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A minimum of 150 words each and References Response (#1 – 6) KEEP RESPONSE WITH ANSWER EACH ANSWER NEED TO HAVE A SCHOLARY SOURCE with a Hyperlink

Make sure the Responses includes the Following: (a) an understanding of the weekly content as supported by a scholarly resource, (b) the provision of a probing question. (c) stay on topic

1. I enjoyed reading your post this week and appreciated that you pulled information from the Stroke Association. I was shocked to learn that in the United States there are 180,000 people diagnosed with aphasia each year and that one in every 250 people are living with aphasia (National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders [NIDCD], 2015). This means that it is much more common than I thought. It seemed like such a specific and obscure condition, but in reality, impacts many people. When I think of one in 250, it does not seem like a lot. In my area, there are only 120 foster homes and over 100,000 households, and nearly 200,000 people. When I put that into perspective, a person is almost 4 times as likely to have aphasia than they are to be a foster parent. I know dozens of foster parents, but I cannot think of a person who I know has permanent aphasia. I have transient aphasia as a symptom of my migraines, but I have noticed people enjoy teasing others who stumble over their words instead of meeting them with compassion.

According to Ellis and Urban (2016), younger people are more likely to develop aphasia after a stroke. Using a literature review, they found that a stroke is more likely to cause aphasia if the person is older, but younger patients often had Broca’s aphasia (Ellis & Urban, 2016).

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Do you know anyone with aphasia? How might friends and family accommodate a person with aphasia?

2. I enjoyed your post. You shared great insight on what Aphasia is and how it can affect the human body specifically the brain. You also mentioned how a person may want to express themselves one way, but it doesn’t come out that way which can cause them to become frustrated. I worked in the mental health field for a very long time and I worked with a lot of the patients who experienced this. One would want to say something nice and sweet everytime she would see a little girl in a pretty dress, but the words that came out of her mouth were very hurtful. The patient would cry because of the frustration of not being in control of her own body movements. She would want me to step in and apologize and explain on her behalf what she really meant. Again, I saw the frustration up close, but it was nothing compared to what the patient experienced on a daily basis. With permission I would bring her favorite blueberry muffins as a cheer up snack.

3. Gazzaniga, Ivry, and Mangun (2018) describe aphasia as shortfalls in language comprehension and production. Aphasia may or may not be accompanied by speech issues or issues with motor planning. Two different forms of aphasia are anomia and Broca’s aphasia. Anomia is a condition in which the individual impacted is unable to name objects. This condition is typically seen if the individual has suffered a stroke in the left hemisphere. This would impact the person’s mental lexicon through the production and understanding of written or oral language being diminished. Meanwhile, Broca’s aphasia is a condition in which the individual impacted has lesions on the posterior portion of the left inferior frontal gyrus. These lesions cause the individual to have difficulties finding the appropriate word(s) to say, and further have trouble with the execution of pronouncing the words they would like to say. This impacts the mental lexicon as both speech and comprehension is diminished (Gazzaniga, Ivry, & Mangun, 2018).

4. Speech is an intuition that makes us all human. Although other organisms interact with an inherent capacity to generate a limited range of functional speech patterns, or even with fully trained structures, there are no other species known to exist with a restricted collection of symbols (speech sounds and words) that can convey limitless ideas (sentences). This capacity is in itself extraordinary (Lemetyinen, 2012).

What will bring it even more interesting is that in more and more younger children, researchers are finding signs of mastery of this dynamic ability. It is recorded that infants as young as twelve months have exposure to the grammar required to understand correlative statements. The process that helps children to segment vowels and consonants out of the sequences of stimuli they encounter, and to learn grammar to recognize and generate language, after more than sixty years of research into child language development, is still quite an interesting mystery (Lemetyinen, 2012).

5. Noam Chomsky had many interesting theories about the linguistic system. I agree with the idea that we are born with the systems in place to produce language. Our brains are born with the right structure of language and principles that determine the form and sentence structure (Putnam, & Chomsky, 1994). However, we still need to help the seed grow. The ability to speak and learn language is nonexistent when a child is placed in an impoverished environment (Putnam, & Chomsky, 1994). The idea is that no matter what language are to speak we have the engine parts readily available and working and it is up to us in our education and surroundings as to how we create the output.

With that we can agree that language is not a skill or exercise, but it is something we can create. When we use language, we create new forms of sentence structures. For example, we can read a sentence even if it is for the first time seeing those words, yet we still know it’s a sentence and that it fits or doesn’t fit. You have never seen this post that I am writing yet, you know what it is saying and how to read it. Because you already have the foundation set and can now create your own meaning of the sentences. For example, infants can distinguish phonemes in the language they are most exposed to (Gazzaniga, Ivry & Mangun, 2018). Through the mental lexicon storage unit, we can take the meanings of words, know how to combine them and their sounds and use patterns to form a sentence (Gazzaniga, Ivry & Mangun, 2018). Through this we can make out the difference between, lets park the car and let’s go to the park.

6. I do support the theory that language is generative and that humans have the ability to create unique sentences. While those in the animal world do communicate with one another, it is limited in vocalizations that contain meaning. Language in humans is an exclusive ability that allows for the unlimited expression of ideas with limited sounds and words and research is proving that mastery of the skill can occur at a very young age (Lemetyinen, 2012).

Chomsky has postulated that language is a biological cognitive aptitude that is shared by all humans and that people are born with the primary guidelines of language already in place (Cho Shakry, 2013). He further contends that language is universal as children are born into diverse cultures who hold various child-rearing processes, and yet all unimpaired kids grow into proficient users of language, despite errors as they practice (Cho Shakry, 2013). My opinion sides with Chomsky’s in that language is innate as I have raised three kids of my own, who all began to speak at a very young age and developed extensive vocabularies as toddlers and were avid participants in the written language as well.

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