change in the society because the programs did not get to the people. In addition, there was an introduction of stricter rules that did involve the prohibition of the companies and dealers from getting the tobacco to the youths, addition of payment of fines and even jail terms (Reddy, Yadav, Arora & Nazar, 2012). The variations in the ways that they do connect did make changes which did influence the way that they do connect which is a major advantage to the way that they make the responses. The researchers in the past did not provide the proper response and results from the market thus it was difficult to keep up with the reasons that contributed to the failure or stalling of the programs (Berman, 2016). It is important to understand that the concept of tobacco smoking is inbuilt in the society and uprooting it will require the participation of the entire public starting from the adults to the youths that will help in the spreading and upholding the law. The research was focusing on taking advantage of the internet, the questionnaires, surveys to help make sure that they do interact with the general population to help come up with the proper insight into the impact of the tobacco law in Florida.

Theoretical framework

The main working theory will involve trying to understand “how the society is perceiving the tobacco law and how it is going to affect the youths from consumption of tobacco”. It is evident that the tobacco crisis among the youths in Florida is on the rise which is a major issue. It is important to understand that the research will be focusing on the platform because it will help in the proper research which will help in the collection of data. The framework will help to guide the way that the society is trying to curb the problem and how the youths have been living in the past before the law and how they are behaving now that the law is imposed which is a major challenge. In addition, it will be vital to depict the originality of the law, its development and how it came to being which is vital to make sure that there is a major direction to the way that the society is planning its functions.

The research will incorporate the Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) which focuses on explaining reasons behind people engage in unhealthy practices while coming up with suggestions that will help change their behaviors. The theory will help in the detection of the reasons behind the vulnerability when it comes to the consumption of tobacco, before depicting the right coping and appraisal processes that then comprises of the right strategies such as self-efficacy, response costs, response efficacy (Cismaru & Lavack, 2017). The strategies help in the detection of the harm and thus it becomes easier to keep track and make sure that they help in coming up with solutions. It is evident that the response efficacy in the theory might help the government come up with the right behavioral responses that will help in the reduction and changing of behaviors among the children.

In addition, the theory will also encompass the theory of planned behavior whereby it is evident that the attitudes and social pressures influences the behaviors of the people. Tobacco smoking in Florida is growing and it is spreading to the next generation because there is a social norm and pressures which are changing the entire experiences in the society (Akers, Krohn Lanza-Kaduce & Radosevich, 2017). It is important to understand that there are numerous changes that are changing the entire society which is vital to make changes and experiences which is important to their performance. The tobacco law seeks to help reduce its abuse which is vital for the society thus the incorporation of the theory will help depict the causes, influences and how to make sure that they do capitalize and make sure that they eradicate the predicaments of the addictive substance.


The main understanding from the introduction of the law is that it is bound to help make changes in the society which makes it vital to understand and integrate the positioning of the society. It is important to make changes because it helps in making sure that there is a major direction for the interactions in the society. The tobacco consumption by the youths in Miami is on the rise but it is as a result of lose morals in the society and the lack of proper supervision and direction in the society. It is important to understand that the society is making a major change and move with the law that seeks to appeal to the entire society to be on the lookout about the consumption of tobacco by youths. There is also a plan of making sure that the pandemic is eliminated and how to help the youths get back to their life without much problems.

It is evident that the Florida tobacco law is seeing a positive response in the society because there is a slight reduction in the abuse of the cigarettes which is a major issue. The age limit, and imposition of stricter rules in the state will help establish a proper plan that will see the public function and interact on a basis of functions which change the way that they have to interact and indulge one another.

There are various policies instilled in the society that include penalties for the youths for purchasing, possessing and using of the drugs, restrictions of advertisements, penalties, restrictions and regulations aimed towards the youth access to tobacco and also school-based programs that make it a challenge for the youths to access the cigarettes and other tobacco substances (Reddy, Yadav, Arora & Nazar, 2012). The policies are supposed to be upheld by the various authorities including the learning institutions and impose the relative punishment to help discourage the habit among the teenagers.

