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Next year you will begin receiving $186 per year in perpetuity from a family trust fund (first payment is exactly 1 year from today). You have decided to discount these cash flows at a constant interest rate of 5.7%. What is the present value today of these future cash flows? (Hint: draw a time line to illustrate exactly the cash flows for this problem.) Answer to 2 decimal places. 

Beth works at the local Children’s Hospital. Last year, a set of triplets arrived from Africa, at the Children’s Hospital. The infants were abandoned by their parents and all 3 suffered from a very rare blood disorder. Beth worked closely with the children and soon decided to adopt all 3. Beth’s tax preparer has determined that Beth is eligible for the adoption credit; however, she must determine if the infants are classified are special needs children for adoption purposes. All of the following would be considered when determining if a child is an eligible child with special needs EXCEPT: 

Suppose you held a well-diversified portfolio with a very large number of securities, and that the single index model holds. If the standard deviation of your portfolio was 45% and the standard deviation of the market was 19.75%, what would be your estimate of the beta of the portfolio? Note that beta is shown as a number not a percentage.

A company’s sales in Seattle were $370,000 in 2012, while their sales in Portland were $245,000 for the same year. Complete the following statements:a. Seattle’s sales were

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% larger than Portland’s.

b. Portland sales were

% smaller than Seattle’s.

c. Portland sales were

% of Seattle’s. 

A manufacturer determines that x units of a product will be sold if the selling price is p= 450 – 0.025x dollars for each unit. If the production cost for x units is c = 600 + 20x, find the number of units that maximizes the profit.

Solve the system of equations by the Gauss-Jordan method. (Enter your answers as a comma-separated list. If the system is inconsistent, answer INCONSISTENT. If the system is dependent, parametrize the solutions in terms of the parameter t.)

x1 + x2 + x3 = −10

x1 + 2×2 + 2×3 = −15

x1 + 3×2 + 2×3 = −18

(x1, x2, x3) = 

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