
Consider some “high-end” brands. In our discussions and assignments you see the terms market strategy, and positioning strategy. Many brands, Barefoot Dreams, Apple/Mac, Starbucks, etc… These brands choose a particular position in the market. All could lower prices and possibly pick up additional segments, but they run the risk of alienating their target segment(s). They work to maintain that position in the market.

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Hi Crystal and Class,

Most of you will notice, that when you discuss “Price” in isolation from the other 3Ps, I’ll typically remind you that price alone is typically not a factor in decision making.

Consider some “high-end” brands. In our discussions and assignments you see the terms market strategy, and positioning strategy. Many brands, Barefoot Dreams, Apple/Mac, Starbucks, etc… These brands choose a particular position in the market. All could lower prices and possibly pick up additional segments, but they run the risk of alienating their target segment(s). They work to maintain that position in the market.

In the 19890’s Cadillac introduced the Cadillac Cimarron; an “affordable” Cadillac for a younger segment. Not only were sales poor, but Cadillac’s target market stopped buying the more expensive Cadillacs. The target market didn’t want “just anyone” to own a Cadillac!

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BMW created a different brand “Mini-Cooper”, so the lower priced, car wouldn’t dilute the BMW brand.

Can anyone think of other brands with similar experiences? 

In the 19890’s Cadillac introduced the Cadillac Cimarron; an “affordable” Cadillac for a younger segment. Not only were sales poor, but Cadillac’s target market stopped buying the more expensive Cadillacs. The target market didn’t want “just anyone” to own a Cadillac!
BMW created a different brand “Mini-Cooper”, so the lower priced, car wouldn’t dilute the BMW brand.

1.  Can you think of other brands with similar experiences?  (100 words)

ABC says they lose millions in sales from potential Sunday sales, but they more than make up for those losses from their loyal consumers. (Mabrey & Marsh, 2009)

Can you think of dissociative reference groups for any of the brands you patronize?  I recently changed motorcycle brands. I had a Honda for several years and over the Summer, I bought a Harley Davidson. I see a distinct brand loyalty to the Harleys vs the Honda and there’s a bit of dissociation between the two brands’ owners despite the fact that we enjoy the riding experience.

2.  Other examples you might have?  (100 words)

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