
Purpose of the Assignment: The assignment consists of two parts (Part 1 and Part 2) and is designed to provide students the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to develop a well- structured abstract with the inclusion of appropriate sources and develop an understanding on how you will need to work on and develop various dissertation chapters.

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Part 1 – Abstract

Your task is: Please prepare and upload your proposed abstract. Please follow the suggested structure – Good abstract samples are available on Moodle – week 8.

An abstract is a concise summary of a research paper or entire thesis. It is an original work, not an excerpted passage. An abstract must be fully self-contained and make sense by itself, without further reference to outside sources or to the actual paper. It highlights key content areas, your research purpose, the relevance or importance of your work, and the main outcomes. It is a well-developed single paragraph of approximately 250 – 300 words in length. The function of the abstract is to outline briefly all parts of the thesis.

Word Limit: 500

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Part 2 – Mind Map

Your task is: The second part of the assignment aims to assist you to develop an understanding on how you will need to work on and develop various dissertation chapters. You can use the outcome of this assignment to develop your research proposal at a later stage. Please remember you can always change your topic at a later stage.

Please produce a document to describe how you intend to structure your dissertation. Your document should include a brief description (synopsis) of your chapters. Your synopsis should include the following:

1. Introduction: Your suggested topic with your suggested Research Question(s) and Research Objectives. Any current trends that are relevant to your selected topic. Please also comment on the significance of your study.

2. Literature Review: Please list any sources / studies that you feel are relevant to your

selected topic. Moreover, please mention any theories / models that you intend to use and you feel that will add value to your work. please briefly discuss the gap in the current literature and ideally link it to your research question(s).

3. Methodology: Briefly mention your suggested methodology (Quantitative / Qualitative / Mixed). How you intend to collect and analyse your data? Are there any limitations? You do not need to be very extensive here as we are going to talk more about different approaches and research philosophies during Research Methods II.

4. Findings: Here you need to mention briefly your expected / desired findings. How your findings will add value to the current literature? Who will be interested in your findings? Briefly identify any stakeholders.

5. Conclusion. Briefly mention whether you expect that your findings can be generalised (based on the size of your desired / expected sample). Would you think about any future areas of research?

Word Limit: 1000

Assessment Weighting (Part 1 and Part 2): 60% of your Total Mark

Total Word count: 1500
Please submit both parts in one single document. Deadline: 17 January 2021 at 23:59 CEST
Suitable Reference System: Harvard

Assessment Criteria:

1. Library/Internet based research. Try to use a mixture of resources – books, articles as well as the internet.

2. Understanding of the issues raised by the questions.

3. Concise and clear presentation. Acknowledge any quotes, ideas or arguments that are not your own using the Harvard system. Include a list of references.

4. Originality and a critical and questioning approach. It is important to be objective and to support statements with evidence.

5. A logical structure.

Good Luck!

BRM211- Research Methods I

Final Assignment

Purpose of the Assignment: The assignment consists of two parts (Part 1 and Part 2) and is
designed to provide students the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to develop a well-
structured abstract with the inclusion of appropriate sources and develop an understanding
on how you will need to work on and develop various dissertation chapters.

Part 1 – Abstract

Your task is: Please prepare and upload your proposed abstract. Please follow the suggested
structure – Good abstract samples are available on Moodle – week 8.

An abstract is a concise summary of a research paper or entire thesis. It is an original work,
not an excerpted passage. An abstract must be fully self-contained and make sense by itself,
without further reference to outside sources or to the actual paper. It highlights key content
areas, your research purpose, the relevance or importance of your work, and the main
outcomes. It is a well-developed single paragraph of approximately 250 – 300 words in
length. The function of the abstract is to outline briefly all parts of the thesis.

Word Limit: 500

Part 2 – Mind Map

Your task is: The second part of the assignment aims to assist you to develop an
understanding on how you will need to work on and develop various dissertation chapters.
You can use the outcome of this assignment to develop your research proposal at a later
stage. Please remember you can always change your topic at a later stage.

Please produce a document to describe how you intend to structure your dissertation. Your
document should include a brief description (synopsis) of your chapters. Your synopsis
should include the following:

1. Introduction: Your suggested topic with your suggested Research Question(s) and
Research Objectives. Any current trends that are relevant to your selected topic. Please also
comment on the significance of your study.

