RES 861 assignments

Part 1

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For this assignment, you will turn your attention to the Problem Statement and Research Method Choice Alignment sections of the

Research Prospectus Template

. As you begin to think about your research topic, you must consider how it is related to your degree program (e.g., DM, DCS) and your concentration area. In addition, it is necessary to reflect upon the problem you plan to study and through this process of reflection to develop a justification of how your choice of research method is appropriate for addressing the study problem you have chosen.

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Locate the Problem Statement section of the Research Prospectus, and draft 1 paragraph of no more than 250–300 words that addresses the following:

  • Describe the study problem you will focus on for your dissertation project.
  • The problem must be both practice-based and scholarship-supported, and therefore needs to consider both practice and recent research.
  • Cite theoretical, conceptual, and empirical peer-reviewed literature to support the relevance of your proposed study problem.

Remember this is the first draft of your study problem and you will continue to refine this problem until your Dissertation Proposal has been approved.

Note: Throughout this course you will submit all of your Individual Project assignments in your Research Prospectus Template as a working draft. As the course proceeds through all sections of the Research Prospectus, it will provide an ongoing opportunity to refine each section based on instructor feedback.

Part 2

 For this assignment, you will compose a draft of the Study Purpose and Research Question sections of your Research Prospectus.

  • Study Purpose section: Begin with “The purpose of the [method choice] [research approach/design] study is to….” Following this, provide a brief rationale for your method choice. Next, specify your research site, target population, sampling method, proposed sample size, data collection method, and the data analysis software you plan to use. Finally, briefly articulate what you expect to be the contribution of study findings to both professional practice and scholarship in your field/concentration.
  • Research Question section: State the single overarching research question that will guide your study. (Note: For a quantitative or mixed methods study, you will also complete the Hypothesis(es) section; delete this section if you are planning a qualitative study.)
  • Ensure that you are able to demonstrate a clear alignment of your “trio”—the problem statement, study purpose, and research question.
  • Look ahead to the Research Method Rationale section, and provide an early draft of this section in your submission that matches the research method and research design choice included in your purpose sentence.

Note: Throughout this course, you will submit all of your Individual Project assignments in your Research Prospectus Template as a working draft. As the course proceeds through all sections of the Research Prospectus, it will provide an ongoing opportunity to refine each section based on instructor feedback.

Part 3


For this assignment, you will compose a draft of your Review of the Literature Plan section of the Research Prospectus. The Research Prospectus Template provides guidance to help you through this process. Remember: Your deliverable for this assignment is NOT a literature review; rather, it is a literature review plan for what specific types of literature you will explore for your study and what rationale guides you in this process to ensure your plan is solid and appropriate for your chosen study topic.

Note: Throughout this course, you will submit all of your Individual Project assignments in your Research Prospectus Template as a working draft. As the course proceeds through all sections of the Research Prospectus, it will provide an ongoing opportunity to refine each section based on instructor feedback.

Part 4


The version of your Research Prospectus that you submit for this assignment is your first, full draft of the document and will culminate in a final polished Research Prospectus submission for Unit 6. You will receive feedback on this draft from your instructor and incorporate that feedback in a second, final version of the Research Prospectus to be submitted for the Unit 6 Individual Project. Your Research Prospectus will be a narrative that details the major components of your proposed research, developed at a relatively early stage of your doctoral program. The Prospectus guides your preparation of the full-blown Research Proposal, and will serve as a roadmap for continued refinement of your thinking as you progress into your second year of the doctoral program. A quality Research Prospectus is a milestone deliverable for this course and your dissertation journey. See the research course milestones in the

Doctoral Resource Center


As you complete the full draft, be sure to revisit the Research Method Rationale and provide a full justification for your research method choice and research design/approach that is aligned with your study problem. Consider revisiting your qualitative and quantitative course work where you may have begun a draft of this section and finalize your decisions. Be sure to cite the relevant and specific scholarly research guides aligned with your method and design choices. Please avoid general research texts such as Creswell, and instead choose specific guides that are well-aligned with your research approach. 

The Prospectus should be 8–10 pages, not including title and reference pages, and formatted in APA. The title page should include a working title of no more than 12 words for your dissertation.

In the body of the Prospectus, DO include headings for each section. You will use the Research Prospectus Template to complete the document. Remember to delete the rubric that is attached at the end of the template. You will also find the Prospectus Template in the Doctoral Resource Center.

The final Research Prospectus must be formatted per the template requirements as well as accurate APA.

[Titleof no more than 12 words and includes method choice]

Research Prospectus

Colorado Technical University

Student Name

Month Year

[Note. The Research Prospectus is a significant milestone in the journey toward your CTU dissertation research study. An approved Research Prospectus demonstrates your achievement of a viable research problem and alignment of the research method choice, problem, purpose, and research question. Your Research Prospectus will be approved when your instructor has deemed all criteria on the Research Prospectus Evaluation Rubric as “Met.”]


[Insert an abstract of no more than 150 words to summarize the study problem, purpose, variables or constructs, method choice rationale, and plans to conduct the review of the literature. Note. The title page and Abstract page have no page numbers. The


begins as page 1. Be sure to remove all red template instructional content as you prepare your Research Prospectus draft.]

[CTU Research Prospectus Template v2.0 August 2020]


[The Research Prospectus is double-spaced throughout with Level 1 headers for each required section. The Abstract,


, and any appendices headers (known as front and back matter in scholarly publishing) are also using Level 1 header. The Research Prospectus begins with an introduction to the study problem that includes enough background information and term definitions for the reader to understand the problem statement and all key terms used within the study problem. Remember the proposed study is first introduced in the study purpose statement below and not in the introduction as this is an introduction to the study problem. The introduction is no longer than 2 pages.]

[Start intro here…]

Problem Statement

[The problem statement is one paragraph of text (not multiple paragraphs) of no more than 250-350 well-supported words to describe the study problem of focus. The University requires dissertation problems to be both practice-based and scholarship-supported, so the description of the problem must include both practice considerations and the current research. A quality Research Prospectus presents a well-aligned Problem, Purpose and

Research Question

, clearly articulated, and substantiated through citation of the appropriate theoretical, conceptual, and empirical peer-reviewed literature. This section begins with the sentence:

The problem is…


The problem is…

Study Purpose

[This section begins with the sentence to introduce the study: The purpose of the [method choice] [research approach/design] study is to… Following the study purpose sentence, the Purpose section will introduce a brief rationale for the choice of study method followed by research site, target population, sampling method, proposed sample size, data collection method, data analysis method, and the analysis software to be used. The Purpose section will close with a statement of the potential contributions of the study findings to professional practice and the scholarship.]

The purpose of the …

Research Question

[One overarching research question will guide the study. An introduction to the question will be offered here and the question will be formatted as a Level 2 APA header as shown below. Clear alignment must be demonstrated between the problem, purpose, and research question.]

The study research question….


[Phrasing for the research question must align with the traditions and conventions of the study method choice]?


[Optional sub-research questions will be presented for quantitative or mixed methods studies with multiple hypotheses and formatted using Level


APA headers as shown]



[Hypotheses are required only for quantitative and mixed methods studies. If the study involves multiple hypotheses, sub-research questions are required above to align with each hypothesis. Variables introduced in the Purpose must be labeled verbatim to how they were introduced above to ensure alignment. Both a null followed by an alternate hypothesis are required and hypothesis headers are formatted as Level 2 APA headers. No introduction is required before the hypothesis(es)]


[Phrasing for each null hypothesis must align with the traditions and conventions of the study method choice].


[Phrasing for each alternate hypothesis must be the identical contrast to the null and align with the traditions and conventions of the study method choice].

Research Method Rationale

[The Research Methods Rationale section will present a continuation of the brief method rationale from the Purpose section above to fully describe the research traditions and paradigmatic perspectives that justify the choice of the research method and design/approach as appropriate to address the study problem. In addition, a justification for how and why the method choice and research design/approach align with the degree program discipline and area of concentration as supported by the current scholarship of the respective discipline.]

The research method selected for this study is…

Review of the Literature Plan

[This section will begin with a brief introductory paragraph followed by a topical outline to present the primary areas of research as aligned with the study problem to be explored within the literature review. Be sure to consider the theoretical, conceptual, and empirical peer-reviewed literature as you categorically plan out the areas of the literature to be reviewed for the dissertation study. The topical outline will be formatted as Level 2 APA headers.]

The plan to conduct the review of literature will involve…

[Theme 1 Label]

[Theme 2 Label]

[Theme 3 Label]


[References will be formatted per APA 7th ed. guidelines, double-spaced, and left justified with hanging indent for second and subsequent lines of the source citation.]

Author, A., & Author, B. (year). Article title. Journal title, V(I), ##-##.



