Report on Progress


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You have been tasked by your CNO to provide a report and present to the board of directors about how your organization is transforming based on Health and Medicine Division (HMD) recommendations in high-profile reports.

Review the HMD reports (To Err is Human, A Bridge to Quality Gap & Crossing the Quality Chasm).

Review the attached grading rubric (criteria) for the assignment

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Determine which recommendations directly affect how nurses provide care at the bedside.

Research quality indicators at the organization where you practice, one in your community, or one of interest.

Cite evidence (statistical data) from the organization’s quality measures that demonstrate they are carrying out the HMD’s vision.

Provide specific examples from the organization in the form of changes in care, governance, training, communication, and partnerships.

Write a 260-word executive summary and create a 10- to 12-slide presentation about your findings, with detailed speaker notes. The executive summary should be a slide in the presentation (the title and reference slides are not included in the slide count)

Week 5: Report on Progress

Content: 150 points possible

Points possible

Points earned


Shows evidence of a thoughtful review of HMD (To Err is Human, A Bridge to Quality Gap, Crossing Quality Chasm)


Identifies which recommendations have a direct connection to nursing care


Summarizes quality indicators from organizational research


Cites quality measure evidence (statistical data) demonstrating HMD vision


Provides specific organizational examples that demonstrate addressing HMD recommendations that have a direct connection to nursing


Format: 50 points possible

Points possible

Points earned


Aligns executive summary (260 words) to presentation and speaker notes thoughtfully (should be placed on a slide in the presentation)


Follows a structure that is clear, concise, and easy to follow, includes an introduction and conclusion, adheres to established slide limit (10-12 slides). Presentation makes use of background color; speaker notes and graphics.


Maintains a scholarly tone, provides at least two peer-reviewed APA formatted reference citations for data learned or used from resources, presentation follows rules of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.


Points earned/possible


Assignment Content


Top of Form

You have been tasked by your CNO to provide a report and present to the board of directors about how your organization is transforming based on Health and Medicine Division (HMD) recommendations in high-profile reports.

Review the HMD reports (To Err is Human, A Bridge to Quality Gap & Crossing the Quality Chasm).

Review the attached grading rubric (criteria) for the assignment

Determine which recommendations directly affect how nurses provide care at the bedside.

Research quality indicators at the organization where you practice, one in your community, or one of interest.

Cite evidence (statistical data) from the organization’s quality measures that demonstrate they are carrying out the HMD’s vision.

Provide specific examples from the organization in the form of changes in care, governance, training, communication, and partnerships.

Write a 260-word executive summary and create a 10- to 12-slide presentation about your findings, with detailed speaker notes. The executive summary should be a slide in the presentation (the title and reference slides are not included in the slide count).

Bottom of Form

· HMD Reports

“The Health and Medicine Division (HMD) is a division of the 

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

 that provides independent, objective analysis and advice to the nation. It also conducts other activities to solve complex problems and inform public policy decisions related to science, technology, and medicine” (National Academies, 2019). The National Academies have produced many reports with direct impacts on the field of nursing.

As you read the three reports in this activity, think about policy, legislative, political, or payer changes that could advance or have advanced the quality of care you provide.

· Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century

Read “A User’s Manual for the IOM’s ‘Quality Chasm’ Report” from the

University Library


Find the Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century report on the 

Health and Medicine Division’s



Read the preface on pages ix-x and the executive summary on pp. 1-22.

· To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System

Find the “To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System” report on the Health and Medicine Division’s website.

Read the preface on pages ix-x and the executive summary on pp. 1-16.

· Find the Health Professions Education: A Bridge to Quality

Find the “Health Professions Education: A Bridge to Quality” report on the Health and Medicine Division’s website.

Read the executive summary on pp. 1-18.

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