
UNL is thinking about joining with a local park and recreation department to expand its playing fields and then to share such fields and their upkeep with the local government agency. The fields are already adjoining. UNL owns 50 acres (20 ha), and the city owns the adjoining 50 acres. If such an effort is undertaken, where can the two parties go to find additional funding to support this project? Explain your choice and the cost of raising such funds.

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2-3 page document that demonstrates critically analysis of the material in and related to the course. The completed assignment will demonstrate an analysis of the readings, incorporate previous knowledge and the application of critical thinking skills. The submission should make evident a thorough understanding of material articulated at a graduate level. All submissions must incorporate aspects from the textbook, additional peer-reviewed materials and other related information properly cited and referenced. The submission must meet the standards for typed assignments for course including the use of additional academic sources

required text: Fried, G., DeSchriver, T.D , & Mondello, M. (2019). Sport finance (4th ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

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