Question and answer

Please look at the paper that upload here for each session please make questions and put the answers under the each question, at least 4 question for each session. please use the resource that is provided. And any other references. Thank you

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Secondhand smoking


Volunteer 1:

Volunteer 2:

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Please include Questions and Answers and your name by the content you provide to get credit:

Session 1:

Main points to cover but are not limited to:

Pharmacists play a unique role in health risk of second hand smoke

How harmful is second hand smoke

Session 2:

Main points to cover but are not limited to:

How does second-hand smoke harm your health?

How does second-hand smoke harm babies and children?

What is more concerning is that children are most exposed to second hand smoking in their homes

Second hand smoke exposure causes respiratory symptoms (ex. Wheezing, phlegm, breathlessness), acute lower respiratory infection (ex. Bronchitis and pneumonia) in infants and children.

Session 3:

Main points to cover but are not limited to:

How pharmacist can help with smoking cessation


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