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A minimum of 100 words each and References Response (#1 – 6) KEEP RESPONSE WITH ANSWER EACH ANSWER NEED TO HAVE A SCHOLARY SOURCE with a Hyperlink

Make sure the Responses includes the Following: (a) an understanding of the weekly content as supported by a scholarly resource, (b) the provision of a probing question. (c) stay on topic

1. Scholarly sources and peer reviewed sources share the characteristic that they are both written by experts in their fields. Where they begin to differ is in their purpose. Scholarly articles are typically written for other experts in the field. Their main focus is to explore theories and different experimental methods. These sources are also typically reviewed by external reviewers as well as peer reviewers. Peer reviewed journals on the other hand are written to improve scholarly articles and build upon their research. These articles are reviewed by other experts in the field and seek to inform and further research on the topic at hand (Hacker & Sommers, 2017). 

2. Peer-reviewed sources, such as journal articles, go through rigorous review process that requires approval from the author’s peers (Hacker & Sommers, 2017). These peers are other professionals who are also experts within the same field and the author has a chance to edit or change their article based off the feedback they receive from their peers prior to publishing. Peer-reviewed journal articles are considered to be scholarly, however scholarly sources may not always be peer-reviewed. Alternatively, scholarly sources are written by experts within a particular field and are meant to be for other experts within the same field (Hacker & Sommers, 2017). While both types of sources are wrote by experts within their field, they differ in the way they are reviewed prior to publishing.

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3. A scholarly source is the resource used to provide the most substantial information for research papers. Experts in a field use these journals to keep the interest oh other professional. This research is deemed as creditable and update information and finding in the field. Peer reviewed article has undergone the scrutiny of a review board of colleagues of authors in that field. Peer reviewed papers can be rejected or subject to corrections and revisions. The board makes recommendations regarding publication in a journal. “Journal articles are peer-reviewed scientific or scholarly articles that make claims supported by agreed-upon theories, research methods, and public evidence.” Hacker & Sommers (2017)

4. APA style is a writing style and format for academic documents such as scholarly journal articles and books. It is commonly used for citing sources within the field of behavioral and social sciences. The most important APA format guidelines in the 6th edition are: Use 12 pt Times New Roman. Set 1 inch page margins. Apply double line spacing. Insert a running head on every page. Indent every new paragraph ½ inch. General APA Guidelines state that your essay should be typed and double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5″ x 11″), with 1″ margins on all sides. Include a page header (also known as the “running head”) at the top of every page. For a professional paper, this includes your paper title and the page number. Your title page should include a page number, article title, author name, and author affiliation. The seventh edition of the APA Publication Manual contained a few changes to the format of an APA style title page, including separate guidelines for student and professional title pages. The APA’s guidelines are important because they promote consistency within a discipline. Everyone writing biology papers, for example, uses the same rules. So everyone reading a biology paper knows where to find citations, how to read tables, when to look for a footnote, and so on. Formatting college papers in adherence to APA style guidelines assures clarity, uniformity and credibility. It also it helps to prevent occurrences of plagiarism and upholds the pursuit of academic integrity and honesty. APA Style provides clarity to papers on often complex topics. It makes papers easier to read and understand. When sources are cited the same way each time and the paper is written in a uniform format, it gives it better flow and helps keep the focus on the content of the paper.

5. According to Hacker and Sommers (2017), APA formatting guidelines is “an agreed-upon set of rules for communicating the results of scientific research in psychology” (p. 104, para 2). In short, APA formatting is the standard way to write a paper in a psychological setting. There are specific rules to follow. These rules are important because all students, staff, psychologists, etc., can understand each other. This is possible because the rules are strict and across the board. Anyone who understands APA formatting will be able to know which information belongs where. This can save time and be useful during school, and in the psychological field. APA formatting is traditional and predictable, as it should be, so that all can be on the same page. APA formatting is also important for literature reviews, or peer-reviews. When reviewing one’s article, the reader or expert will understand what is to be expected and be able to take away what is needed. This is especially crucial for peer-reviewed articles. When trying to replicate an empirical article, anyone should be able do so and find the validity of the author’s argument (Hacker & Sommers, 2017).

6. Now that we are in week 2 of our class and you are beginning to really start focusing on your research, what are some areas of confidence that you feel you still need to develop? What do you see your strengths are as a future researcher?

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