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The Capstone Consultancy Project – Assessment Information

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The College of the North Atlantic Qatar has in place comprehensive and robust assessment criteria, marking and moderation processes, which are adhered to and regularly audited as part of our quality assurance processes. The Assessment for this module comprises of two parts:

Part A – Capstone (Group Consultancy) Report

Hand in Date: Monday XXth April


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0XX, 12 noon

Weighting: 50% of overall mark

Word Count: Between 4500-5500 Words


The Capstone (Group Consultancy) Projects will be each marked independently by two academic members of staff. The views / feedback from the Client following the presentation (in terms of how well the report / presentation had met the client brief) will be taken into account when deciding on the final mark.

The allocation of marks between the team members is decided after full and careful consideration of; the students individual peer evaluation forms (“CONSULTANCY FIRM EVALUATION FORM”); reflective learning statements; documentation relating to minutes of meetings etc., and the academic judgement of the tutors who saw the firm (team) at the weekly timetabled sessions. Academic judgement is then used in reaching the final agreed mark for each student for the Group Consultancy part of the module.

Please note all students must complete “CONSULTANCY FIRM EVALUATION FORM” this is used in order to evaluate each individual’s contribution when marking the consultancy reports. Students are to hand in alongside their individual assessment (Part B).

Submission of Report

This must be submitted by the stated date and time deadline to the office:

Capstone (Group Consultancy) Report – Monday XXth April 20XX, 12 noon

· Three hard copies of your consultancy report to be submitted to office

· One of the three copies must be in an envelope, fully addressed to your client with covering letter

· One electronic PDF copy to be sent to your client by email

· One electronic PDF copy to be sent to module tutor

Peer Evaluation Forms for you group consultancy work – Monday XXth April 20XX, 12 noon

· To be submitted with your group report

· Each evaluation to be in a sealed envelope with your team and client name clearly marked

Supporting information:

PR4XXX Capstone (Group Consultancy) Report Template Example

Front Cover / Title Page

This should include the name of your firm, the title of the report including the name of the client. This must also include the date report was delivered to the client.

The presentation of your report is a very creative process, therefore the colour, typo and design is down to you, however bear in mind the cover should be appropriate for the industry / market.

Executive Summary

This should be a short summary of the report including-

Purpose – the consultancy topic (objectives)

Background details of your client organisation, (e.g. the type of organisation; industry, position & size etc., the products, goods or services they provide).

The work under taken (e.g. research)

Briefly explain the findings and recommendations – (The idea is for the reader to have general understanding of what to expect in the rest of the report)

Table of contents

List each section of the report followed by the page number where that section can be found.


Purpose of project (objectives outlined in your brief); outline of the issues and how they have been addressed in the report.

Scope of Study and Review of Organisation

This section is where you discuss the problems in detail, how important are the issues and problems, which you have identified together with your client or in your firm’s analysis with reference to the project brief; what was included and excluded (boundaries).

An outline of the review of the organisation is to be included.

Note: marking criteria 20% for context – review of the organisation.

Approach / Methods

This section should include the methods and approaches used to gather primary and / or secondary data, and the approach for analyse the given topic. Indicate the business frameworks and what type of tools you used.

You need to include a subsection considering ethics in relation to your research undertaken.

Note: marking criteria 10% for methods of research including ethics.

Discussion / Observations and Analysis

This section should be where you discuss the findings, key observations, followed by an evaluation and the significance of that observation; this should include in-depth analysis of the key issues. What does your analysis indicate?

Note: marking criteria 30% for research including discussion and findings

Conclusions & Recommendations

In this section you would discuss comments, conclusions and recommendations (for the client/organisation) in relation to any problems or issues requiring attention.

You should discuss in detail your firm’s key recommendations (including appropriate timescales) to the client, perhaps include alternatives within possible solutions (use researched data and statistics etc., in support of your recommendations). All recommendations should be supported with a full costing analysis (this is relevant to all briefs). For many organisations it is appropriate to breakdown recommendations into three categories; Bronze (low-cost), Silver (mid-cost), Gold (job to be done).

This section will vary according to the project brief and the client – however the basic principle is the same.

