reflective essay

Writing your Hallmarks reflections

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Each artifact in your portfolio should be accompanied by a reflective essay (about 300 words, 1 typed page).

1. Identify your artifact

· When and where did you complete the work for the artifact?


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· What was the assignment or experience and what was its intended purpose?

2. Connect the artifact to the Hallmarks learning goal

· How does this work connect with the selected Hallmarks learning goal?

· Which specific aspects of the learning goal does this work address?

Learning goal is rigorous inquiry

3. Reflect on your learning experience

Conclude your essay with a paragraph exploring one or two of the following questions, as appropriate to the artifact: 

· How did your work on this project build on your previous learning or skills?

· How did you grow or change as a result of this learning experience?

· What challenges did you face in this work and what would you do differently the next time? 

· How would you explain the value of what you learned to a family member?

· How would you explain the value of what you learned to a potential employer?

· Why was this a memorable or significant learning experience for you?

Grading rubric for Hallmarks reflections



Level of Achievement

1. Identify your artifact

2. Connect the artifact to the Hallmarks learning goal

3. Reflect on your learning experience

Clarity of Communication




The essay provides a detailed and thoughtful explanation of the artifact’s context and purpose.

The essay includes a thorough and detailed assessment of how the artifact achieved the learning goal.

The essay offers thoughtful and detailed reflection on the learning experience.

The essay’s expression is consistently clear and well-organized. 



The essay provides detailed information about the artifact, its context and purpose

The essay includes reasonably detailed assessment of how the artifact met the learning goal.

The essay offers detailed reflection on the learning experience.  

Most of the essay’s expression is clear and well-organized



The essay provides basic information about the artifact, its context and purpose.

The essay provides a basic assessment of how the artifact met the learning goal.

The essay offers some basic reflection on the learning experience. 

The essay’s expression is fairly clear, with some vague or disorganized passages.



Identifying information about the artifact, its context and purpose is limited or unfocused.

The essay includes limited or vague assessment of how the artifact met the learning goal.

The essay offers limited or unfocused reflection on the learning experience.

Some parts of the essay are difficult to understand due to unclear or disorganized expression.


Needs Improvement

Little or no identifying information about the artifact or its context and purpose.

The essay includes little or no assessment of how the artifact met the learning goal.

The essay offers little or no reflection on the learning experience.

The essay is difficult to understand due to unclear or disorganized expression.




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