The Florida Tobacco Act has influenced the entire tobacco industry because there is minimal advertisement of the product because it might sway the younger generation thus there are penalties of exposing of the tobacco to the youths. It is also evident that most of the schools and public workplaces are adopting the idea of a smoke free environment that is making it a challenge for smokers to smoke or carry their smokes into the areas (Berman, 2016). The tobacco products have become a product for people that want and are looking for it because there is poor labeling of the product and it has to list the right age and penalties imposed on violations of the policy.


Berman, M. (2016). Raising the Tobacco Sales Age To 21: Surveying the Legal Landscape. Public Health Reports (1974-), 131(2), 378-381.

Reddy, K., Yadav, A., Arora, M., & Nazar, G. (2012). Integrating Tobacco Control into Health and Development Agendas. Tobacco Control, 21(2), 281-286. 

Akers, R., Krohn, M., Lanza-Kaduce, L., & Radosevich, M. (2017). Social Learning and Deviant Behavior: A Specific Test of a General Theory. American Sociological Review, 44(4), 636-655. doi:10.2307/2094592

Cismaru, M., & Lavack, A. (2017). Tobacco Warning Labels and the Protection Motivation Model: Implications for Florida Tobacco Control Policy. Florida Public Policy / Analyse De Politiques, 33(4), 477-486.



Research Design on Impacts of Tobacco Law



Research Design on Impacts of Tobacco Law


Brief introduction

The methodology section will mainly help in the answering the questions on how to collect data and its analysis. It is evident that the paper will mainly depend on the qualitative research method as it is a social issue and it will mainly help with the interactions of the youths in Florida in regards to the tobacco law. The introduction of the process is relevant to the entire research process because it will help with the collection of data and interacting with the public.


The research will target the general interactions of the society towards the tobacco law and how it is affecting the youths. It is evident that the research will mainly include the 100 youths aged between the ages of 18-35 and also 100 adults of the ages above 35 years. The gender divisions in the research will be evenly distributed to help with the balance of the interactions across the research which is vital for increasing the divisions of data. It is also evident that the participants will be from various parts of the county and from different social divisions in the society which is relevant to the way that they will provide a diverse response and opinions regarding the topic of interaction.

Description of the instrument(s)

The research was focusing on the main use of the instruments such as the surveys, questionnaires and the internet as the main sources of information. It is important to understand that the questionnaires will both be applicable on the internet and in the physical world. The current restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic will make it impossible for physical interactions but they will mainly be interactive via the various social media platforms and even the phone through text and making calls. The questionnaires will comprise of consistent questions formulated to help answer the relevant questions to provide the insights into research questions.

The utilization of the surveys as a research instrument is vital in the production and efficiency because it is important to make the right strategy that will see more information and insight into the research. It is evident that the research will benefit from surveys because they will help with the extensive amount of information and how to make sure that they interact on a basis of such caliber. The surveys incorporate other methods such as questionnaires and the interviews to help bring in large amounts of data to make sure that they have to increase their participations.

The application of the internet as an instrument mainly involves seeking information, people’s comments and opinions from various social media platforms and websites and thus help compile it for the research. It is relevant to understand that the method is relevant because there are numerous researches into the research topic in the society that will help make it easier to interact and increase interactions into the research area. There is high dependence of the society on the internet that makes it important to establish a pattern that will help in taking advantage and increase the efficiency of the method.

Steps/procedures/process to get your research completed including the way that you review your literature

The method will mainly comprise of basic principles such as identifying and developing a topic of interaction which is vital for the development of a flow of the research. It is important to conduct the background information into the research topic to help get the insight whereby the involved parties, the potential outcomes and how to establish a solution or positioning of the research. The use of catalogs to help with the finding of the right media and books is an essential stage that is vital for their performance and interactions that is essential for practicality. The collection and sourcing of the data from the books, the media, internet resources and journal articles will help in the conducting of the literature review which is more practical and efficient in formulating the right hypothesis of the research. The literature review will mainly incorporate the descriptive analysis that will make sure that there is proper integration of the data but from a social and interactive platform.