[Optional: When an appendix or appendices are to be included, format per APA 7th ed. guidelines]


Research Question


Research Prospectus Evaluation Rubric



(Instructor please check)

Does Not Meet

(Instructor please check)

Instructor Feedback

Front Matter

Title Page

· Title no more than 12 words

· Title reflects method choice

· Title aligned with Trio and discipline/ concentration

· Title no more than 12 words
· Title reflects method choice

· Title lacks alignment with Trio

· Title page APA errors


· Meets 150 word limit

· Summary of all required components

· Exceeds 150 words

· Missing summary for required components

· No more than 2 pages

· Key terms defined

· Adequate introduction to the study problem

· Adequate citations for scholarship support

· Exceeds 2 pages in length

· Missing term definitions

· Unclear introduction to the study problem

· Inadequate citations for scholarship support


Problem Statement

· Meets length requirement (250-350 words)

· Meets paragraph format

· Adequate citations for scholarship support of the study problem

· Exceeds length requirement

· Incomplete scholarship citations to justify problem

· Problem lacks alignment with Purpose and RQ

Study Purpose

· Purpose well aligned with Problem and RQ

· All required components introduced

· Adequate statement of proposed contribution

· Purpose lacks alignment with Problem and RQ

· Missing required components

· Missing statement of proposed contribution

· RQ aligned with Problem and Purpose

· RQ phrasing aligned with traditions/ conventions of method choice

· RQ phrasing aligned with conventions of the discipline/ concentration

· RQ lacks alignment with Problem and Purpose

· RQ phrasing not aligned with traditions/conventions of method choice

· RQ phrasing not aligned with conventions of the discipline/ concentration

Research Method Rationale

· Adequate description of research traditions

· Adequate paradigmatic perspective

· Adequate rationale for method fit

· Missing research traditions

· Missing paradigmatic perspective

· Inadequate rationale for method fit

· Lacks alignment with discipline/concentration

Review of the Literature Plan

· Adequate description of literature review plan

· Literature review themes align with study problem

· Literature review themes align with discipline/concentration

· Incomplete description of literature review plan

· Literature review themes lack alignment with study problem

· Literature review themes lack alignment with discipline/concentration

Back Matter

· Double spaced with proper indent

· Formatted per APA 7th ed. guidelines

· Spacing/indent errors

· High error rate of APA 7th ed. guidelines



· Adequately formatted per APA 7th ed. guidelines

· Formatting errors per APA 7th ed. guidelines

Qualitative study of mental health services as a social entrepreneurship

Research Prospectus

Colorado Technical University


January 22, 2021


The purpose of the qualitative study is to establish how the provision of mental health services as part of social entrepreneurship can benefit the nation with special emphasis placed on the state of Texas. Through understanding the mind of those in need of mental health services with special emphasis on the acceptance and rejection of mental health services it will be possible to come up with a business model that is attractive to those in need of the services. The target population will be residents of Texas. The study will be based on the qualitative methodology. The literature review section of the study will be divided into seven sections. The seven sections are mental health infrastructure, populations that accept mental health, populations that reject mental health, populations that have access to mental health, populations that do not have access to mental health, reasons for the rejection of mental health and the reasons for the use of mental health services.

[CTU Research Prospectus Template v2.0 August 2020]


[Kohn et al. (2018) noted that in the United States (US), there is the existence of a gap between mental health patients that require treatment and those that successfully receive the treatment. Overall, there is a need to identify the social determinants of mental disorders, align them with its sustainable development goals, and identify potential mechanisms and targets for interventions (Lund, et al. 2018). Specifically, Lund et al., (2018) have expressed a need for further research on the reasons why people decide to utilize or reject mental health services.

This research study will examine the factors according to mental health providers that influence an individuals’ decision to utilize or reject mental health services. The mental health providers will be asked for strategies to encourage patients to accept and to not reject treatment at the start of treatment and when continuing treatment. This research is needed to systematically review evidence regarding the potential mechanisms that cause people to utilize or reject mental health treatment. By so doing it will be possible to develop a business model that is based on the offering of mental health services. Such a business will not only generate income considering that there is a high rise in mental health complications but it will help in addressing the social issue of mental illnesses. The research hopes to confirm the viability of a business tied around mental health provision as a social entrepreneurship.

There is a need for the research at several levels. The reasons why people choose to utilize or reject treatment lead to a treatment gap. According to Kohn, et al. (2018), there is a gap in mental health treatment in America when examined through the prevalence of mental health disorders and the lack of use of mental health services. For example, while 42.6% of children and adolescents in the US suffered mental illness, the treatment gap in this group was 64%. The use or rejection of mental health services depends upon the collaborative nature of participating in treatment; the patient and the provider work together to make the therapy worthwhile.

Mental health is a national problem as well. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Justice, millions of people suffer from mental illness in this country. According to the National Alliance on Mental Health (2019), 47.6 million people in the U.S. experienced signs of a mental illness in 2018. This amounts to one in every five adults. Roughly 11.4 million Adults between the ages of 25 and 35 had an episode of serious mental illness that same year.

In 2016, 7.7 million young people between the ages of 6 and 17 experienced some sort of mental health disorder, while 9.2 million people were reported to have experienced a substance use disorder (National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2019). The high numbers necessitate raising public awareness and campaigning for a better health care system ( al. 2016). Through the development of a business model targeting those in need of mental health services, it will be possible to not only generate income for the services rendered but it will be possible for a social issue to be addressed.

Problem Statement Comment by Dawn Howell: This should be centered and your Problem Statement should be no more than one paragraph of 250-350 words. Yours is 2 paragraphs. What does research say about your topic. You need to cover the “well supported” element of the task. Research tells us ….. Also, you need to include the remainder of the template in each submission regardless of whether they are filled out or not. Each task is interwoven with the one before and the one after.

The problem is that it is not known how mental health providers describe the factors influencing individual decisions to utilize or reject mental health services. Without an understanding of what the reasons are for use or rejection, it is unlikely that successful interventions can occur that would enable more people to utilize mental health services.

The importance of addressing this problem is because people’s mental health depends on their use or rejection of mental health treatment. Knowing the positive reasons that people take advantage of services may help bring additional people in need in contact with services. Knowing the barriers may lead to policies or programs that can overcome the barriers. Lack of mental health treatment has dire implications including lost productivity, unemployment, job absenteeism, and lack of involvement in the community (Mental Health Workforce in Texas, 2016).

Augsberger, A., Yeung, A., Dougher, M., & Hahm, H. C. (2015). Factors influencing the underutilization of mental health services among Asian American women with a history of depression and suicide. BMC health services research, 15(1), 542.



Colorafi, K. J., & Evans, B. (2016). Qualitative descriptive methods in health science research. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 9(4), 16-25.

Hamilton, J. E., Desai, P. V., Hoot, N. R., Gearing, R. E., Jeong, S., Meyer, T. D., … & Begley, C. E. (2016). Factors associated with the likelihood of hospitalization following emergency department visits for behavioral health conditions. Academic Emergency Medicine, 23(11), 1257-1266.

Kim, Sefcik, & Bradway (2017): Staying focused on non-treatment seekers.

Kohn, R., Ali, A. A., Puac-Polanco, V., Figueroa, C., López-Soto, V., Morgan, K., . . . Vicente, B. (2018). Mental health in the Americas: An overview of the treatment gap. Revista Panamericana De Salud Publica = Pan American Journal of Public Health, 42, e165. doi:10.26633/RPSP.2018.165

Lund, C., Brooke-Sumner, C., Baingana, F., Baron, E. C., Breuer, E., Chandra, P., . . . Saxena, S. (2018). Social determinants of mental disorders and the sustainable development goals: A systematic review of reviews. The Lancet Psychiatry, 5(4), 357-369. doi:10.1016/S2215-0366(18)30060-9

National Alliance on Mental Health (2020). Never Be Ashamed of Seeking Help.

The Mental Health Workforce in Texas, (2016). Continuing Challenges & Sensible Strategies.


Qualitative study of mental health services as a social entrepreneurship

Research Prospectus

Colorado Technical University


January 22, 2021


The purpose of the qualitative study is to establish how the provision of mental health services as part of social entrepreneurship can benefit the nation with special emphasis placed on the state of Texas. Through understanding the mind of those in need of mental health services with special emphasis on the acceptance and rejection of mental health services it will be possible to come up with a business model that is attractive to those in need of the services. The target population will be residents of Texas. The study will be based on the qualitative methodology. The literature review section of the study will be divided into seven sections. The seven sections are mental health infrastructure, populations that accept mental health, populations that reject mental health, populations that have access to mental health, populations that do not have access to mental health, reasons for the rejection of mental health and the reasons for the use of mental health services.

[CTU Research Prospectus Template v2.0 August 2020]


[Kohn et al. (2018) noted that in the United States (US), there is the existence of a gap between mental health patients that require treatment and those that successfully receive the treatment. Overall, there is a need to identify the social determinants of mental disorders, align them with its sustainable development goals, and identify potential mechanisms and targets for interventions (Lund, et al. 2018). Specifically, Lund et al., (2018) have expressed a need for further research on the reasons why people decide to utilize or reject mental health services.

This research study will examine the factors according to mental health providers that influence an individuals’ decision to utilize or reject mental health services. The mental health providers will be asked for strategies to encourage patients to accept and to not reject treatment at the start of treatment and when continuing treatment. This research is needed to systematically review evidence regarding the potential mechanisms that cause people to utilize or reject mental health treatment. By so doing it will be possible to develop a business model that is based on the offering of mental health services. Such a business will not only generate income considering that there is a high rise in mental health complications but it will help in addressing the social issue of mental illnesses. The research hopes to confirm the viability of a business tied around mental health provision as a social entrepreneurship.

There is a need for the research at several levels. The reasons why people choose to utilize or reject treatment lead to a treatment gap. According to Kohn, et al. (2018), there is a gap in mental health treatment in America when examined through the prevalence of mental health disorders and the lack of use of mental health services. For example, while 42.6% of children and adolescents in the US suffered mental illness, the treatment gap in this group was 64%. The use or rejection of mental health services depends upon the collaborative nature of participating in treatment; the patient and the provider work together to make the therapy worthwhile.

