Res 724 Week 3 Analysis Exercise

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RES/724: Qualitative Methods And Design

Wk 3 – Analysis Exercise [due Mon]

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Complete Parts 1 and 2 below. Remember there are two parts – use headings to present each part.

Remember to include a title page with your name, date and name of assignment. Remember to include citations (at least 3) from your readings to support the information you include in the worksheet and add a reference list to support the citations. Citations and references are to follow APA 7th ed.

Note: Please note this assignment does not involve any software. This is to be done manually using the coding schemes within your textbook in Ch. 15.

Part 1: Insert headings for each section noted below to present an organize flow of your discussion.

1. Download the “Sarah: Diabetes Interview” transcript from the Saldaña and Omasta (2018)

Student Resources


2. Read the transcript beginning with the question, “Going back to how you learned about diabetes, what sources did you learn about the condition from? Where did you learn about diabetes once you were diagnosed?” on page 3. Read the section a second time. This time, look for specific words that are repeated or stand out. List the specific words you identified. When you think about coding you are looking for overall themes. What specific words provide meaning of the transcript? Not all words—specific ones.

3. Condense the transcript beginning with the question, “Going back to how you learned about diabetes, what sources did you learn about the condition from? Where did you learn about diabetes once you were diagnosed?” on page 3 and continuing through the end. Your goal is to condense the interview from 1,501 words to about 500 words. This should be a summary of the transcript, not just repeating the same words, condensing to 500 words.

Part 2: Insert headings for each section noted below to present an organize flow of your discussion.


4. Download one of the transcripts from the Saldaña and Omasta (2018) Student Resources webpage.

5. Choose a section of about 300 words from the interview transcript you selected.

6. Consider which two of the following four coding methods (In Vivo, Process, Values, or Emotion Coding) would be most appropriate for analyzing the text.

7. Code the text using each method you selected. Note: You must code the selected section of text twice—once for each method you choose.

8. Compare the results and prepare a 150- to 300-word summary discussing how the different coding methods employed helped reinforce each other or provided divergent analytic insights.

Provide the actual text you are coding and how you coded it. Remember to cite and reference the sources for coding. 

Submit your assignment in a word document.

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