Note: marking criteria 30% for recommendations including; improvements that contributes to the organisation successfully implementing your ideas



A list of any sources you have referred to in the report.


Appendix I – An implementation or action plan.

Additional appendices – as required containing information that is relevant to the report.


Points to note:


When you are putting the final report together it is important that the report is written in the third person. One of the ways of achieving/ensuring this happens is to write a paragraph or two starting “Organisation Requirements” which could be positioned within the introduction, rather than “Your Requirements”.

One way to handle this is to separate the recommendations into two sub-headings: innovations, and adaptations.

Ensure the report meets the brief and answers the question or addresses the problem posed and is appropriate for the client (taking into account their motivation and culture).

Edit and check for

· clarity and objectivity

· good grammar and spelling

· data accuracy

· correct numbering

· correct referencing

1. It is not a case of one size fits all; you have room to be creative or adopt the report template to suit the industry, depth of the project and organisational culture you are working with. However, the basic format must remain the same; please discuss with a member of the module teaching team if further advice is required.

1. The Capstone (Group Consultancy) Report Marking Criteria & Weightings


Professional / Commercial Presentation and Introduction              10%

2. Context – review of the organisation                                                  20%

2. Method of research including ethics                                                   10%

2. Research including discussion and findings                                     30%


Recommendations including; improvements that contributes to the

organisation successfully implementing your ideas 30%

1. A draft copy of your written report should be shown in advance to a member of the module teaching team for comment prior to submission.

Marking Criteria – Presentation/Report

PR4XXX Part A The Capstone (Group Consultancy) Report

Team / Firm: __________________ Client: __________________________

Report Presentation to Client – Date: ____________________

Internal Markers: ________________________Final Internally Agreed Mark: _______




There was a clear introduction to the brief

Body language/eye contact was appropriate

Most students did not merely read from notes/screen

The students appeared enthusiastic

Speech was generally clear, and well-paced

Use of supporting aids was clear and appropriate

The group behaved in an orderly, business-like fashion

There was evidence of rehearsal

The time schedule was adhered to



Professional / Commercial Presentation and Introduction 10 max

Context – review of the organisation 20 max

Method of research including ethics 10 max

Research including discussion and findings 30 max           

Recommendations including; improvements that contributes to the

Organisation successfully implementing your ideas


30 max

Total – The individual mark you will receive may differ based on a review of peer evaluations; discussions with your tutors and academic judgement.

100 max




This individual evaluation form (to be completed by each team / group member) on the student’s perception of how their firm (syndicate group) worked, the contribution made by each member, both in the preparation for and during the seminar. This Individual evaluation form should be attached to the students Reflective Learning Statement (as an appendix).

Student’s Name: ________________________________

Assuming that you have 100 points to divide among the members of your Firm (including yourself) based on each member’s overall contribution to the Firm. The Firms’ member whose contribution was the greatest should receive the largest share of the 100 points. The member whose overall contribution was the smallest would receive the smallest amount. The total for all members of your Firm must equal 100 points. In the space below, please write the names of your Firm – including yourself – and the points you feel you deserve:

Name Points (Total = 100)

____________________________________ ____________

____________________________________ ____________
____________________________________ ____________
____________________________________ ____________

____________________________________ _____________

Now, using the following space write a few sentences explaining the major strengths and weaknesses of each member of your Firm in relation to the contribution each member made, both in the preparation for and during the consultancy project etc., (excluding yourself):

Name: __________________________




Name: __________________________
Name: __________________________
Name: __________________________

Next, consider your overall group effort – both the amount of effort as well as the quality of that effort. On a scale from 0 – 100, what does you Firm’s total effort deserve? (In assigning a value to your Firm’s effort, don’t be modest and don’t be unrealistic):

Overall Group Effort (0 – 100): ___________

Finally, refer back to the first question where you divided 100 points among your group members and consider the number of points that you believe your Firm members will assign to you. On average, how many points will other group members give you, and why?


Part B – Individual Assessment

Hand in Date:
11th May 2021, 12 noon – submission through Turnitin

Weighting: 40% of final mark

Word Count: 5000 words

Literature Review – 3000 words

You should critically evaluate theory (literature) and demonstrate application to your project of, theories, frameworks and principles, drawn from a range of relevant and appropriately referenced academic and practitioner literature. You must demonstrate wide reading from a range of sources.