Mental health is a national problem as well. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Justice, millions of people suffer from mental illness in this country. According to the National Alliance on Mental Health (2019), 47.6 million people in the U.S. experienced signs of a mental illness in 2018. This amounts to one in every five adults. Roughly 11.4 million Adults between the ages of 25 and 35 had an episode of serious mental illness that same year.

In 2016, 7.7 million young people between the ages of 6 and 17 experienced some sort of mental health disorder, while 9.2 million people were reported to have experienced a substance use disorder (National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2019). The high numbers necessitate raising public awareness and campaigning for a better health care system ( al. 2016). Through the development of a business model targeting those in need of mental health services, it will be possible to not only generate income for the services rendered but it will be possible for a social issue to be addressed.

Problem Statement Comment by Dawn Howell: Please see my comments made on your Unit 1 IP submission. The notes made there have no been amended.

The problem is that it is not known how mental health providers describe the factors influencing individual decisions to utilize or reject mental health services. Without an understanding of what the reasons are for use or rejection, it is unlikely that successful interventions can occur that would enable more people to utilize mental health services.

The importance of addressing this problem is because people’s mental health depends on their use or rejection of mental health treatment. Knowing the positive reasons that people take advantage of services may help bring additional people in need in contact with services. Knowing the barriers may lead to policies or programs that can overcome the barriers. Lack of mental health treatment has dire implications including lost productivity, unemployment, job absenteeism, and lack of involvement in the community (Mental Health Workforce in Texas, 2016).

Study Purpose

The purpose of the qualitative study is to establish how the provision of mental health services as part of social entrepreneurship can benefit the nation. Through understanding the mind of those in need of mental health services with special emphasis on the acceptance and rejection of mental health services it will be possible to come up with a business model that is attractive to those in need of the services. The target population will be residents of Texas. Texas has been identified to have a relatively high number of people in need of mental health services. By understanding what drives people to seek mental health services, it will be possible for one to identify the best strategies to ensure that the proposed business meet its goal of money generation and solving a social issue.

Research Question

Research Questions Comment by Dawn Howell: These are not research questions, these are interview questions that will assist you in addressing your single research question.

The following research questions will help to guide this qualitative study:


RQ1: How do mental health providers identify reasons patients use mental health services?


RQ 2: How do mental health providers identify strategies to encourage patients to begin using mental health services?


RQ 3: How do mental health providers use the strategies to encourage patients to continue using mental health services?


RQ4: Why do mental health providers identify reasons patients reject mental health services?


RQ 5: How do mental health providers use strategies to address when patients reject beginning to use mental health services?


RQ 6: How do mental health providers use strategies to address patients who reject to continue using mental health services?

Hypothesis(es) Comment by Dawn Howell: These are not properly developed hypotheses based on your one research question.

The research questions are guided by the following hypothesis

· There is a high rate of mental health conditions in Southern Texas

· Cost is a factor impacting the population’s utilization of mental health services

Research Method Rationale

Qualitative methodology (Colorafi and Evans, 2016) will be used in this study. Qualitative methodology is the most appropriate methodology that provides rich data and not bound by limitations. Qualitative methods are appropriate because it will help to provide real life evidence from the interview with participants that have experiences giving primary data (Kim et al., 2017). In addition, it is also appropriate because data can be obtained to determine the health seeking behaviors (Kim et al., 2017). Comment by Dawn Howell: What type of qualitative study are you conducting? Phenomenology, grounded theory, case study, ethnography? You must identify this.

It is appropriate for answering the research questions that focus on the reasons that contribute to mental health patients to accept or reject treatment because it provides primary verbal data that is collected in detail. It is appropriate for addressing the problem statement which notes that there are factors that contribute to mental health patient’s decision whether to reject or accept treatment because of the effectiveness and flexibility in collecting information from the healthcare providers based on their experience.

The qualitative approach is very effective when a phenomenon has already being identified and defined. It is appropriate for this study because the phenomenon is clearly defined as the factors that mental health professionals identify as reasons people utilize or reject mental health services. The literature has determined the causes of the low utilization of mental health in South Texas to include limitations to accessing health care. It also identified other barriers to specialty mental health care utilization (Augsberger, Yeung, Dougher, &Hahm, 2015). What it has not defined are the reasons people use or reject mental health services.

Review of the Literature Plan Comment by Dawn Howell: This section is very good.

This literature review will address the issue that some populations openly seek out mental health services as they have identified that they are at high risk of mental illness. On the other hand, some populations reject mental health services regardless of whether they need it or not citing stigmatization and victimization (Sebastian & Richards, 2017). The need to understand the populations either accepting or rejecting mental health services stems out from the need to improve the mental health status of the nation.

The literature review seeks to reveal what is known as concerns the nation’s mental health. This literature review will address the topic of mental health services with special emphasis being placed on the availability of the service, the availability of infrastructure supporting the service and the perception of people towards the service. The review will analyze the populations that have readily accepted and are willing to seek mental health services as well as those that reject and are unwilling to seek mental health services. The review is based on the fact that not all people have embraced mental health services and on the fact that there is a gap in the delivery of mental health care services.

The chapter will be divided into seven sections. The seven sections are mental health infrastructure, populations that accept mental health, populations that reject mental health, populations that have access to mental health, populations that do not have access to mental health, reasons for the rejection of mental health and the reasons for the use of mental health services. All the sections will have three sub-sections. The subsections will include introduction of the section, themes in the section and synthesis of the sections.

The literature review in addition aims to compare the existing literature on mental health. The comparison is supposed to provide light on whether there are similar opinions and views on the subject. The comparison as well helps in the identification of the various divergent views on the subject matter. Seven sections organize this paper. The literature review is divided into seven sections so that to touch on all subjects that touches on mental health. The only subject that relates to mental health that is not touched on in the literature review is the treating of mental health. It is not touched on, as it is not the focus of the study. The first section is mental health infrastructure, and it focuses on the availability of mental health infrastructure in the nation. A review of literature in the section is based on the knowledge that mental health services infrastructures are not well distributed to offer assistance to those in need of mental health services.

The second section is a section that focuses on the reasons for lack of access to mental health. The need to review related literature is driven by the knowledge that there are individuals that need mental health; however, they choose not to get it. The third section analyzes the population that has easy access to mental health services. The fourth section deals with the populations that use mental health services. The fifth section focuses on the populations that reject mental health services. The sixth section focuses on the reasons for the use of mental health services. The review is on the need to understand why people seek or do not seek mental health services. The seventh section focuses on the reasons for the rejection of mental health services.

The literature will be conducted through a systematic review using the Scopus, Science Direct, PubMed, Cuiden, Cochrane, google scholar, ISI, and PsycINFO databases. The review was conducted using key terms related to the sections of the study. To make the study as relevant as possible, only studies done and published in the last five years were reviewed.

The problem of mental health has evolved historically overtime. Mental health in the United States has declined in the last twenty years. He cites that suicide rates have increased twice fold from 1990. Furthermore, he cites that the substance abuse more so of opiates has become epidemic. The disability award for mental disorders has also increased dramatically, a possible indication of the nation’s mental health dwindling.

This study will focus on the gap in research regarding the reasons people utilize or reject mental health treatment. The problem is that it is not known how mental health providers describe the factors influencing individual decisions to utilize or reject mental health services. Without an understanding of what the reasons are for use or rejection, it is unlikely that successful interventions can occur that would enable more people to utilize mental health services in the state.

Augsberger, A., Yeung, A., Dougher, M., & Hahm, H. C. (2015). Factors influencing the underutilization of mental health services among Asian American women with a history of depression and suicide. BMC health services research, 15(1), 542.



Colorafi, K. J., & Evans, B. (2016). Qualitative descriptive methods in health science research. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 9(4), 16-25.

Hamilton, J. E., Desai, P. V., Hoot, N. R., Gearing, R. E., Jeong, S., Meyer, T. D., … & Begley, C. E. (2016). Factors associated with the likelihood of hospitalization following emergency department visits for behavioral health conditions. Academic Emergency Medicine, 23(11), 1257-1266.

Kim, Sefcik, & Bradway (2017): Staying focused on non-treatment seekers.

Kohn, R., Ali, A. A., Puac-Polanco, V., Figueroa, C., López-Soto, V., Morgan, K., . . . Vicente, B. (2018). Mental health in the Americas: An overview of the treatment gap. Revista Panamericana De Salud Publica = Pan American Journal of Public Health, 42, e165. doi:10.26633/RPSP.2018.165

Lund, C., Brooke-Sumner, C., Baingana, F., Baron, E. C., Breuer, E., Chandra, P., . . . Saxena, S. (2018). Social determinants of mental disorders and the sustainable development goals: A systematic review of reviews. The Lancet Psychiatry, 5(4), 357-369. doi:10.1016/S2215-0366(18)30060-9

National Alliance on Mental Health (2020). Never Be Ashamed of Seeking Help.

The Mental Health Workforce in Texas, (2016). Continuing Challenges & Sensible Strategies.


Qualitative study of mental health services as a social entrepreneurship

Research Prospectus

Colorado Technical University


January 22, 2021


The purpose of the qualitative study is to establish how the provision of mental health services as part of social entrepreneurship can benefit the nation with special emphasis placed on the state of Texas. Through understanding the mind of those in need of mental health services with special emphasis on the acceptance and rejection of mental health services it will be possible to come up with a business model that is attractive to those in need of the services. The target population will be residents of Texas. The study will be based on the qualitative methodology. The literature review section of the study will be divided into seven sections. The seven sections are mental health infrastructure, populations that accept mental health, populations that reject mental health, populations that have access to mental health, populations that do not have access to mental health, reasons for the rejection of mental health and the reasons for the use of mental health services.

