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Research who should pay for college education in California? 

Research student debt and current federal policies about students facing financial difficulties because of college education debts?

This is a research paper with 3 full pages long. Due is in 3 days. 


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Who Should Pay College Education in California?

Who Should Pay College Education in California?

In the recent decade, the number of people graduating with a college degree has declined while most of the cost of higher education in college has continued to increase. The education standard has also declined to fail to match with the high cost of fee payment. [How are standards connected with costs? Review the two concepts.] The California state and its public higher education system have made it difficult on how to account for [?] the college education despite the increasing recession [?] of the education system and standards. [This sentence is not clear because your word choices don’t fit.] It has led the significant discussion on who support [?] pay for the college fee, therefore, the need for decision making in tuition payment method and facilitation from the state. The state should subsidize college fee in California while student contributes less amount. [The larger question of who should pay for college education does not just cover college fees or tuition, but also costs like buildings, infrastructure, employees, living expenses for students, technical resources. Though fees have gone up for all three public higher education in California, they still do not pay for all these costs, and never have.] [You need a more complete introduction. Since this is a research essay, your introduction needs to tell your readers that, and then tell your readers the focus of the research and the questions you plan to answer as a result of your research. In research papers, you often do not even need a thesis. Research questions take the place of the thesis, and come at the end of your intro. They then are repeated in your Findings as headers for subsections, and help really organize the presentation of your results.]

The California college education has been for long under financial aids that can be more effective when students contribute to their education (Bell, 2020). [ss—not clear] Total college education cost includes more than tuition fee that has proven to be expensive for the low-income group. Most of students who comes from low-income group segments face various challenges to raise the required fee after the given aid. [Figuring out how to pay living expenses while attending college is actually often more difficult for poor students.] It has led to a declining number of students graduating with a college degree due to the low enrollment of students coming from a low-income group in society.

The state government needs to increase its financial aid in college to increase enrollment of college students. It is the role of the government to ensure equality of all sectors, including education where a member of society is not discriminated in terms of their income group (Bell, 2020). For the state government to achieve this role, it needs to fund the college education to ensure low-income group enrollment to college. [And where does the money come from?]

According to California law that offers free first-year tuition fees to college students, the program should extend for the rest of the year one spends on college (Legend, 2017). [This law only applies to community colleges, the cheapest California system of publicly funded higher education.] Facilitation one year for the student was coming middle-income group and low-income group. [ss—not clear] The government should ensure the program process to a final year to cater for the student who is unable to raise the fee.

The program offers [offered?] by the state of free first-year tuition should be universals. [ss—not clear] The program only covers students with certain eligibility standards mostly based on the income (Legend, 2017). The programs should cover all the students without any disparities. The program ensures the government provides a full scholarship to all students under the subsidized program. The program can also be integrated to ensure another student contributes the lowest amount while the government pays the highest amount. [You need to get much more detailed here. What is a full scholarship? Does it pay cost of living? Housing? What real numbers are you writing about? And again, where would the money to provide scholarships come from?]

The college education fee is more than college tuition that includes other tuition costs such as food, text, housing, and other accommodations fee. The government should change the policies concerning the free tuition program to be inclusive of other basic needs required by a student to accomplish their education (Finney, Riso, Orosz, & Boland, 2014). This is because of high living costs in California that have forced many students coming from low-income groups fails to join college despite having free tuition fees provided. The cost of accommodation is high due to the increasing cost of housing and access to affordable food. [Better, but add real details, real numbers from projected budgets.]

The state should provide the highest tuition fee to a student to achieve the goal in the education sector of providing affordability, access, and quality education to all citizens despite their originality. [ss—not clear] According to Lay (2010), for California state to achieve affordably, they need to develop and additive, categorical incentive in the funding model. [ss—not clear] The program focuses on ensuring the funding system of a college education is based on the money distribution upon the improvement of student performance and institution. [Again, you need some real numbers here.] The program ensures all the students benefit from the funding system hence reducing the burden of tuition feed [?] to a student. An increase in college fee affordability funded by the government lead to many students having easy access to quality education despite their financial need.