Reflective Learning Statement – 2000 words

E-Learning Journal

Your reflective learning statement is to be based / derived from your e-Learning Journal (example of E-Learning Template at bottom of this document; these should be attached as an appendix). You should have made regular entries (e.g. weekly from when you started working on your Group Client Project). Your entries should detail your reflections on the competences that you have developed and which areas you could further improved in relation to your career aspirations. The competences you should focus on are the CNAQ Employability and Leadership Attributes skills.


To be handed in 11th May 2021, 12 noon – submission through Turnitin

Literature review, reflective statement IN ONE DOCUMENT to be uploaded electronically to Turnitin site on D2L by time and date above.

Supporting information:

Literature Reviews

This quick help guide will help you to plan the stages involved in conducting a literature review.

What is a literature review?

· It is a critical analysis and synthesis of the important and relevant work in your chosen subject area.

· It is not just an annotated bibliography but a review of previous research relevant to your topic.

· A literature review normally forms the foundation of a dissertation, thesis or research paper.

· What is its purpose?

· A literature review:

· Gives a contemporary context and historical background to your own research.

· Avoids reinventing the wheel.

· Builds on previous research and your own knowledge.

· Identifies other researchers in the field.

· Identifies research methods.

· Identifies gaps in the literature which can suggest areas for future research.

What particular skills are involved?

· Search skills – you need to be able to find a wide range of resources relevant to your topic.

· Evaluation skills – you need to critically analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the materials you find in order to identify their relevance and contribution to your research.

Planning your search strategy – Getting started

· Focus on your topic, consider its scope and limitations.

· Check encyclopaedias and reference books for background information, for example Oxford

Reference Online (available from NORA).

· Use mind mapping to help you to visualise all the aspects of your topic.

· Read existing literature reviews in journal articles and theses databases.


· Keep a list of all your keywords, alternative terms and spelling variations.

· Use all your keywords and combinations of your keywords each time you search.

· Keep a record of all your searches to avoid duplication of work.


· Be systematic in your literature searching to find relevant information from a variety of sources.

· Search the Library Catalogue for books and eBooks.

· Conduct a Library Search search and click on Browse Resources by Subject to find and search the key databases for your subject and theses sources

· Search an open repository for grey literature

Evaluating the information found

· Read the literature you find and reflect on the relevance to your research.

· Refine your keywords and search the databases again if necessary.

· Pick up hints and tips on academic and critical reading.

· Develop critical thinking when reading – e.g. consult Ridley, D. (2012) The Literature Review.

Managing and referencing the information

How to structure your literature review

A framework or structure for your literature review with headings and sub-headings should emerge as you read, make notes, evaluate and summarise the information found.

Your review of the literature may be:

a) A stand-alone literature review.

b) Part of the introduction to your work.

c) Embedded in the discussion within each chapter of a dissertation or thesis.

Every piece of research is unique, but a literature review should be carefully structured and would usually contain:

· Introduction – outlining the range of your research and explaining how your review is organised.

· Main body – discussing the sources and will be more extensive than a list of publications.

· Conclusion/Recommendations – summary of your main arguments and conclusions, and recommendations for potential further research.


Writing your literature review

· Begin writing about the literature as early as possible – this will help you to define what you know, what further reading is required and how the literature supports your research.

· Learn to write in the appropriate style.

Further reading

· Booth, A., Papaioannou, D. and Sutton, A. (2012) Systematic Approaches to a Successful Literature Review. London: Sage.

· Machi, L.A. and McEvoy, B.T. (2012) The Literature Review: Six Steps to Success. 2nd edn. Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press.

· Ridley, D. (2012) The Literature Review: a step-by-step guide for students. 2nd edn. London: Sage.

· Trafford, V. and Leshem, S. (2008) Stepping Stones to achieving your doctorate. Maidenhead: Oxford University Press.




Standard Not Met 1



Not Met 2


Meets Standard 1


Meets Standard 2


Meets Standard 3

70-79% Exceeds Standard 1

80-89% Exceeds Standard 2



Standard 3

Presentation (10%)

Very badly written. Difficult to follow with many errors in the presentation. Numerous significant errors in the formatting of the referencing.