2. Literature Review: Please list any sources / studies that you feel are relevant to your
selected topic. Moreover, please mention any theories / models that you intend to use and
you feel that will add value to your work. please briefly discuss the gap in the current
literature and ideally link it to your research question(s).

3. Methodology: Briefly mention your suggested methodology (Quantitative / Qualitative
/ Mixed). How you intend to collect and analyse your data? Are there any limitations? You
do not need to be very extensive here as we are going to talk more about different
approaches and research philosophies during Research Methods II.

4. Findings: Here you need to mention briefly your expected / desired findings. How your
findings will add value to the current literature? Who will be interested in your findings?
Briefly identify any stakeholders.

5. Conclusion. Briefly mention whether you expect that your findings can be generalised
(based on the size of your desired / expected sample). Would you think about any future
areas of research?

Word Limit: 1000

Assessment Weighting (Part 1 and Part 2): 60% of your Total Mark

Total Word count: 1500

Please submit both parts in one single document.

Deadline: 17 January 2021 at 23:59 CEST

Suitable Reference System: Harvard

Assessment Criteria:

1. Library/Internet based research. Try to use a mixture of resources – books, articles as well
as the internet.

2. Understanding of the issues raised by the questions.

3. Concise and clear presentation. Acknowledge any quotes, ideas or arguments that are not
your own using the Harvard system. Include a list of references.

4. Originality and a critical and questioning approach. It is important to be objective and to
support statements with evidence.

5. A logical structure.

Good Luck!

RUNNING HEAD: Business management plan 1

Business management plan 7

Assignment, Business management plan

Student Name

Student Affiliation (For example Department + Institute Name)

Course Name and Number

Instructor Name


Dalton (2017) describes the imaginative business frameworks and Management related assets are more needed with time.. There are more than billions of Management preliminaries for related plans and development advantages for new organizations, while on the way to like the market strategies (Dalton, 2017). The standard of the excess sum is given by the iwi Management area with a fluctuated rate in the subsequent business quarter. Subordinate upon the introduction to the outer fairs there are two or three focuses to be passed on by the policy of the government. The standards of developing public and environmental plans for the structure in a sensible business framework are strategically related transducers.

Alvarez (2018) provides data that these are intended to reduce the expense in import and cost quality association. The question arises that this will manufacture the entry for a short period later (Alvarez, 2018). The uncertainty for knowing up the most recent strategy has to oversee business techniques that are more meandered and effectively open. The business systems for many territories have built up the monstrous turnover of the industrialization and harming treatment plans (Alvarez, 2018). The theories have purported to improve with lawful business plans and before the completion of optimized policies. There were charge assortments that indulge other methodologies for research studies, to assess global business strategies.

The board must be separated with different customer dealing and business opportunities according to Matović (2020). The clarifications for the business expansion were the material increase with the purging of market utilities. The monetary changes continually change till new policies; strategies have proposed assorted endeavor procedures to restricted countries with eco-transformations business territories (Matović, 2020). Numerous worldwide management arrangements and deciphered theories have found the fundamental need for an authoritative structure and their advancement development. Future questions and mediations will offer more learned prize capacities. Understaffing the viewpoints there are low profile monetary danger appraisals where business specialists don’t fall in the locale of re-venture technique.

This was explained by Niknazar (2016) the centrality of business theories and their answers are a lot of examined over the entire districts of significant worth insistence. The moderate correction of budgetary emergencies and market assessment will endure the rising question and theories. There are certain points where fundamental theories of ethical marketable strategies are executed to ensure the cost of good misfortune (Niknazar, 2016). A portion of the huge issue appraisal and backing has noticed the ethical method to manage to give productive results. The controversy of not having a specific compensation basic is the key innovative philosophy of a clear business strategy, to avail the market opportunities.

Raquel (2019) describes that there are a bit of the fundamental mechanical assemblies of enthusiastic weight, money related crises, and environmental factors with most winning issues like remuneration selective. There is delegate purchaser where faithfulness is more by giving complete business workplaces (Raquel, 2019). Business entrepreneurs prepare its educational synopses meaning to address its accomplices through a fitting path and to keep them indulged by affirmations about the strategy related show of business. This accomplice data engages us to operate what moral business exercises can be used to satisfy. Understand the sensible and driving purpose behind the social and pay methodology with crucial and essential thinking strategies.