[CTU Research Prospectus Template v2.0 August 2020]


[Kohn et al. (2018) noted that in the United States (US), there is the existence of a gap between mental health patients that require treatment and those that successfully receive the treatment. Overall, there is a need to identify the social determinants of mental disorders, align them with its sustainable development goals, and identify potential mechanisms and targets for interventions (Lund, et al. 2018). Specifically, Lund et al., (2018) have expressed a need for further research on the reasons why people decide to utilize or reject mental health services.

This research study will examine the factors according to mental health providers that influence an individuals’ decision to utilize or reject mental health services. The mental health providers will be asked for strategies to encourage patients to accept and to not reject treatment at the start of treatment and when continuing treatment. This research is needed to systematically review evidence regarding the potential mechanisms that cause people to utilize or reject mental health treatment. By so doing it will be possible to develop a business model that is based on the offering of mental health services. Such a business will not only generate income considering that there is a high rise in mental health complications but it will help in addressing the social issue of mental illnesses. The research hopes to confirm the viability of a business tied around mental health provision as a social entrepreneurship.

There is a need for the research at several levels. The reasons why people choose to utilize or reject treatment lead to a treatment gap. According to Kohn, et al. (2018), there is a gap in mental health treatment in America when examined through the prevalence of mental health disorders and the lack of use of mental health services. For example, while 42.6% of children and adolescents in the US suffered mental illness, the treatment gap in this group was 64%. The use or rejection of mental health services depends upon the collaborative nature of participating in treatment; the patient and the provider work together to make the therapy worthwhile.

Mental health is a national problem as well. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Justice, millions of people suffer from mental illness in this country. According to the National Alliance on Mental Health (2019), 47.6 million people in the U.S. experienced signs of a mental illness in 2018. This amounts to one in every five adults. Roughly 11.4 million Adults between the ages of 25 and 35 had an episode of serious mental illness that same year.

In 2016, 7.7 million young people between the ages of 6 and 17 experienced some sort of mental health disorder, while 9.2 million people were reported to have experienced a substance use disorder (National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2019). The high numbers necessitate raising public awareness and campaigning for a better health care system ( al. 2016). Through the development of a business model targeting those in need of mental health services, it will be possible to not only generate income for the services rendered but it will be possible for a social issue to be addressed.

Problem Statement Comment by Dawn Howell: Please see my comments made on your Unit 1 IP submission. The notes made there have no been amended.

The problem is that it is not known how mental health providers describe the factors influencing individual decisions to utilize or reject mental health services. Without an understanding of what the reasons are for use or rejection, it is unlikely that successful interventions can occur that would enable more people to utilize mental health services.

The importance of addressing this problem is because people’s mental health depends on their use or rejection of mental health treatment. Knowing the positive reasons that people take advantage of services may help bring additional people in need in contact with services. Knowing the barriers may lead to policies or programs that can overcome the barriers. Lack of mental health treatment has dire implications including lost productivity, unemployment, job absenteeism, and lack of involvement in the community (Mental Health Workforce in Texas, 2016).

Study Purpose

The purpose of the qualitative study is to establish how the provision of mental health services as part of social entrepreneurship can benefit the nation. Through understanding the mind of those in need of mental health services with special emphasis on the acceptance and rejection of mental health services it will be possible to come up with a business model that is attractive to those in need of the services. The target population will be residents of Texas. Texas has been identified to have a relatively high number of people in need of mental health services. By understanding what drives people to seek mental health services, it will be possible for one to identify the best strategies to ensure that the proposed business meet its goal of money generation and solving a social issue.

Research Question

Research Questions Comment by Dawn Howell: These are not research questions, these are interview questions that will assist you in addressing your single research question.

The following research questions will help to guide this qualitative study:


RQ1: How do mental health providers identify reasons patients use mental health services?


RQ 2: How do mental health providers identify strategies to encourage patients to begin using mental health services?


RQ 3: How do mental health providers use the strategies to encourage patients to continue using mental health services?


RQ4: Why do mental health providers identify reasons patients reject mental health services?


RQ 5: How do mental health providers use strategies to address when patients reject beginning to use mental health services?


RQ 6: How do mental health providers use strategies to address patients who reject to continue using mental health services?

Hypothesis(es) Comment by Dawn Howell: These are not properly developed hypotheses based on your one research question.

The research questions are guided by the following hypothesis

· There is a high rate of mental health conditions in Southern Texas

· Cost is a factor impacting the population’s utilization of mental health services

Research Method Rationale

Qualitative methodology (Colorafi and Evans, 2016) will be used in this study. Qualitative methodology is the most appropriate methodology that provides rich data and not bound by limitations. Qualitative methods are appropriate because it will help to provide real life evidence from the interview with participants that have experiences giving primary data (Kim et al., 2017). In addition, it is also appropriate because data can be obtained to determine the health seeking behaviors (Kim et al., 2017). Comment by Dawn Howell: What type of qualitative study are you conducting? Phenomenology, grounded theory, case study, ethnography? You must identify this.

It is appropriate for answering the research questions that focus on the reasons that contribute to mental health patients to accept or reject treatment because it provides primary verbal data that is collected in detail. It is appropriate for addressing the problem statement which notes that there are factors that contribute to mental health patient’s decision whether to reject or accept treatment because of the effectiveness and flexibility in collecting information from the healthcare providers based on their experience.

The qualitative approach is very effective when a phenomenon has already being identified and defined. It is appropriate for this study because the phenomenon is clearly defined as the factors that mental health professionals identify as reasons people utilize or reject mental health services. The literature has determined the causes of the low utilization of mental health in South Texas to include limitations to accessing health care. It also identified other barriers to specialty mental health care utilization (Augsberger, Yeung, Dougher, &Hahm, 2015). What it has not defined are the reasons people use or reject mental health services.

Review of the Literature Plan Comment by Dawn Howell: This section is very good.

This literature review will address the issue that some populations openly seek out mental health services as they have identified that they are at high risk of mental illness. On the other hand, some populations reject mental health services regardless of whether they need it or not citing stigmatization and victimization (Sebastian & Richards, 2017). The need to understand the populations either accepting or rejecting mental health services stems out from the need to improve the mental health status of the nation.

The literature review seeks to reveal what is known as concerns the nation’s mental health. This literature review will address the topic of mental health services with special emphasis being placed on the availability of the service, the availability of infrastructure supporting the service and the perception of people towards the service. The review will analyze the populations that have readily accepted and are willing to seek mental health services as well as those that reject and are unwilling to seek mental health services. The review is based on the fact that not all people have embraced mental health services and on the fact that there is a gap in the delivery of mental health care services.

The chapter will be divided into seven sections. The seven sections are mental health infrastructure, populations that accept mental health, populations that reject mental health, populations that have access to mental health, populations that do not have access to mental health, reasons for the rejection of mental health and the reasons for the use of mental health services. All the sections will have three sub-sections. The subsections will include introduction of the section, themes in the section and synthesis of the sections.

The literature review in addition aims to compare the existing literature on mental health. The comparison is supposed to provide light on whether there are similar opinions and views on the subject. The comparison as well helps in the identification of the various divergent views on the subject matter. Seven sections organize this paper. The literature review is divided into seven sections so that to touch on all subjects that touches on mental health. The only subject that relates to mental health that is not touched on in the literature review is the treating of mental health. It is not touched on, as it is not the focus of the study. The first section is mental health infrastructure, and it focuses on the availability of mental health infrastructure in the nation. A review of literature in the section is based on the knowledge that mental health services infrastructures are not well distributed to offer assistance to those in need of mental health services.

The second section is a section that focuses on the reasons for lack of access to mental health. The need to review related literature is driven by the knowledge that there are individuals that need mental health; however, they choose not to get it. The third section analyzes the population that has easy access to mental health services. The fourth section deals with the populations that use mental health services. The fifth section focuses on the populations that reject mental health services. The sixth section focuses on the reasons for the use of mental health services. The review is on the need to understand why people seek or do not seek mental health services. The seventh section focuses on the reasons for the rejection of mental health services.

The literature will be conducted through a systematic review using the Scopus, Science Direct, PubMed, Cuiden, Cochrane, google scholar, ISI, and PsycINFO databases. The review was conducted using key terms related to the sections of the study. To make the study as relevant as possible, only studies done and published in the last five years were reviewed.

The problem of mental health has evolved historically overtime. Mental health in the United States has declined in the last twenty years. He cites that suicide rates have increased twice fold from 1990. Furthermore, he cites that the substance abuse more so of opiates has become epidemic. The disability award for mental disorders has also increased dramatically, a possible indication of the nation’s mental health dwindling.

This study will focus on the gap in research regarding the reasons people utilize or reject mental health treatment. The problem is that it is not known how mental health providers describe the factors influencing individual decisions to utilize or reject mental health services. Without an understanding of what the reasons are for use or rejection, it is unlikely that successful interventions can occur that would enable more people to utilize mental health services in the state.

Augsberger, A., Yeung, A., Dougher, M., & Hahm, H. C. (2015). Factors influencing the underutilization of mental health services among Asian American women with a history of depression and suicide. BMC health services research, 15(1), 542.



