Real W Five

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Draft Slides is the assignment details for this week!!!

Submit a PowerPoint file with a rough draft of your slides. Voice narration is not required, but include notes on what you plan to say about each slide in the Notes section in PowerPoint. The more complete you can make your draft, the better the feedback you will receive from the professor and your classmates to improve your final presentation.

Your PowerPoint file should include drafts for the title slide, at least one slide per major section of the presentation (see Objectives in the Course Project Overview), and a reference slide. Notes should be provided for each slide outlining what you plan to say. The draft slide deck should be complete enough to allow the professor and peer reviewers to provide detailed, useful feedback.

See the Course Project page in the Introduction & Resources area under Modules for details.

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Course Project Page

Research an emerging trend in data analytics and business intelligence, and create a fully annotated, multimedia piece (for example, video, poster, PowerPoint, narrated PowerPoint) suitable for briefing senior management of a company on your findings and recommendations.

Some examples of emerging trends are discussed in Chapter 14 of the course textbook, including location-based analytics, recommendation engines, data-as-a-service, and analytics-as-a-service. You can also find topics through your own research online and in the DeVry University Library. Published reports by research and consulting firms, such as Gartner and Accenture, are good sources of ideas, as well as articles on trends in major publications that cover business and IT, such as Forbes, InformationWeek, and CIO.

Your presentation should address the following points regarding your chosen topic.


Describe the emerging trend in a way that would be understandable to a nontechnical business manager.

· Provide at least two examples of how the trend is being applied in organizations currently.

· Predict how the trend is likely to develop over the next 5 years.

· Analyze how the trend may impact business organizations in the coming years, including both positive and negative impacts.

· Recommend what you think an interested business organization should do with regard to this trend.

· Your presentation must be 10-15 minutes in length and should consist of approximately 7-12 PowerPoint slides including a title slide at the beginning and a references slide at the end. 

· Slides should be clear, professionally formatted, and easily readable. Avoid using large blocks of text on slides; short bullet points are preferred (3-7 bullet points per slide, 3-7 words per bullet point). Use of images and other graphics is encouraged, but be sure to use only images that are appropriately licensed for use, and cite the source for all images.

· References are very important. At least five authoritative references are required. Anonymous authors are not acceptable. Web sources, if used, must be authored by recognized experts in the field. At least three references must be peer-reviewed, scholarly papers from the DeVry University Library. All should be listed on the last slide, titled references. APA reference style should be used, except that hanging indent format (difficult to do on a slide) is not required.

· Appropriate citations are required. Use an APA-style in-text citation (Author, Year) on the slide where you use information from a source, and be sure a corresponding complete reference entry appears on your references slide.

· You must provide audio narration in your own voice accompanying your slides, as if you were delivering the presentation to an audience of senior management at your organization. Vocal delivery should be clear, easy to listen to and understand, professionally worded, and free from mispronunciations and overlong pauses or verbal fillers such as “um,” “ah,” and the like. You may speak from notes if you can do so fluently, or you may wish to write out your narration in full. However, if you write it out, avoid reading in a monotone; vary your rate and tone to keep the audience engaged.

· All DeVry University policies are in effect, including the Academic Integrity policy. All text on slides, and all narration, should be primarily your own original wording. If you use any word-for-word quotations from a source on a slide, these must be placed in quotation marks (” . . . “) and the source must be cited. If a word-for-word quotation from a source is used in the narration, but does not appear on a slide, this must be clearly indicated in the narration AND the quoted passage and a source citation must be placed in the Notes section of the corresponding slide.

· Interim deliverables for this project are your topic selection in Week 1, preliminary reference list in Week 3, draft of PowerPoint slides in Week 5, and peer reviews of classmates’ drafts in Week 6. Final Presentations are due during Week 7.

· Any questions about this paper may be discussed in the Course Q & A Forum.


Research on Real-Time Location Intelligence is my ideal choice for the Course Project

Providing a real time aspect, location data gives business ability to create data experiences that gives more insights to more users than ever before. This is the future of analytics via dashboards to actionable applications.

The best way to describe real time location analytics is the practice of adding a layer of geographical data to a business’s data assets that allows you pull the data to gain an insight and provide solid solutions to emerging issues in business allows for greater context when asking questions about different business processes, offering a new understanding of trends and relationships in the data.

Reference List

DeVry Library Resources:

Hybrid Location-based Recommender System for Mobility and Travel Planning

Logesh Ravi

; Subramaniyaswamy, V; 

Vijayakumar, V

Chen, Siguang

; Karmel, A; et al.

Mobile Networks and Applications

; New York

 Vol. 24, Iss. 4, 

 (Aug 2019): 1226-1239. DOI:10.1007/s11036-019-01260-4

PDFDownload PDF


Real-time traffic sign recognition based on a general purpose GPU and deep-learning

Lim, Kwangyong; Hong, Yongwon; Choi, Yeongwoo; Byun, Hyeran.PLoS One; San Francisco Vol. 12, Iss. 3,  (Mar 2017): e0173317.formats:

Real-time artificial intelligence for detection of upper gastrointestinal cancer by endoscopy: a multicentre, case-control, diagnostic study

Luo, Huiyan; Xu, Guoliang; Li, Chaofeng; He, Longjun; Luo, Linna; et al.Lancet Oncology; London Vol. 20, Iss. 12,  (Dec 2019): 1645-1654.



2831 documents in ProQuest with shared references


· Outside Source List:

· Dynamic and Mobile GIS: Investigating Changes in Space and Time offers detailed cases of successful applications and identifies the current cutting-edge aspects of mobile and dynamic GIS. The book also looks to the future, investigating important research directions and potential challenges. 2019

· Link

· How Decision Intelligence Connects Data, Actions, and Outcomes for a Better World

· By Lorien Pratt · 2019

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