Data Analysis/how you are going to analyze data

Data analysis is the most important part of the research because it compiles of breaking down information and making sure that it is relevant and practical in relation to the research question. The data analysis will take advantage of the content analysis and cluster analysis. The content analysis is relevant because it focuses on establishing a proper insight into the collected information and it focuses on the different types of information and groupings in the research team. It is important to make sure that there is a major advantage to integrate the content analysis because it brings out the best interpretation of data and making sure that it is productive. The cluster analysis helps in the breaking down data and creating sufficient grouping and because the research is revolving on a wider research area it will be relevant to apply the method as a way of helping their interactions.


Berman, M. (2016). Raising the Tobacco Sales Age To 21: Surveying the Legal Landscape. Public Health Reports (1974-), 131(2), 378-381.

Reddy, K., Yadav, A., Arora, M., & Nazar, G. (2012). Integrating Tobacco Control into Health and Development Agendas. Tobacco Control, 21(2), 281-286. 

Akers, R., Krohn, M., Lanza-Kaduce, L., & Radosevich, M. (2017). Social Learning and Deviant Behavior: A Specific Test of a General Theory. American Sociological Review, 44(4), 636-655. doi:10.2307/2094592

Cismaru, M., & Lavack, A. (2017). Tobacco Warning Labels and the Protection Motivation Model: Implications for Florida Tobacco Control Policy. Florida Public Policy / Analyse De Politiques, 33(4), 477-486.

Impact of the 2009 Tobacco Act on the access and consumption of it by young adults in Miami-Dade County of the State of FLORIDA.

Chapter One Introduction

Despite a substantial decline in the number of people who smoke, tobacco use remains the leading cause of chronic illness and death in the United States today, as it has been for decades. The Tobacco Control Law; It is the law in the United States that was passed to provide some regulations and restrictions on the use and consumption of tobacco. It was signed and approved by President Barack Obama on June 22, 2009. The main objective of the law was to make various modifications and regulations on the consumption and sale of tobacco. The law has achieved several achievements and implementations in the maintenance and regulation of the consumption and use of tobacco in the United States. Since the implementation period, it has created tobacco awareness through the packaging of tobacco products. Thanks to awareness, tobacco use has been minimized, this law regulates the manufacture, distribution and marketing of tobacco products in order to protect the public and create a healthier future. After voters passed a constitutional amendment that bans smoking in workplaces and restaurants, but not in bars, the state of Florida became one of the first to adopt smoke-free policies in the United States (Grattan, Schmitt and Porter, 2020). Local efforts to protect people from secondhand smoke continued after the law was passed in other areas. For example, are there smoke-free policies or tobacco in 28 Florida colleges and universities. In addition, the state’s 16 public housing authorities have adopted a smoke-free policy (Nonnemaker, 2021). Tobacco prevention and control activities are a public health problem in the state of Florida, as evidence-based state tobacco control programs have led to fewer smokers, fewer illnesses and fewer deaths tobacco related.

1.1 Research problem

In the state of Florida, most adults are addicted to cigarettes and become daily smokers before the age of 18. The sooner a person becomes addicted to tobacco products, the longer they will be exposed to hundreds of harmful chemicals (Martinasek et. Al, 2015). While it is certainly beneficial, concentrating most of the preventive effort through the Tobacco Law, as has been done in the last decade, proper implementation is necessary since its designed intention is to protect young adults with high consumption of tobacco. tobacco.

1.2 Justification and relevance of the study

Youth and adult smoking behavior has increased due to access and exposure to tobacco products in shops in their daily lives. The tobacco law provides us with information on particular conditions that affect public health, referring to the Florida Statutes of 2011 Part II that addresses indoor air and tobacco smoke (Florida Senate, 2021). The law has gained momentum throughout Florida as a statewide campaign that seeks to raise awareness with the goal of addressing tobacco use.