Colorafi, K. J., & Evans, B. (2016). Qualitative descriptive methods in health science research. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 9(4), 16-25.

Hamilton, J. E., Desai, P. V., Hoot, N. R., Gearing, R. E., Jeong, S., Meyer, T. D., … & Begley, C. E. (2016). Factors associated with the likelihood of hospitalization following emergency department visits for behavioral health conditions. Academic Emergency Medicine, 23(11), 1257-1266.

Kim, Sefcik, & Bradway (2017): Staying focused on non-treatment seekers.

Kohn, R., Ali, A. A., Puac-Polanco, V., Figueroa, C., López-Soto, V., Morgan, K., . . . Vicente, B. (2018). Mental health in the Americas: An overview of the treatment gap. Revista Panamericana De Salud Publica = Pan American Journal of Public Health, 42, e165. doi:10.26633/RPSP.2018.165

Lund, C., Brooke-Sumner, C., Baingana, F., Baron, E. C., Breuer, E., Chandra, P., . . . Saxena, S. (2018). Social determinants of mental disorders and the sustainable development goals: A systematic review of reviews. The Lancet Psychiatry, 5(4), 357-369. doi:10.1016/S2215-0366(18)30060-9

National Alliance on Mental Health (2020). Never Be Ashamed of Seeking Help.

The Mental Health Workforce in Texas, (2016). Continuing Challenges & Sensible Strategies.


Qualitative study of mental health services as a social entrepreneurship

Research Prospectus

Colorado Technical University

Latanya Burkhalter

January 22, 2021


The purpose of the qualitative study is to establish how the provision of mental health services as part of social entrepreneurship can benefit the nation with special emphasis placed on the state of Texas. Through understanding the mind of those in need of mental health services with special emphasis on the acceptance and rejection of mental health services it will be possible to come up with a business model that is attractive to those in need of the services. The target population will be residents of Texas. The study will be based on the qualitative methodology. The literature review section of the study will be divided into seven sections. The seven sections are mental health infrastructure, populations that accept mental health, populations that reject mental health, populations that have access to mental health, populations that do not have access to mental health, reasons for the rejection of mental health and the reasons for the use of mental health services.

[CTU Research Prospectus Template v2.0 August 2020]


[Kohn et al. (2018) noted that in the United States (US), there is the existence of a gap between mental health patients that require treatment and those that successfully receive the treatment. Overall, there is a need to identify the social determinants of mental disorders, align them with its sustainable development goals, and identify potential mechanisms and targets for interventions (Lund, et al. 2018). Specifically, Lund et al., (2018) have expressed a need for further research on the reasons why people decide to utilize or reject mental health services.

This research study will examine the factors according to mental health providers that influence an individuals’ decision to utilize or reject mental health services. The mental health providers will be asked for strategies to encourage patients to accept and to not reject treatment at the start of treatment and when continuing treatment. This research is needed to systematically review evidence regarding the potential mechanisms that cause people to utilize or reject mental health treatment. By so doing it will be possible to develop a business model that is based on the offering of mental health services. Such a business will not only generate income considering that there is a high rise in mental health complications but it will help in addressing the social issue of mental illnesses. The research hopes to confirm the viability of a business tied around mental health provision as a social entrepreneurship.

There is a need for the research at several levels. The reasons why people choose to utilize or reject treatment lead to a treatment gap. According to Kohn, et al. (2018), there is a gap in mental health treatment in America when examined through the prevalence of mental health disorders and the lack of use of mental health services. For example, while 42.6% of children and adolescents in the US suffered mental illness, the treatment gap in this group was 64%. The use or rejection of mental health services depends upon the collaborative nature of participating in treatment; the patient and the provider work together to make the therapy worthwhile.

Mental health is a national problem as well. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Justice, millions of people suffer from mental illness in this country. According to the National Alliance on Mental Health (2019), 47.6 million people in the U.S. experienced signs of a mental illness in 2018. This amounts to one in every five adults. Roughly 11.4 million Adults between the ages of 25 and 35 had an episode of serious mental illness that same year.

In 2016, 7.7 million young people between the ages of 6 and 17 experienced some sort of mental health disorder, while 9.2 million people were reported to have experienced a substance use disorder (National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2019). The high numbers necessitate raising public awareness and campaigning for a better health care system ( al. 2016). Through the development of a business model targeting those in need of mental health services, it will be possible to not only generate income for the services rendered but it will be possible for a social issue to be addressed.

Problem Statement

The problem is that it is not known how mental health providers describe the factors influencing individual decisions to utilize or reject mental health services. Research tells us that mental health illnesses is not only damaging to individuals but is also damaging to the nation in general. Driven by the need to reduce and eventually do away with mental health complications, there is a need to understand why people in need of mental health services reject or accept the services. Without an understanding of what the reasons are for use or rejection, it is unlikely that successful interventions can occur that would enable more people to utilize mental health services. The importance of addressing this problem is because people’s mental health depends on their use or rejection of mental health treatment. Knowing the positive reasons that people take advantage of services may help bring additional people in need in contact with services. Knowing the barriers may lead to policies or programs that can overcome the barriers. Lack of mental health treatment has dire implications including lost productivity, unemployment, job absenteeism, and lack of involvement in the community (Mental Health Workforce in Texas, 2016). For health practitioners to stand a chance against mental illness they must it easier for as many people to comfortably seek mental health services. The only way that health practitioners can do so is by identifying barriers to the seeking of mental health services and partnering with concerned stakeholders to come up with solutions to do away with the barriers.

Study Purpose Comment by Dawn Howell: This section must contain the following:
The purpose of the [method choice] [research approach/design] study is to… Following the study purpose sentence, the Purpose section will introduce a brief rationale for the choice of study method followed by research site, target population, sampling method, proposed sample size, data collection method, data analysis method, and the analysis software to be used (if any). The Purpose section will close with a statement of the potential contributions of the study findings to professional practice and the scholarship.
Yours is missing a couple.

The purpose of the qualitative study is to establish how the provision of mental health services as part of social entrepreneurship can benefit the nation. Through understanding the mind of those in need of mental health services with special emphasis on the acceptance and rejection of mental health services it will be possible to come up with a business model that is attractive to those in need of the services. The target population will be residents of Texas. Texas has been identified to have a relatively high number of people in need of mental health services. By understanding what drives people to seek mental health services, it will be possible for one to identify the best strategies to ensure that the proposed business meet its goal of money generation and solving a social issue. Comment by Dawn Howell: The purpose of this study is the answer this question: The problem is that it is not known how mental health providers describe the factors influencing individual decisions to utilize or reject mental health services.

Research Question

Research Questions Comment by Dawn Howell: These are not research questions, these are interview questions that will assist you in addressing your single research question.

The following research question will help to guide this qualitative study:

What are the factors according to mental health providers that influence an individuals’ decision to utilize or reject mental health services?

To help in answering the research questions there are 6 interview questions that will be used Comment by Dawn Howell: These are interview questions, not your research question. These do not belong here.


How do mental health providers identify reasons patients use mental health services?


How do mental health providers identify strategies to encourage patients to begin using mental health services?


How do mental health providers use the strategies to encourage patients to continue using mental health services?


Why do mental health providers identify reasons patients reject mental health services?


How do mental health providers use strategies to address when patients reject beginning to use mental health services?


How do mental health providers use strategies to address patients who reject to continue using mental health services?


The research questions are guided by the following hypothesis

· If one identifies why people in need of mental health services in Southern Texas, it will be possible to develop solutions that will help improve mental health in the region. Comment by Dawn Howell: If conducting a qualitative study, these are not needed.

· The primary reason why there are high instances of mental breakdowns in Southern Texas is due to the rejection of mental health services in the region.

Research Method Rationale

The phenomenological qualitative methodology (Colorafi and Evans, 2016) will be used in this study. The phenomenological methodology is the most appropriate methodology that provides rich data and not bound by limitations. Qualitative methods are appropriate because it will help to provide real life evidence from the interview with participants that have experiences giving primary data (Kim et al., 2017). In addition, it is also appropriate because data can be obtained to determine the health seeking behaviors (Kim et al., 2017).

It is appropriate for answering the research questions that focus on the reasons that contribute to mental health patients to accept or reject treatment because it provides primary verbal data that is collected in detail. It is appropriate for addressing the problem statement which notes that there are factors that contribute to mental health patient’s decision whether to reject or accept treatment because of the effectiveness and flexibility in collecting information from the healthcare providers based on their experience.

The qualitative approach is very effective when a phenomenon has already being identified and defined. It is appropriate for this study because the phenomenon is clearly defined as the factors that mental health professionals identify as reasons people utilize or reject mental health services. The literature has determined the causes of the low utilization of mental health in South Texas to include limitations to accessing health care. It also identified other barriers to specialty mental health care utilization (Augsberger, Yeung, Dougher, &Hahm, 2015). What it has not defined are the reasons people use or reject mental health services.

Review of the Literature Plan

This literature review will address the issue that some populations openly seek out mental health services as they have identified that they are at high risk of mental illness. On the other hand, some populations reject mental health services regardless of whether they need it or not citing stigmatization and victimization (Sebastian & Richards, 2017). The need to understand the populations either accepting or rejecting mental health services stems out from the need to improve the mental health status of the nation.

