question 4

Design an engaging and interactive activity to teach us at least 3 key points from the book, using a maximum of 3 slides. (This includes a cover page and/or citations should you choose to use them.) Provide a brief review of the book.

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1. Facilitate a 5-minute interactive activity that teaches us at least 3 key points from the book

1. What are the 3 most relevant points of the book that relate to teams in the workplace

2. What practical techniques from the book do you recommend we apply and how?

2. Present a 3-minute review of the book answering the following questions:

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2. What is something you read that surprised you?

2. What is something about the book that changed your thinking about how you might participate on a team? Lead a team?

2. What (if anything) did you disagree with and why?

2. Do you recommend this book? Why or why not?

2. Describe your team experience. What worked well and what was challenging? Relate your comments to topics we have discussed in class up to this point.

Your presentation will be graded on the following:

1. Your preparation for the presentation and adherence to time requirement (organization)

2. How in-depth you answered the questions and related them to teams (analysis)

3. The quality of your insights (rigor)

4. The degree of interaction in your presentation and adherence to slide requirements (quality)

One-page speech.

One page slide.

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