The implementation and enforcement of the tobacco law in various circumstances and conditions in the United States of America has provided a clear illustration of advancement in social justice and human rights. Enforcing the law in various circumstances in the economy of the United States is a realization of success in different aspects that relate to social justice and human rights. First of all, all citizens of the United States have the right to health services and other related circumstances. Implementation of the tobacco law helps improve health and other related circumstances in the United States economy. This implies that the implementation and enforcement of the particular law improves the aspect of the realization of human rights. The implications of the tobacco law for the social work profession are attested during the various circumstances from its construction to the implementation process. Among the conclusions of the law for the profession of social work is made from several rights that are elevated and granted to the citizens of the United States. In first Secondly, the participation of the United States population in the awareness of the effects of tobacco and the provision of services such as health advice and education on tobacco consumption are the main implications and conclusions of the tobacco law for the provision of social work. Due to participation in various social activities, the law clearly illustrates its implications for the social work profession.

1.3 Objectives

The objective of the study is to examine how the Tobacco Act has impacted the smoking behavior of young adults (18-24) living in Florida and the effect it has on attitudes and beliefs towards smoking and access to tobacco products.

Reduce the consumption of products made with tobacco, minimize the exposure of people to the harmful effects of smoke from products made with tobacco, reduce the health, social and environmental damage caused by smoking, Prevent the initiation of smoking, especially in the population of children and adolescents. Make present and future generations aware of the consequences produced by the consumption of products made with tobacco and by exposure to smoke from products made with tobacco.

1.4 Research questions

1. How has the Florida Tobacco Act reduced access and use among youth-adults?

2. Policy-based regulatory approaches that restrict youth access to tobacco products?

3. How has the Florida Tobacco Act influenced the labeling of tobacco products, the creation of smoke-free environments, and the restricted advertising of tobacco use?

1.5 Definition of variables

The researcher has identified two variables that will serve as the basis for the study to be presented; Independent Variable: implementation of the tobacco law, Dependent Variables: access to and consumption of tobacco, intensity and prevalence of smoking to measure the impact of the Tobacco Law.

1.6 Definition of important concepts

Smoking prevalence: the number of people who smoke

Smoking intensity: the number of cigarettes smoked by smokers.

Quitting smoking: the attempt to quit smoking

Tobacco: Tobacco is a plant that is grown for its leaves, which are dried and fermented and then used in various products. Contains nicotine, an ingredient that can lead to addiction, which explains why many people who use tobacco find it difficult to quit

Smoking: Acute or chronic intoxication caused by tobacco consumption

Restricted advertising: It is any form of communication, recommendation or commercial action with the purpose, effect or possible effect of directly or indirectly promoting the consumption of products made with tobacco.

Youth-adults: Corresponding group of people between 21 and 24 years old and corresponds to the consolidation of the social role.

Consumption: The act of inhaling, exhaling, chewing, sucking, or holding a tobacco product on.

Tobacco Law: Regulates the advertising, promotion and consumption of products made with tobacco for the purposes of prevention and assistance to the population against the damage caused by smoking.

1.7 Projected limitations of the study

Limitations may include analysis of research results. Most Florida census data sets are suppressed for confidentiality reasons. There may be a potential bias in creating buffer zones relative to previous studies to address tobacco access and use. Not all tobacco outlets may be included in the analysis due to practice issues.

1.8 Research design

The study will use a systematic review of published studies on the use of cigarettes and other tobacco products for smoking. The study excludes smokeless tobacco products. The outcome of interest is the prevalence of smoking, intensity of smoking, and smoking cessation. The research excludes outcomes such as attempts to quit smoking because they do not directly address the impact of the intervention on smoking prevalence.


Grattan, L. E., Schmitt, C. L., & Porter, L. (2020). Community Program Activities Predict Local Tobacco Policy Adoption in Florida Counties. American Journal of Health Promotion, 34(7), 722-728.

Martinasek, M. P., Gibson-Young, L. M., Davis, J. N., & McDermott, R. J. (2015). Waterpipe tobacco smoking impact on public health: implications for policy. Risk management and healthcare policy, 8, 121.

Nonnemaker, J., MacMonegle, A. J., Mann, N., Woodlea, R., Duke, J., & Porter, L. (2021). Estimating the return on investment of the Bureau of Tobacco Free Florida tobacco control programme from 1999 to 2015. BMJ open, 11(1), e040012.

The Florida Senate. (2021). Chapter 386 – 2011 Florida Statutes – The Florida Senate.

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