The literature review seeks to reveal what is known as concerns the nation’s mental health. This literature review will address the topic of mental health services with special emphasis being placed on the availability of the service, the availability of infrastructure supporting the service and the perception of people towards the service. The review will analyze the populations that have readily accepted and are willing to seek mental health services as well as those that reject and are unwilling to seek mental health services. The review is based on the fact that not all people have embraced mental health services and on the fact that there is a gap in the delivery of mental health care services.

The chapter will be divided into seven sections. The seven sections are mental health infrastructure, populations that accept mental health, populations that reject mental health, populations that have access to mental health, populations that do not have access to mental health, reasons for the rejection of mental health and the reasons for the use of mental health services. All the sections will have three sub-sections. The subsections will include introduction of the section, themes in the section and synthesis of the sections.

The literature review in addition aims to compare the existing literature on mental health. The comparison is supposed to provide light on whether there are similar opinions and views on the subject. The comparison as well helps in the identification of the various divergent views on the subject matter. Seven sections organize this paper. The literature review is divided into seven sections so that to touch on all subjects that touches on mental health. The only subject that relates to mental health that is not touched on in the literature review is the treating of mental health. It is not touched on, as it is not the focus of the study. The first section is mental health infrastructure, and it focuses on the availability of mental health infrastructure in the nation. A review of literature in the section is based on the knowledge that mental health services infrastructures are not well distributed to offer assistance to those in need of mental health services.

The second section is a section that focuses on the reasons for lack of access to mental health. The need to review related literature is driven by the knowledge that there are individuals that need mental health; however, they choose not to get it. The third section analyzes the population that has easy access to mental health services. The fourth section deals with the populations that use mental health services. The fifth section focuses on the populations that reject mental health services. The sixth section focuses on the reasons for the use of mental health services. The review is on the need to understand why people seek or do not seek mental health services. The seventh section focuses on the reasons for the rejection of mental health services.

The literature will be conducted through a systematic review using the Scopus, Science Direct, PubMed, Cuiden, Cochrane, google scholar, ISI, and PsycINFO databases. The review was conducted using key terms related to the sections of the study. To make the study as relevant as possible, only studies done and published in the last five years were reviewed.

The problem of mental health has evolved historically overtime. Mental health in the United States has declined in the last twenty years. He cites that suicide rates have increased twice fold from 1990. Furthermore, he cites that the substance abuse more so of opiates has become epidemic. The disability award for mental disorders has also increased dramatically, a possible indication of the nation’s mental health dwindling.

This study will focus on the gap in research regarding the reasons people utilize or reject mental health treatment. The problem is that it is not known how mental health providers describe the factors influencing individual decisions to utilize or reject mental health services. Without an understanding of what the reasons are for use or rejection, it is unlikely that successful interventions can occur that would enable more people to utilize mental health services in the state.

Augsberger, A., Yeung, A., Dougher, M., & Hahm, H. C. (2015). Factors influencing the underutilization of mental health services among Asian American women with a history of depression and suicide. BMC health services research, 15(1), 542.



Colorafi, K. J., & Evans, B. (2016). Qualitative descriptive methods in health science research. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 9(4), 16-25.

Hamilton, J. E., Desai, P. V., Hoot, N. R., Gearing, R. E., Jeong, S., Meyer, T. D., … & Begley, C. E. (2016). Factors associated with the likelihood of hospitalization following emergency department visits for behavioral health conditions. Academic Emergency Medicine, 23(11), 1257-1266.

Kim, Sefcik, & Bradway (2017): Staying focused on non-treatment seekers.

Kohn, R., Ali, A. A., Puac-Polanco, V., Figueroa, C., López-Soto, V., Morgan, K., . . . Vicente, B. (2018). Mental health in the Americas: An overview of the treatment gap. Revista Panamericana De Salud Publica = Pan American Journal of Public Health, 42, e165. doi:10.26633/RPSP.2018.165

Lund, C., Brooke-Sumner, C., Baingana, F., Baron, E. C., Breuer, E., Chandra, P., . . . Saxena, S. (2018). Social determinants of mental disorders and the sustainable development goals: A systematic review of reviews. The Lancet Psychiatry, 5(4), 357-369. doi:10.1016/S2215-0366(18)30060-9

National Alliance on Mental Health (2020). Never Be Ashamed of Seeking Help.

The Mental Health Workforce in Texas, (2016). Continuing Challenges & Sensible Strategies.


Qualitative study of mental health services as a social entrepreneurship

Research Prospectus

Colorado Technical University

Latanya Burkhalter

January 22, 2021


The purpose of the qualitative study is to establish how the provision of mental health services as part of social entrepreneurship can benefit the nation with special emphasis placed on the state of Texas. Through understanding the mind of those in need of mental health services with special emphasis on the acceptance and rejection of mental health services it will be possible to come up with a business model that is attractive to those in need of the services. The target population will be residents of Texas. The study will be based on the qualitative methodology. The literature review section of the study will be divided into seven sections. The seven sections are mental health infrastructure, populations that accept mental health, populations that reject mental health, populations that have access to mental health, populations that do not have access to mental health, reasons for the rejection of mental health and the reasons for the use of mental health services.

[CTU Research Prospectus Template v2.0 August 2020]


[Kohn et al. (2018) noted that in the United States (US), there is the existence of a gap between mental health patients that require treatment and those that successfully receive the treatment. Overall, there is a need to identify the social determinants of mental disorders, align them with its sustainable development goals, and identify potential mechanisms and targets for interventions (Lund, et al. 2018). Specifically, Lund et al., (2018) have expressed a need for further research on the reasons why people decide to utilize or reject mental health services.

This research study will examine the factors according to mental health providers that influence an individuals’ decision to utilize or reject mental health services. The mental health providers will be asked for strategies to encourage patients to accept and to not reject treatment at the start of treatment and when continuing treatment. This research is needed to systematically review evidence regarding the potential mechanisms that cause people to utilize or reject mental health treatment. By so doing it will be possible to develop a business model that is based on the offering of mental health services. Such a business will not only generate income considering that there is a high rise in mental health complications but it will help in addressing the social issue of mental illnesses. The research hopes to confirm the viability of a business tied around mental health provision as a social entrepreneurship.

There is a need for the research at several levels. The reasons why people choose to utilize or reject treatment lead to a treatment gap. According to Kohn, et al. (2018), there is a gap in mental health treatment in America when examined through the prevalence of mental health disorders and the lack of use of mental health services. For example, while 42.6% of children and adolescents in the US suffered mental illness, the treatment gap in this group was 64%. The use or rejection of mental health services depends upon the collaborative nature of participating in treatment; the patient and the provider work together to make the therapy worthwhile.

Mental health is a national problem as well. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Justice, millions of people suffer from mental illness in this country. According to the National Alliance on Mental Health (2019), 47.6 million people in the U.S. experienced signs of a mental illness in 2018. This amounts to one in every five adults. Roughly 11.4 million Adults between the ages of 25 and 35 had an episode of serious mental illness that same year.

In 2016, 7.7 million young people between the ages of 6 and 17 experienced some sort of mental health disorder, while 9.2 million people were reported to have experienced a substance use disorder (National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2019). The high numbers necessitate raising public awareness and campaigning for a better health care system ( al. 2016). Through the development of a business model targeting those in need of mental health services, it will be possible to not only generate income for the services rendered but it will be possible for a social issue to be addressed.

Problem Statement

The problem is that it is not known how mental health providers describe the factors influencing individual decisions to utilize or reject mental health services. Research tells us that mental health illnesses is not only damaging to individuals but is also damaging to the nation in general. Driven by the need to reduce and eventually do away with mental health complications, there is a need to understand why people in need of mental health services reject or accept the services. Without an understanding of what the reasons are for use or rejection, it is unlikely that successful interventions can occur that would enable more people to utilize mental health services. The importance of addressing this problem is because people’s mental health depends on their use or rejection of mental health treatment. Knowing the positive reasons that people take advantage of services may help bring additional people in need in contact with services. Knowing the barriers may lead to policies or programs that can overcome the barriers. Lack of mental health treatment has dire implications including lost productivity, unemployment, job absenteeism, and lack of involvement in the community (Mental Health Workforce in Texas, 2016). For health practitioners to stand a chance against mental illness they must it easier for as many people to comfortably seek mental health services. The only way that health practitioners can do so is by identifying barriers to the seeking of mental health services and partnering with concerned stakeholders to come up with solutions to do away with the barriers.

Study Purpose Comment by Dawn Howell: This section must contain the following:
The purpose of the [method choice] [research approach/design] study is to… Following the study purpose sentence, the Purpose section will introduce a brief rationale for the choice of study method followed by research site, target population, sampling method, proposed sample size, data collection method, data analysis method, and the analysis software to be used (if any). The Purpose section will close with a statement of the potential contributions of the study findings to professional practice and the scholarship.
Yours is missing a couple.

The purpose of the qualitative study is to establish how the provision of mental health services as part of social entrepreneurship can benefit the nation. Through understanding the mind of those in need of mental health services with special emphasis on the acceptance and rejection of mental health services it will be possible to come up with a business model that is attractive to those in need of the services. The target population will be residents of Texas. Texas has been identified to have a relatively high number of people in need of mental health services. By understanding what drives people to seek mental health services, it will be possible for one to identify the best strategies to ensure that the proposed business meet its goal of money generation and solving a social issue. Comment by Dawn Howell: The purpose of this study is the answer this question: The problem is that it is not known how mental health providers describe the factors influencing individual decisions to utilize or reject mental health services.

Research Question

Research Questions Comment by Dawn Howell: These are not research questions, these are interview questions that will assist you in addressing your single research question.

