Real estate finance 4


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FinanceReal Estate

2/18/2020 Sample Content Topic 1/1

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Introduction: The foreclosure process can differ for deeds
versus mortgages. You will conduct research to determine
these differences since it is not only covered in the real estate
exam, but it is important to know this process in professional

Scenario: Henri and Lila own a restaurant which the
government has caused to close due to widening the road in
front of their establishment. Since this is the main source of
their income, and has caused Lila and Henri to stop payments
on their mortgage, address the following questions.


Explain the action that Henri and Lila should expect from the
bank regarding their property.

Describe how the banks actions would differ if it was a deed of
trust rather than a mortgage.

Respond in a minimum of 600–850-word essay with additional
title and reference pages using APA format and citation style.

Access the Unit 4 Assignment grading rubric.

Submit your response to the Unit 4 Assignment Dropbox.

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