Reply to my peers

  Begin reviewing and replying to peer postings/responses early in the week to enhance peer discussion. See the rubric for participation points. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing viewpoints with a rationale, challenging aspects of the discussion, or indicating relationships between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress.

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Wellness in the Elderly

  • Develop a wellness program with a holistic approach for the older adult you identified in your Week 2 project.
  • Use resources available in your community.
  • Discuss how this approach will provide an optimum level of well-being.

Peer 1

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While interviewing and assessing G.H., a 73-year-old male, it was determined that he wears glasses, is overweight, and sits at a computer most of the day. By developing a wellness program with a holistic approach, risk factors can be modified or eliminated to help his functioning and quality of life (Miller, 2019). Addressing these risk factors and promoting wellness outcomes for G.H. is based on the Functional Consequences Theory (Miller, 2019). Integrating this wellness program into his life will address the factors that are affecting G.H.’s health and how he functions.

Educating G.H. about what is available to him in his own community is the beginning process of developing a wellness program that may work for him. There is a local senior center and a YMCA where G.H. can join exercise classes of various types. There are usually some type of health education classes being taught that I would encourage G.H. to participate in and attend, especially related to the benefits of physical activity, weight loss, and eye health. Having G.H. visit these locations and write down on his calendar three days to attend an exercise class of his choice each week and at least one day each week to sign up for a health education or health promotion activity for him to attend would be a good start in his holistic wellness program. Having choices for G.H. to choose from will give him a sense of self-control. One study showed that older people who participated in two or more classes each week saw an increase in fatigue reduction, improved overall health status, and improved communication with their physician (Lee, Smith, Towne, & Ory, 2018). I would have G.H. try this for 3 months and reevaluate his progress to see how he is doing and if any adjustments would need to be made.


Lee, S., Smith, M.L., Towne, S.D., & Ory, M.G. (2018). Effects of sequential participation in evidence-based health and wellness programs among older adults. Innovation Aging, 2 (2). Retrieved from

Miller, C.A. (2019). Nursing for wellness in older adults (Eighth ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer

Peer 2

Nurses have many opportunities to promote wellness for older adults through actions that are integral to holistic nursing. A major focus of a “wellness approach” to older adult health care is addressing the body–mind–spirit interconnectedness of each older adult as a unique and respected individual (Miller, 2018). During the interview that I conducted with my person, K.B, there were some areas identified that could use improvement to help with K.B ‘s overall health, such as interventions to help with visual/hearing changes, slight altered mobility, and struggling to maintain a healthy weight. To help K.B. with these changes, we discussed interventions and resources that could be implemented into her daily life to help with these age-related changes. A healthy diet, exercise regimen, and attending wellness visits are a few ways that could help K.B. with her mild problems. Becoming a member of a gym, such as the YMCA, which is open to the community as well as looking into getting a personal trainer is one way to help with her with maintaining her weight and getting the proper exercises she needs to strengthen her joints and muscles to help with ambulation, as well as gain further information about a diet that is effective for her. Because of her progressive hearing and visual problems, K.B. should stay up to date with seeing her PCP and implement safety measure such as wearing sunglasses, refraining from loud volumes, and treating infections promptly can reduce risk of infections and slow down the advancement of her visual and hearing deficits. There are various facilities in town that K.B. can visit for annual hearing tests and eye exams if necessary such as ENT facilites and individual eye practices. Implementing these small changes into K.B’s life can allow her to continue living her life the way that she always has pain free without having to refrain from any social gatherings and physical activities that she loves. 

Miller, C. A. (2018). 

Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults

 (8th ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

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