
I have attached the import process in my own words and I added on red some extra info that I hope you can help me somehow add to it because is supposed to be 1,000 words and my summary is only around 500.

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I copy that excel sheet but all I need


is the paper my class mates have other responsibilities.

could you please help me ?

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In APA Format – using 1,000+ words, fully describe the costs, times/schedules, routes, modes of transportation, documentation, Incoterms and companies used to transport Materials/goods described in the attachment. All goods/materials are made and packed already, please do not describe manufacturing, marketing, sales etc… Process, ONLY Transportation.


One good per team

Feel free to make reasonable assumptions, if needed, about business names, brand names, weight per unit, size, business names etc..

Use trustable sources, concepts from class and common sense.

Origins must be Inland cities where the goods are manufactured originally.

Destinations must be Inland cities where the customers or retail stores or warehouses are located.

Rising Demand for USMs from Maintenance, Repair, & Overhaul Providers to Aid Growth

Nowadays, Overhauled, used and serviceable items are facing high-level demand worldwide due to their capacity to reduce the maintenance cost of the airplanes. Parts are taken out of retired aircraft and are installed in active commercial aircraft. Numerous maintenances, repair, and overhaul (MRO) providers are extensively using USMs owing to the rising number of aging aircraft. This is a vital factor that is set to propel commercial aircraft disassembly, dismantling, and recycling market growth.

For this case, we are bringing Aircraft parts from Taiwan Aircraft and engineering to GA Telesis LLC in Ft Lauderdale.

We requested quotes from different Freight Forwarders (NNR, K&N, SpeedAir) and Airlines (China Airlines, China Eastern Cargo Airlines) from Port of Kaohsiung to MIA Port under Door to Port Incoterms. No Duties and Taxes included.

We finally decide to went with SpeedAir’s Ocean quote because it was cheaper and we considered this a long term project since parts were in AR condition and would have to go out to an MRO for repair and certification before available to the market.

Quote Included collection at pick up location via trucking for $… Port Kaohsiung in Taiwan, THC, export declaration Fee and few more.

During this process we learned that for DG units need MSDS document issued within 3 years is necessary to get a rate from shipping lines. Cockpit voice recorder, slide ASSY, ELT-Survival or a Flight data recorder are some examples of the DG units we were bringing.

As we waited for Freight Forwarder to provide HBL for our review, we asked vendor to ensure everything was appropriately packed to avoid any moisture and to provide pictures of the packing.

After HBL was provided and all the required information was confirmed ( Shipper, Consignee, Port of destination, etc ) we waited for FF to provide ISF to submit before Vessel sailing.

For ISF filing and Customs clearance we found and hired HYH as our broker, to make sure we had an expert involve avoiding any delays. HYH provided us with ISF confirmation #, which then we shared with FF.

Ga Telesis Trade Compliance department assisted with HTS codes and MFG Country of origin to provide to HYH import team for customs clearance. HYH charged us about $4.00 per PN and we had around 300.

After shipment sailed, we provided HYH with Invoice, Packing List and PDF with HTS codes and MFG country of origin for customs clearance purposes. We will also provide Arrival Notice once FF provides it.

We Also contacted Have Transport Solution Corp to collect our 2×40 containers at MIA port for delivery in 33309 Fort Lauderdale. HTSC charged us $550.00 for EA container. They monitored the shipment for us and gave us updates.

Since the shipment took over 2 months, we had to be on top of HYH broker to make sure the customs clearance was ready at the time of the arrival. then, we HYH took care of Handling charges, Port security fee, arrival notice and landing fee, that were due to release containers.

After we got proof of the payment provide it to Have Transport Solutions and include all related PPW including a Pickup order from GA Telesis authorizing them to collect in our behalf.

Once ETA is provided we advised our warehouse manager that shipment was coming so that they could be ready to unload Containers.

What are Incoterms, and what terms of sale decisions do they help to clarify?International terms of sale are covered by International Commercial Terms (Incoterms). International transactions often present greater challenges, and parties to the transaction must understand how these terms of sale can impact transportation decision making. Even a relatively straightforward international transaction involves long distances, multiple modes of transportation and logistics intermediaries, duties and tariffs, government inspections, and significant opportunity for damage or delay. Thus, transportation managers must be extremely concerned about when and where the title to the goods will change hands.Incoterms facilitate efficient freight flows between countries. As described by the International Chamber of Commerce, Incoterms are international rules that are accepted by governments, legal authorities, and practitioners worldwide for the interpretation of the most commonly used terms in international trade. They address matters relating to the rights and obligations of the parties to the contract of sale with respect to the delivery of goods sold. These terms of saledecisions help to clarify the following questions:Who will be responsible for control and care of the goods while in transit?�Who will be responsible for carrier selection, transfers, and related product �”flow” issues?Who will bear various costs – freight, insurance, taxes, duties, and �forwarding fees?Who will handle documentation, problem resolution, and other related issues?�The most recent update, known as Incoterms 2010, is an effort to simplify these trade terms. The number of Incoterms options has been reduced from 13 to 11, seven of which apply to all modes of transportation and four of which apply onlyto water transportation. Among other changes, Incoterms 2010 have been clarifiedso that they can apply to both international and domestic freight. Taking control of freight through Incoterms allows organizations to leverage their purchasing power with specific carriers to achieve lower rates, coordinateinbound and outbound flows, and consolidate freight to achieve greater efficiencies. Other potential benefits include the ability to manage risk, achieve greater freight visibility, and ensure available equipment capacity2. What is modal selection? What are the key determinants in choosing a mode? A critical transportation management issue is modal selection; it affects how quickly and efficiently products will flow across portions of the supply chain. If an organization has determined that controlling the transportation process and using external service providers (for-hire carriers or 3PLs) are in its bestinterest, it must then determine which mode(s) of transportation to use.

