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Please, from this day forth, if you’re rewriting papers for me, use the reference because that is a direct link to the article, journal, or a textbook read and understand and rewrite base on your understanding of your words. Going back to create time to rewrite what I have paid someone to do is not funny. If it continues, I will stop using your website and use Course Hero. And please find the attached papers rewrite the articles with clear understanding, and make it plagiarize free based on the question. Also, please rewrite it from paragraph to paragraph and do not mix up the paragraph. For example, do not make paragraphs one, two, or three; the paper will make no sense because the attached document is 70% plagiarized. Please, take your time to read it over because will only deal with someone who follows the instruction of my paper(s) 

Another thing, please, in my papers, can you minimize the use of PASSIVE VOICE all over my papers. For example, being included, are located, be considered, be accomplished, and the use of too many that, the & more in a sentence.


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10-1 Journal Reflection, Challenges, and Looking Forward

While I was taking this course, I have a acquired a great deal of knowledge regarding how a defined public health issues can be overcome or resolved. I also studied different areas of public health which has helped to improve my knowledge as a public health professional. Of all the reviewed journals, I am interested in minimising the maternal and infant mortality rate in Haiti and various other nations of the world. This topic is very valuable to me as a public health professional because maternal and infant mortality is considered as one of the most public health issues around the world and providing a strategy to resolve this issue will help my career as a public health professional.

The challenges I experienced while working through the material and assignment of this course was access to most recent information and data regarding the discussed public health issues. While trying to gather demographic information on Haiti, I discovered that the provided information was two years old and sources that provided recent information on Haiti’s demographic information were unreliable. Therefore, the information provided is considered as being unreliable.

The concept of this course will enable me to be effective in performing my role and responsibilities as a public health professional. With the knowledge I acquired from this course, I intend to work with some public health agency to develop programs that educate women on the importance on ante-natal and post-natal hospital visits. I will also be able to set-up a program that can convince child-birth attenders around the globe to go for more training so as to improve their knowledge regarding childbirth.

Course Reflection

While undertaking this course, I came to learn about the various theories that were used and are still in use in day-to-day public health matters. That enables the public to overcome issues relating to public health complications, concerns, or at least comprehend the strategies to utilize to get better.

For me, the most considerable difficulty that I experienced in the course was about the writing methods or formats required. That is clarified and perceivably apply in every circumstance. It was not trouble-free since I was employed full time with profoundly mentally demanding. The two roles were very demanding, and it took me so much will power so as not to crack under pressure. I received overwhelming support from my family, they helped and encouraged me throughout my learning journey, and I was able to perceive the more excellent picture of my retirement plans and the future. I am now competently equipped to assist myself as well as the larger society.

As a future public health administrator, I anticipate utilizing all or the majority of the knowledge that I have acquired during the duration of this course. The learned methods that will help me create a more exceptional picture in developing custom-made solutions to specific public health problems, including interventions and determining their accomplishment in my forthcoming as well as present day. In addition, I have come to realize that things and situations are not always as they appear, but buried layers do subsist to those challenges. For future public health administrator(s) to notice the layers, as I was advised in my undergraduate program, when it comes public health issues, we ought to apply the who, when, why, as well as what. As a result, we can aid in identifying appropriate select population, consequences for evaluation, and approaches of transformation.

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