The enrollment fee should be moderated by the government to promote easy access to a college education. Most of the students find it hard to join college despite being eligible to join due to the high cost of enrollments that continues to increase every year (Lay, 2010). It makes it difficult for students and well-wishers to predict the next enrollment fee. The government should integrate the first-year free tuition program to accommodate [?] the enrollment fee to a college education. It [What?] should be evaluated based on the supplement resources previous year and current requirements rather than just approximation of current year enrollment expenses.

The government, together with the board of governor in college education, [Which one? Each system has one.] should provide a financial waiver aligned with the federal aids to increase financial sources for college education (Lay, 2010). In California, the federal government and board of governor are the two largest sources of college education finance hence making it easy to provide enough revenue for all college programs. It ensures even the student coming from the low-income group have access to affordable and quality education which is the primary goal of the education ministry in California.

In conclusion, the government should be the primary financier in college education to achieve affordability, access, and quality education to Californian. It should integrate the financial aid program that already exists to cover all students and find other sources or students to access finance to cate for non-tuition costs.

[Your references look well-formatted below, using APA.]


Bell, E. (2020). The Politics of Designing Tuition-Free College: How Socially Constructed Target Populations Influence Policy Support. The Journal of Higher Education, 1-39.

Finney, J. E., Riso, C., Orosz, K., & Boland, W. C. (2014). From master plan to mediocrity: Higher education performance & policy in California.

Lay, S. M. (2010). A Report of the Commission on the Future of the Community College League of California. 2020 Vision: Student Success. Community College League of California.

Legend, N. P. (2017). What College Costs for loW-InCome CalIfornIans.

Evaluation Criteria for English 103 Research Essays

Required elements:

Introduction with research topic and/or research questions Not yet

Paragraphs presenting findings from research Some

Paragraphs presenting reflections about findings Some

Conclusion paragraph(s) Some

References or Works Cited So far

Ideas & Content:

Do you clearly identify the research topic and/or research questions? Consider adding some research questions at the end of your introduction when you have developed a real introduction.


Do you discuss materials from your inquiry that answer your research questions?


Do you discuss both sides of the issue? You only discuss one position, and write the whole essay about the need for ‘the government’ to pay for college education in California. For this essay, you need to consider an opposing viewpoint, such as students and their families should pay for college education because they are the immediate beneficiaries. You then should look at the supporting reasons for each position, as well as their bases.

Not yet

Do you integrate researched material from your sources with your own ideas?

Do you use good transitions and cite your sources?


Do you report your findings in a well-organized sequence?

So far

Do you present your own reflections about your findings?


Do you summarize and explain researched material sufficiently? You don’t have that much research, and you only discuss one position. You need to research and then present a second position, and that will increase your research.

Not yet

Do you explain your ideas enough?

Not yet

Is your essay/report complete?

Not yet

Do you use mostly correct manuscript and citation formats?

So far

Do you need to edit for problems with sentence structure, verbs, word choice?


Grade for research & analysis


Grade for writing & format


Don’t take these grades too seriously—the main reason for each grade is that your essay is not well-developed yet, and is missing significant parts. Your essay does not yet have a proper introduction. It only discusses one position. And even that one position is discussed in overly general terms, with no real numbers. I’d say your essay is less than 50% complete as written. The grade is for information purposes only, and will not count.

With the grace period, you have until February 7 to write the second half of your essay.


ss = sentence structure (run-on or fragment)

sc = sentence connection (review connecting words and make sure the ideas are connected correctly)

w = word/vocabulary problem (wrong word; wrong word form; inconsistent plural/singular)

v = verb problem (tense or agreement)

sp = spelling

p = punctuation, sometimes quotation issues

q = problem with quotation (wrong format, incomplete integration, dropped quotation)

12=A 11=A- 10=B+ 9=B 8=B- 7=C+ 6=C 5=C- 4=D+ 3=D

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