Reading Response

Please read the two articles and response to the questions. 1 paragraph per question.

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Below are questions for the readings for Assignment.

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In the first reading – Self-Design, or Productive Narcissism – Boris Groys explores some very interesting ideas related to self-perception, and how and why we (re)present a particular version of ourselves to others.

The second reading – a response to Groys’ essay by David Burns – focuses-in more closely on some of the negative aspects of ‘productive narcissism’ and how it’s manifested in contemporary society.

Questions for Assignment 3 Reading Response

1. What is the difference between the way Groys describes Narcissus at the beginning of his essay, and the way we interpret ‘narcissism’ today?  Based on that relationship, how does your view of society affect the way you communicate with others on a social media platform like Instagram?…is it positive or negative, and why?

2. Based on Groys essay, what is the relationship between religion (ie God) and Design? What are some specific examples of the way design manifests itself in society today, and how do you incorporate it into your own life to express your ‘self’.

3. Towards the end of David Burns’ response to Boris Groys’ essay, Burns uses the example of the 

end scene to the movie Zabrinskie Point

 as a metaphor for that generation’s counterculture, and their “false radicalism laid bare”. Given the ‘ubiquitous’ and ‘democratic’ nature of sharing information we tend to associate with a platform like Instagram, what could some examples of our own ‘false radicalism’ be in relation to the role it plays in our lives today?

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