The following research question will help to guide this qualitative study:

What are the factors according to mental health providers that influence an individuals’ decision to utilize or reject mental health services?

To help in answering the research questions there are 6 interview questions that will be used Comment by Dawn Howell: These are interview questions, not your research question. These do not belong here.


How do mental health providers identify reasons patients use mental health services?


How do mental health providers identify strategies to encourage patients to begin using mental health services?


How do mental health providers use the strategies to encourage patients to continue using mental health services?


Why do mental health providers identify reasons patients reject mental health services?


How do mental health providers use strategies to address when patients reject beginning to use mental health services?


How do mental health providers use strategies to address patients who reject to continue using mental health services?


The research questions are guided by the following hypothesis

· If one identifies why people in need of mental health services in Southern Texas, it will be possible to develop solutions that will help improve mental health in the region. Comment by Dawn Howell: If conducting a qualitative study, these are not needed.

· The primary reason why there are high instances of mental breakdowns in Southern Texas is due to the rejection of mental health services in the region.

Research Method Rationale

The phenomenological qualitative methodology (Colorafi and Evans, 2016) will be used in this study. The phenomenological methodology is the most appropriate methodology that provides rich data and not bound by limitations. Qualitative methods are appropriate because it will help to provide real life evidence from the interview with participants that have experiences giving primary data (Kim et al., 2017). In addition, it is also appropriate because data can be obtained to determine the health seeking behaviors (Kim et al., 2017).

It is appropriate for answering the research questions that focus on the reasons that contribute to mental health patients to accept or reject treatment because it provides primary verbal data that is collected in detail. It is appropriate for addressing the problem statement which notes that there are factors that contribute to mental health patient’s decision whether to reject or accept treatment because of the effectiveness and flexibility in collecting information from the healthcare providers based on their experience.

The qualitative approach is very effective when a phenomenon has already being identified and defined. It is appropriate for this study because the phenomenon is clearly defined as the factors that mental health professionals identify as reasons people utilize or reject mental health services. The literature has determined the causes of the low utilization of mental health in South Texas to include limitations to accessing health care. It also identified other barriers to specialty mental health care utilization (Augsberger, Yeung, Dougher, &Hahm, 2015). What it has not defined are the reasons people use or reject mental health services.

Review of the Literature Plan

This literature review will address the issue that some populations openly seek out mental health services as they have identified that they are at high risk of mental illness. On the other hand, some populations reject mental health services regardless of whether they need it or not citing stigmatization and victimization (Sebastian & Richards, 2017). The need to understand the populations either accepting or rejecting mental health services stems out from the need to improve the mental health status of the nation.

The literature review seeks to reveal what is known as concerns the nation’s mental health. This literature review will address the topic of mental health services with special emphasis being placed on the availability of the service, the availability of infrastructure supporting the service and the perception of people towards the service. The review will analyze the populations that have readily accepted and are willing to seek mental health services as well as those that reject and are unwilling to seek mental health services. The review is based on the fact that not all people have embraced mental health services and on the fact that there is a gap in the delivery of mental health care services.

The chapter will be divided into seven sections. The seven sections are mental health infrastructure, populations that accept mental health, populations that reject mental health, populations that have access to mental health, populations that do not have access to mental health, reasons for the rejection of mental health and the reasons for the use of mental health services. All the sections will have three sub-sections. The subsections will include introduction of the section, themes in the section and synthesis of the sections.

The literature review in addition aims to compare the existing literature on mental health. The comparison is supposed to provide light on whether there are similar opinions and views on the subject. The comparison as well helps in the identification of the various divergent views on the subject matter. Seven sections organize this paper. The literature review is divided into seven sections so that to touch on all subjects that touches on mental health. The only subject that relates to mental health that is not touched on in the literature review is the treating of mental health. It is not touched on, as it is not the focus of the study. The first section is mental health infrastructure, and it focuses on the availability of mental health infrastructure in the nation. A review of literature in the section is based on the knowledge that mental health services infrastructures are not well distributed to offer assistance to those in need of mental health services.

The second section is a section that focuses on the reasons for lack of access to mental health. The need to review related literature is driven by the knowledge that there are individuals that need mental health; however, they choose not to get it. The third section analyzes the population that has easy access to mental health services. The fourth section deals with the populations that use mental health services. The fifth section focuses on the populations that reject mental health services. The sixth section focuses on the reasons for the use of mental health services. The review is on the need to understand why people seek or do not seek mental health services. The seventh section focuses on the reasons for the rejection of mental health services.

The literature will be conducted through a systematic review using the Scopus, Science Direct, PubMed, Cuiden, Cochrane, google scholar, ISI, and PsycINFO databases. The review was conducted using key terms related to the sections of the study. To make the study as relevant as possible, only studies done and published in the last five years were reviewed.

The problem of mental health has evolved historically overtime. Mental health in the United States has declined in the last twenty years. He cites that suicide rates have increased twice fold from 1990. Furthermore, he cites that the substance abuse more so of opiates has become epidemic. The disability award for mental disorders has also increased dramatically, a possible indication of the nation’s mental health dwindling.

This study will focus on the gap in research regarding the reasons people utilize or reject mental health treatment. The problem is that it is not known how mental health providers describe the factors influencing individual decisions to utilize or reject mental health services. Without an understanding of what the reasons are for use or rejection, it is unlikely that successful interventions can occur that would enable more people to utilize mental health services in the state.

Augsberger, A., Yeung, A., Dougher, M., & Hahm, H. C. (2015). Factors influencing the underutilization of mental health services among Asian American women with a history of depression and suicide. BMC health services research, 15(1), 542.



Colorafi, K. J., & Evans, B. (2016). Qualitative descriptive methods in health science research. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 9(4), 16-25.

Hamilton, J. E., Desai, P. V., Hoot, N. R., Gearing, R. E., Jeong, S., Meyer, T. D., … & Begley, C. E. (2016). Factors associated with the likelihood of hospitalization following emergency department visits for behavioral health conditions. Academic Emergency Medicine, 23(11), 1257-1266.

Kim, Sefcik, & Bradway (2017): Staying focused on non-treatment seekers.

Kohn, R., Ali, A. A., Puac-Polanco, V., Figueroa, C., López-Soto, V., Morgan, K., . . . Vicente, B. (2018). Mental health in the Americas: An overview of the treatment gap. Revista Panamericana De Salud Publica = Pan American Journal of Public Health, 42, e165. doi:10.26633/RPSP.2018.165

Lund, C., Brooke-Sumner, C., Baingana, F., Baron, E. C., Breuer, E., Chandra, P., . . . Saxena, S. (2018). Social determinants of mental disorders and the sustainable development goals: A systematic review of reviews. The Lancet Psychiatry, 5(4), 357-369. doi:10.1016/S2215-0366(18)30060-9

National Alliance on Mental Health (2020). Never Be Ashamed of Seeking Help.

The Mental Health Workforce in Texas, (2016). Continuing Challenges & Sensible Strategies.


Understanding why mental health Services is Sought or Rejected in South Texas

Research Prospectus

Colorado Technical University

January 22, 202



The purpose of the qualitative study is to establish how the provision of mental health services as part of social entrepreneurship can benefit the nation with special emphasis placed on the state of Texas. Through understanding the mind of those in need of mental health services with special emphasis on the acceptance and rejection of mental health services it will be possible to come up with a business model that is attractive to those in need of the services. The target population will be residents of Texas. The study will be based on the qualitative methodology. The literature review section of the study will be divided into seven sections. The seven sections are mental health infrastructure, populations that accept mental health, populations that reject mental health, populations that have access to mental health, populations that do not have access to mental health, reasons for the rejection of mental health and the reasons for the use of mental health services.

[CTU Research Prospectus Template v2.0 August 2020]


[Kohn et al. (2018) noted that in the United States (US), there is the existence of a gap between mental health patients that require treatment and those that successfully receive the treatment. Overall, there is a need to identify the social determinants of mental disorders, align them with its sustainable development goals, and identify potential mechanisms and targets for interventions (Lund, et al. 2018). Specifically, Lund et al., (2018) have expressed a need for further research on the reasons why people decide to utilize or reject mental health services.

This research study will examine the factors according to mental health providers that influence an individuals’ decision to utilize or reject mental health services. The mental health providers will be asked for strategies to encourage patients to accept and to not reject treatment at the start of treatment and when continuing treatment. This research is needed to systematically review evidence regarding the potential mechanisms that cause people to utilize or reject mental health treatment. By so doing it will be possible to develop a business model that is based on the offering of mental health services. Such a business will not only generate income considering that there is a high rise in mental health complications but it will help in addressing the social issue of mental illnesses. The research hopes to confirm the viability of a business tied around mental health provision as a social entrepreneurship.

There is a need for the research at several levels. The reasons why people choose to utilize or reject treatment lead to a treatment gap. According to Kohn, et al. (2018), there is a gap in mental health treatment in America when examined through the prevalence of mental health disorders and the lack of use of mental health services. For example, while 42.6% of children and adolescents in the US suffered mental illness, the treatment gap in this group was 64%. The use or rejection of mental health services depends upon the collaborative nature of participating in treatment; the patient and the provider work together to make the therapy worthwhile.

Mental health is a national problem as well. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Justice, millions of people suffer from mental illness in this country. According to the National Alliance on Mental Health (2019), 47.6 million people in the U.S. experienced signs of a mental illness in 2018. This amounts to one in every five adults. Roughly 11.4 million Adults between the ages of 25 and 35 had an episode of serious mental illness that same year.

