Question #1

Please consider the following scenario. Lisa is an eighteen year old student who is an undergraduate student at Ferris State University. She comes from a low-income family and is the first one in her family to attend college. Lisa is 5’4” and weighs 180 pounds. She also comes from a family in which her parents and older brother all smoke. As a result, she started smoking when she was 15 years old and has really thought about quitting once she started college. She was able to quit for a month, but soon the stress of balancing college life (e.g. exams, harder classes, bigger workload) with a part-time job really got to her, and she started smoking a pack a day. This was fairly easy to do because she was 18 now and didn’t need a fake ID anymore, and she and her co-workers at the local restaurant enjoyed taking smoke breaks together to commiserate over their stressful lives.

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Also, due to the new time pressures associated with balancing college and a part-time job, Lisa found herself eating at McDonalds (which is right on campus and was relatively very cheap and quick) every day for lunch and at the fast food restaurant she worked for dinner. She also exercised much less than usual and found herself comfort-eating cookies and other sweet snacks during her study sessions. She found that her friends did the same, so she did not think it was a big deal that she gained 10 pounds within her first semester in college. Also, she thought, she is only 18, and issues like heart disease and diabetes only happened to much older people. On top of everything, she often felt depressed because she was so far away from home and missed her family and high school friends so much. Sometimes, smoking and overeating seemed the only ways to cope.

In this scenario, please select a health behavior you think Lisa needs to change (you are welcome to choose more than one), and please answer the following questions: (10 pts)

  1. Please apply the socio-ecological framework to describe the likely determinants of the health behavior at the three main levels of the framework (intrapersonal, interpersonal and environment levels).
  2. If you wanted to develop an intervention to change your selected health behavior(s) that incorporates all THREE main levels of the ecological framework, which health behavior models/theories/concepts would you incorporate into the intervention? Please note that this intervention will be taking place in a rural location such as Big Rapids.

Please summarize your responses in a 1-3 page double spaced typed paper using 12-pt. Arial or Times Roman font. Please be sure to cite your sources (both textbook and outside sources) in APA format.

Midterm essay grading rubric: Midterm Essay Grading Rubric

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