[0 – 2]

Several significant defects. Presentation of material has significant weaknesses and significant errors in the formatting of the referencing.

[ 3 ]

Compliance with
the assignment brief is adequate. Parts are difficult to follow and there may be other weaknesses. Referencing is generally in the correct format, but with a number of
errors. Some grammatical and spelling errors present.

[ 4 ]

Good work. Quite readable but one or two of the key areas have deficiencies. Referencing is good and generally in the correct format,

but with a few minor errors.

[ 5 ]

Very good work.
Easy to read; but use of English could be further improved. Excellent presentation. Referencing in the correct format. Very good linkages through paragraphs.

[ 6 ]

Very clear easy to follow format. Excellent writing style, hardly any spelling, grammatical or punctuation errors and excellent linkages between paragraphs. Referencing in the correct format.

[ 7]

Outstanding work.

Clear easy to follow format; writing style very clear; correct spelling, grammar and punctuation; references; title and declarations all correct. Outstanding linkages between chapters.


[ 8 ]

Exemplary work. Extremely well written, very clear and an easy to follow format.

Exemplary linkages between chapters with no spelling mistakes or grammatical/punctuation errors. Reference in correct format and looks professional.

[ 9– 10]

Literature review (60%)

Lacks understanding of what is required. The use of quotations and citations is also completely insufficient. Review does not relate to academic objectives. Theory has very few cited sources which are largely standard textbooks and lacks underpinning to professional practice.

Does not adequately demonstrate the ability to acquire, interpret and content in an ethical manor, does not take into consideration the culture within a business environment.

[0 – 20]

Lacks an adequate review of existing literature. The use of quotations and citations is insufficient and therefore does not support the literature review effectively.
Theory is descriptive in character with few cited sources

Does not sufficiently demonstrate the ability to acquire, interpret and content in an ethical manor, does not take into consideration the culture within a business environment.

[21 – 26]

Some discussion of existing literature. The use of quotations and citations is adequate but shows room for improvement. Limited amount of sources used; mainly text books, few academic journal articles.
Critical evaluation is weak, limited links to professional practise with limited solutions provided.

Adequately demonstrates the ability to acquire, interpret and content in an ethical manor with a limited consideration for the culture within a business environment.

[27– 32]

Good discussion of existing literature. Citations and quotations are used to good effect. Review includes a number of academic journal articles. Evidence of
critical evaluation of the existing literature.

Good discussion of existing
literature supported by appropriate citations and quotations. Review includes many academic journal articles, but not extensive. Some very good critical evaluation of literature but could be developed further. Summary of main points included. Demonstrates the ability to acquire, interpret and content in an ethical manor with a consideration for the culture within a business environment.

[39– 42]

An excellent discussion of existing
literature supported by up to date and relevant citations and quotations. Review includes many academic journal articles. An excellent critical evaluation of literature. An excellent conclusion of main points included.

[43- 48]

Outstanding in depth review of relevant, up-to-date literature with extensive use of academic journal articles supported by extensive citations and appropriate use of quotations.
Outstanding identification of relevant theoretical base. Critical evaluation of major theoretical contributions
Summary of main themes/issues of the review are provided. Outstanding demonstration of the ability to acquire, interpret and content in an ethical manor with a consideration for the culture within a business environment.

[49 – 54]

An exemplary literature review, superb in every respect. Review is current, highly critical and shows real insight and mastery of the topic area. Referencing is almost faultless. Extremely clear summary of the main themes/issues thus providing strong links to the following chapter. An exemplary demonstration of the ability to acquire, interpret and content in an ethical manor with a consideration for the culture within a business environment.


Good demonstration of the ability to acquire, interpret and content in an ethical manor with a consideration for the culture within a business environment.

[32 – 38]

AOL Goal 2 – Objective 3;

2.3 –

Skilful in the use of professional and managerial techniques and processes

: Demonstrate critical thinking skills.

The literature review is completely insufficient in demonstrating critical thinking throughout.

The literature review is insufficient in demonstrating critical thinking throughout.