This will sort out the essential sufficiency of the issue itemizing the cycle in business provided by Dahlgaard (2018). The general public with business cutoff points may grasp the factorial issues winning in creating undertakings and various associations (Dahlgaard, 2018). The overall population with business cutoff points may affect the factorial issues winning in creating adventures and various associations. Around the globe, there are inconspicuous ways to deal with the technique of fundamental thinking and dynamic methodology by the instructional course. Quality elements recuperate the legal authoritative plans and partner with political crossing points and progressive factors. Some gave approaches for business strategies to challenge the seeking after method with social control.

Tipu (2019) explained the envisioning objectives and mediations they have detailed various rules, approaches, and key advancement. To control the unit of business plans have centering techniques and coordination for making it under assorted examination. To adapt up to a multifunctional business plan there must be restricted obstructions to business economy (Tipu, 2019). Quality administration and social viewpoints will find the planning and partnership measures for more development in business management stages. The making of progress with quick impediment and association arrangements render the worker and client’s points of view. Some have other inconsistencies and properties to use quick vital minutes, documentation, and devotion over specific assignments will likewise portray great outcomes.

Tuczek (2017) identified with the way that quick organizations and theories have acclimatized diverse business procedures. Guided standards and driving limits will decide the potential results and introduce the speed examination with imparting factors. There are diverse vital methodologies for associations; some will advance their system to oblige speed progress. Later on, numerous organizations have redirected their basic capacities, practices, and quality affirmations with consumer loyalty (Tuczek, 2017). The danger of expanded rates will convey more drafted misfortune to bring higher market stock costs yet greater improvement pathways will affect later plans. For different business plans the danger to regulate the current condition, constructing their firm will optimize business tools.

The main controversy will be that it will make an alternative to hold the useful relative of risk planning given by Welch (2016). The relatable substance of business is the board that has depicted the total for relative plan development (Welch, 2016). Offering less use of power lessening power load over the assessment material will sort out how to save fantastic aptitudes in business events (Welch, 2016). The risk of the business objective is to fulfill progression based electronic record and stimulated data for the clients. The unanswered aspects are so that they can without an entirely astounding stretch appear as information and recovered business plan.

William (2017) explained by using the best essential genuine variables will work at various appraisal levels. Counter-checking the compensation sources there will an immensely improved business condition to provide the overflowing (Williams, 2017). Some data questions arise that the recovering of market worth will also circle air through various components identified with business tools. This reveals the running of associations and engaging social substances with different neighbors. All the genuine concepts of things and business are with the exchange. The current speculation intersections are of business Management use for delivering the strategic related boundary.

Work cited

W. R.Dalton, W., & K.nelson, K. (2017, June 02). Using environmental report cards to monitor implementation of iwi plans and strategies, including restoration plans. Retrieved from

Alvarez, S., , Afuah, A., Gibson, C., E., A., A., A. S., . . . Courtney, V. R. (2018, February 13). Editors’ Comments: Should Management Theories Take Uncertainty Seriously? Retrieved from

Matović, I. M. (2020). Evolution of the Business Plan in Contemporary Business. Retrieved from

Niknazar, P., & Bourgault, M. (2016, November 26). Theories for classification vs. classification as theory: Implications of classification and typology for the development of project management theories. Retrieved from

Raquel Ferreras-Garcia,, R., & Enric Serradell-López, E. (2019, August 12). Entrepreneurial competences in a higher education business plan course. Retrieved from

Su Mi Dahlgaard-Park, S. (2018, June 13). The evolution and convergence of total quality management and management theories. Retrieved from

Tipu, S. A. (2019, March 04). Business plan competitions in developed and emerging economies: What do we still need to know? Retrieved from

Tuczek, F., Castka, P., & Wakolbinger, T. (2017, December 28). A review of management theories in the context of quality, environmental and social responsibility voluntary standards. Retrieved from

Welch, M., Mogren, E. T., & Beeney, L. (2016, January 26). A Literature Review of the Beneficial Use of Dredged Material and Sediment Management Plans and Strategies. Retrieved from

Williams, M., Bagwell, J., & Zozus, M. N. (2017, May 09). Data management plans: The missing perspective. Retrieved from

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