The mode of transportation is an important consideration when planning the shipment process. Besides the costs, the urgency of the shipment, the value of the goods being shipped as well as the size and weight of the goods need to be evaluated when determining the form of transportation.


Seaborne trade accounts for about 90% of the global trade

, and as per UNCTAD, 1687 million tons (2015 estimate) were carried in around 177.6 million containers (2015 estimate) covering 998 billion ton-miles (2016 estimate).

Because of size or volume, there are several types of cargoes that cannot be or is economically unviable to move by other modes of transport than the sea.

Ocean freight is a less expensive method of shipping goods, but the drawback is a longer transit time. Another benefit for ocean freight is while size and weight may be an issue for air; it is not for ocean freight.

Ocean freight is used quite extensively for the movement of bulk commodities such as agri-products (wheat, maize, soya, etc.), coal, iron ore or for wet bulk products such as crude oil and petroleum. Also, larger, odd-shaped items including engines and propellers may move via this mode as well, depending on how sensitive the delivery time is.

Ocean freight is also a preferred mode of transport for the movement of high volume and heavy cargo such as minerals, metals, ores, steel coils, etc. which would be impossible to move by air freight.

Additionally, businesses are placing more of an emphasis on the environmental impact on shipping. An air freight service emits a higher amount of polluting gases with less space capacity compared to sea freight services which are considered a much greener transportation mode

10+2 Rule: “United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has announced a new rule, known as the 

Importer Security Filing (ISF)

 or more commonly called 10+2; which requires cargo information, for security purposes, to be transmitted to the agency at least 48 hours before goods are loaded onto an ocean vessel for shipment into the U.S. 10+2 is pursuant to section 203 of the SAFE Port Act, and requires importers to provide 10 data elements to CBP, as well as 2 more data elements from the carrier. On January 26, 2010, 10+2 was officially effective and importers are required to comply. If compliance is not met, they can face fines up to $5,000 for each violation. The proposed rule was known to the trade as both the ‘Importer Security Filing proposal’ and the ‘10 + 2 proposal’. The name “10 + 2” is shorthand for the number of advance data elements CBP will collect.

The following 10 data elements are required from the importer:

Manufacturer (or supplier) name and address

Seller (or owner) name and address

Buyer (or owner) name and address

Ship-to name and address

Container stuffing location

Consolidator (stuffer) name and address

Importer of record number/foreign trade zone applicant identification number

Consignee number(s)

Country of origin

Commodity Harmonized Tariff Schedule number

From the carrier, 2 data elements are required:

Vessel stow plan

Container status messages”¹

24-Hour Rule: “An amendment to the U.S. Trade Act of 2002 requiring that sea carriers and Non-Vessel Operating Common Carriers (NVOCCs) provide U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) with detailed descriptions of the contents of sea containers bound for the United States 

24 hours before the container is loaded

 on board a vessel. The cargo information required is that which is reasonably necessary to enable high-risk shipments to be identified for purposes of ensuring cargo safety and security and preventing smuggling pursuant to the laws enforced and administered by CBP. This information must be detailed and be transmitted electronically through approved systems.

with a higher carrying capacity.

Key benefits of ocean freight include

Suitable for wide range of products with long lead times

Large volumes. A single, ultra-large container ship can carry +/-20,000 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU)

Most environmental friendly among all modes of transport

Economical. Liner shipping is the most efficient mode of transport for goods

Extensive coverage around the world

Multiple carrier options for the shippers


>Paper Case plan 1



s 3

. Sample Pics of Goods and Materials to be transported Name

Anakaren Laplante


Raw Cotton Fabric Raw Pharmaucetical Materials Anthony Blandon

Antonio Landa

Christopher Ayala

Daniel Hoyos Acevedo

Daniel Padilla

Danny Sanchez

Darreon Devero

Edwin Luna

Eva Briceno Rodriguez

Francisco Camargo

Fredericka McPherson

Jose Rafael Tirado Toro 4 Joubens Jules

Katiana Aboite


Olive oil Kourtney Thompson

Lance Cutrer 5 Lisa Burgess

Lisa Lugo

Luis Castro

Mariangelica Escalona 6 Michael Davis

Patricia Joseph

Reynaldo Sierra 7 Sophia Rigg

Stephane Theodore

Steve Hernandez 8 Tyler Atkinson

Yuxuan Shen

Yvenson Clervil

2. Assignment Details Good or Material Number and type of units
William Blanco: Number of units can be increased according to needs


Inland City-State-Country Destination
Inland City-State-Country Raw Cotton Fabric

5,000 Bales


-USA -Vietnam Raw Pharmaucetical Materials

20 Pallets



Olive oil

5,000 dozens of bottles



Pair of shoes/Sneakers 10,000 pairs

4 -China -USA
Covid 19 Vaccine 10 Pallets


-Belgium -Mexico Christmas Trees Dried Soy beans (Bulk) 100 Metric Tons

6 -USA -China

Pair of shoes/Snickers Fresh Christmas Trees 5,000 Trees


-Canada -Germany Dried raw coffee beans 5,000 Sacks/Bags


-Costa Rica

All Origin and Destination Cities must be Inland, do a realistic research. State may be equivalent to Provinces or other geograpical distribution larger than a city These types of tables and route maps are expected to be in the paper and presentation Dried raw coffee beans

Soy Beans 4. Optional sources

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