In 2016, 7.7 million young people between the ages of 6 and 17 experienced some sort of mental health disorder, while 9.2 million people were reported to have experienced a substance use disorder (National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2019). The high numbers necessitate raising public awareness and campaigning for a better health care system ( al. 2016). Through the development of a business model targeting those in need of mental health services, it will be possible to not only generate income for the services rendered but it will be possible for a social issue to be addressed.

Problem Statement

The problem is that it is not known how mental health providers describe the factors influencing individual decisions to utilize or reject mental health services. Research tells us that mental health illnesses is not only damaging to individuals but is also damaging to the nation in general. Driven by the need to reduce and eventually do away with mental health complications, there is a need to understand why people in need of mental health services reject or accept the services. Without an understanding of what the reasons are for use or rejection, it is unlikely that successful interventions can occur that would enable more people to utilize mental health services. The importance of addressing this problem is because people’s mental health depends on their use or rejection of mental health treatment. Knowing the positive reasons that people take advantage of services may help bring additional people in need in contact with services. Knowing the barriers may lead to policies or programs that can overcome the barriers. Lack of mental health treatment has dire implications including lost productivity, unemployment, job absenteeism, and lack of involvement in the community (Mental Health Workforce in Texas, 2016). For health practitioners to stand a chance against mental illness they must it easier for as many people to comfortably seek mental health services. The only way that health practitioners can do so is by identifying barriers to the seeking of mental health services and partnering with concerned stakeholders to come up with solutions to do away with the barriers. Comment by Dawn Howell: provider leadership describe…. Comment by Dawn Howell: can assist agency leadership in adopting Comment by Dawn Howell: delete Comment by Dawn Howell: reduce these barriers and result in an increased utilization of mental health services by clients in need.

Study Purpose

The purpose of the qualitative study is to provide a solution for the problem that it is not known how mental health providers describe the factors influencing individual decisions to utilize or reject mental health services. The study will be conducted through the phenomenological approach focusing on interviews with stakeholders in the mental health industry. 15 individuals in Southern Texas that are aware that they need mental health services will be interviewed on the reasons that either contribute to their willingness to seek mental health services. 32 mental health providers in Southern Texas will be interviewed on the factors that contribute to the willingness of those in need of mental health services to seek the services. The data collected will be analyzed through thematic analysis. Through understanding the mind of those in need of mental health services with special emphasis on the acceptance and rejection of mental health services it will be possible to come up with a business model that is attractive to those in need of the services. The target population will be residents of Texas. Texas has been identified to have a relatively high number of people in need of mental health services. By understanding what drives people to seek mental health services, it will be possible for one to identify the best strategies to ensure that the proposed business meet its goal of money generation and solving a social issue. Comment by Dawn Howell: Delete. Then add in the word help Comment by Dawn Howell: Delete the s and the words describe the Comment by Dawn Howell: Add in the words better understand the factors Comment by Dawn Howell: delete Comment by Dawn Howell: delete. You sample will need to be metal health service agency leadership. Comment by Dawn Howell: delete Comment by Dawn Howell: delete one and add in mental health agency leadership

Research Question

Research Questions

The following research question will help to guide this qualitative study:

What is the relationship between mental health providers and those in need of mental health services as far as seeking mental health is concerned? Comment by Dawn Howell: This questions needs to be something like What factors do mental health organization leadership see as the primary factors influencing an individuals’ decision to utilize or reject mental health services.

Research Method Rationale

The phenomenological qualitative methodology (Colorafi and Evans, 2016) will be used in this study. The phenomenological methodology is the most appropriate methodology that provides rich data and not bound by limitations. Qualitative methods are appropriate because it will help to provide real life evidence from the interview with participants that have experiences giving primary data (Kim et al., 2017). In addition, it is also appropriate because data can be obtained to determine the health seeking behaviors (Kim et al., 2017).

It is appropriate for answering the research questions that focus on the reasons that contribute to mental health patients to accept or reject treatment because it provides primary verbal data that is collected in detail. It is appropriate for addressing the problem statement which notes that there are factors that contribute to mental health patient’s decision whether to reject or accept treatment because of the effectiveness and flexibility in collecting information from the healthcare providers based on their experience.

The qualitative approach is very effective when a phenomenon has already being identified and defined. It is appropriate for this study because the phenomenon is clearly defined as the factors that mental health professionals identify as reasons people utilize or reject mental health services. The literature has determined the causes of the low utilization of mental health in South Texas to include limitations to accessing health care. It also identified other barriers to specialty mental health care utilization (Augsberger, Yeung, Dougher, &Hahm, 2015). What it has not defined are the reasons people use or reject mental health services.

Review of the Literature Plan

This literature review will address the issue that some populations openly seek out mental health services as they have identified that they are at high risk of mental illness. On the other hand, some populations reject mental health services regardless of whether they need it or not citing stigmatization and victimization (Sebastian & Richards, 2017). The need to understand the populations either accepting or rejecting mental health services stems out from the need to improve the mental health status of the nation.

The literature review seeks to reveal what is known as concerns the nation’s mental health. This literature review will address the topic of mental health services with special emphasis being placed on the availability of the service, the availability of infrastructure supporting the service and the perception of people towards the service. The review will analyze the populations that have readily accepted and are willing to seek mental health services as well as those that reject and are unwilling to seek mental health services. The review is based on the fact that not all people have embraced mental health services and on the fact that there is a gap in the delivery of mental health care services.

The chapter will be divided into seven sections. The seven sections are mental health infrastructure, populations that accept mental health, populations that reject mental health, populations that have access to mental health, populations that do not have access to mental health, reasons for the rejection of mental health and the reasons for the use of mental health services. All the sections will have three sub-sections. The subsections will include introduction of the section, themes in the section and synthesis of the sections.

The literature review in addition aims to compare the existing literature on mental health. The comparison is supposed to provide light on whether there are similar opinions and views on the subject. The comparison as well helps in the identification of the various divergent views on the subject matter. Seven sections organize this paper. The literature review is divided into seven sections so that to touch on all subjects that touches on mental health. The only subject that relates to mental health that is not touched on in the literature review is the treating of mental health. It is not touched on, as it is not the focus of the study. The first section is mental health infrastructure, and it focuses on the availability of mental health infrastructure in the nation. A review of literature in the section is based on the knowledge that mental health services infrastructures are not well distributed to offer assistance to those in need of mental health services.

The second section is a section that focuses on the reasons for lack of access to mental health. The need to review related literature is driven by the knowledge that there are individuals that need mental health; however, they choose not to get it. The third section analyzes the population that has easy access to mental health services. The fourth section deals with the populations that use mental health services. The fifth section focuses on the populations that reject mental health services. The sixth section focuses on the reasons for the use of mental health services. The review is on the need to understand why people seek or do not seek mental health services. The seventh section focuses on the reasons for the rejection of mental health services.

The literature will be conducted through a systematic review using the Scopus, Science Direct, PubMed, Cuiden, Cochrane, google scholar, ISI, and PsycINFO databases. The review was conducted using key terms related to the sections of the study. To make the study as relevant as possible, only studies done and published in the last five years were reviewed.

The problem of mental health has evolved historically overtime. Mental health in the United States has declined in the last twenty years. He cites that suicide rates have increased twice fold from 1990. Furthermore, he cites that the substance abuse more so of opiates has become epidemic. The disability award for mental disorders has also increased dramatically, a possible indication of the nation’s mental health dwindling.

This study will focus on the gap in research regarding the reasons people utilize or reject mental health treatment. The problem is that it is not known how mental health providers describe the factors influencing individual decisions to utilize or reject mental health services. Without an understanding of what the reasons are for use or rejection, it is unlikely that successful interventions can occur that would enable more people to utilize mental health services in the state.


Augsberger, A., Yeung, A., Dougher, M., & Hahm, H. C. (2015). Factors influencing the underutilization of mental health services among Asian American women with a history of depression and suicide. BMC health services research, 15(1), 542.

Colorafi, K. J., & Evans, B. (2016). Qualitative descriptive methods in health science research. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 9(4), 16-25.

Hamilton, J. E., Desai, P. V., Hoot, N. R., Gearing, R. E., Jeong, S., Meyer, T. D., … & Begley, C. E. (2016). Factors associated with the likelihood of hospitalization following emergency department visits for behavioral health conditions. Academic Emergency Medicine, 23(11), 1257-1266.

Kim, Sefcik, & Bradway (2017): Staying focused on non-treatment seekers.

Kohn, R., Ali, A. A., Puac-Polanco, V., Figueroa, C., López-Soto, V., Morgan, K., . . . Vicente, B. (2018). Mental health in the Americas: An overview of the treatment gap. Revista Panamericana De Salud Publica = Pan American Journal of Public Health, 42, e165. doi:10.26633/RPSP.2018.165

Lund, C., Brooke-Sumner, C., Baingana, F., Baron, E. C., Breuer, E., Chandra, P., . . . Saxena, S. (2018). Social determinants of mental disorders and the sustainable development goals: A systematic review of reviews. The Lancet Psychiatry, 5(4), 357-369. doi:10.1016/S2215-0366(18)30060-9

National Alliance on Mental Health (2020). Never Be Ashamed of Seeking Help.

The Mental Health Workforce in Texas, (2016). Continuing Challenges & Sensible Strategies.


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