Relationship paper

Students will type a 2-4-page paper applying a relational concept/theory to a relationship of their choice.  Students should select a relationship that they have with another person (e.g., significant other, parent, sibling, friend, co-worker, supervisor, relative, teacher).  Students will describe the relationship by doing all of the following:

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  • Explain the Relationship Stages using your relationship as an example
  • Explain how self-disclosure is used in your relationship
  • How do you recognize conflict 

      Discuss content – relational messaging and how it effects understanding

  • Explain how culture has played a role in your relationship
  • Describe how and when you  and your family (or family member) communicate
  • Describe how effective or ineffective listening has helped or hindered 
  • Describe the romantic turning points for a romantic relationship you have been in
  • Describe your self awareness related to the success or failure of the relationship
  • Describe how you have repaired a damaged relationship
  • Describe how you have resolved conflict in a relationship

Formatting Requirements

  • Cover Page (Not included in the minimum page number)
  • Double-spaced
  • 12 point Times New Roman or Arial font
  • Reference page
  • APA or MLA Format
  • Minimum of three sources (one source can be the textbook)

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