The literature review is adequate in demonstrating critical thinking throughout.

The literature review is good in demonstrating critical thinking throughout.

The literature review is very good in demonstrating critical thinking throughout.

The literature review is excellent in demonstrating critical thinking throughout.

The literature review is outstanding in demonstrating critical thinking throughout.

The literature review is exemplary in critical thinking throughout.

Reflective statement (30%)

Reflective Learning Statement (based on the student’s Electronic Learning Journal) is completely insufficient and has virtually no detail re: the competences developed and which areas could be further improved in relation career aspirations) re: Personal Development and Employability skills development. Significant lack of evaluation by the student of how this module has enhanced their employability. Templates to be attached as appendices


Reflective Learning Statement (based on the student’s Electronic Learning Journal) is insufficient and fails to outline the competences developed and which areas could be further improved in relation to career aspirations) re: Personal Development and Employability skills development. Below standard evaluation by the student of how this module has enhanced their employability. Templates to be attached as appendices.


Reflective Learning Statement (based on the student’s Electronic Learning Journal) is adequate in detailing competences developed and which areas could be further improved in relation to career aspirations) re: Personal Development and Employability skills development. Adequate evaluation to receive a pass by the student of how this module has enhanced their employability. Templates to be attached as appendices.


Reflective Learning Statement (based on the student’s Electronic Learning Journal) is adequate in detailing the competences that they have been developing and which areas could be further improved in relation to their career aspirations) re: Personal Development and Employability skills development. An adequate evaluation by the student of how this module has enhanced their employability. Templates to be attached as appendices.


Reflective Learning Statement (based on the student’s Electronic Learning Journal) is very good in detailing the competences developed and which areas could be further improved in relation to career aspirations) re: Personal Development and Employability skills development. A very good evaluation by the student of how this module has enhanced their employability. Templates to be attached as appendices.


Reflective Learning Statement (based on the student’s Electronic Learning Journal) is excellent in detailing the competences developed and which areas could be further improved in relation to career aspirations) re: Personal Development and Employability skills development. A excellent evaluation by the student of how this module has enhanced their employability.


Reflective Learning Statement (based on the student’s Electronic Learning Journal) is outstanding in detailing competences developed and which areas could be further improved in relation to career aspirations) re: Personal Development and Employability skills development. outstanding evaluation by the student of how this module has enhanced their employability.


Reflective Learning Statement (based on the student’s Electronic Learning Journal) is exemplary in detailing competences developed and which areas could be further improved in relation to career aspirations) re: Personal Development and Employability skills development. Exemplary evaluation by the student of how this module has enhanced their employability. Templates to be attached as appendices.


Goal 1 – Objective 2 Knowledgeable about the theory and practice of responsible business and management in an international context

1.2. Appraise knowledge of business and management to complex problems in professional practice in order to identify justifiable, sustainable and responsible solutions


is insufficient in displaying knowledge of business and management to problems in professional practice completely insufficient evidence of sustainable and responsible solutions.

Reflection is insufficient in displaying knowledge of business and management to problems in professional practice insufficient evidence of sustainable and responsible solutions.

Reflection is adequate in displaying knowledge of business and management to problems in professional practice, adequate evidence of sustainable and responsible solutions.

Reflection is good in displaying knowledge of business and management to problems in professional practice good evidence of sustainable and responsible solutions.

Reflection is very good in displaying knowledge of business and management to problems in professional practice, very good evidence of sustainable and responsible solutions.

Reflection is excellent in displaying knowledge of business and management to problems in professional practice excellent evidence of sustainable and responsible solutions.

Reflection is outstanding in displaying knowledge of business and management to problems in professional practice outstanding evidence of sustainable and responsible solutions.

Reflection is exemplary in displaying knowledge of business and management to problems in professional practice exemplary evidence of sustainable and responsible solutions.

Goal 1 – Objective 4

1.4 Appraise an awareness of the cultural and ethical contexts in which international business operates

The student’s reflection on the ethical and cultural issues a business may face is completely insufficient.

The student’s reflection on the ethical and cultural issues a business may face is insufficient.

The student’s reflection on the ethical and cultural issues a business may face is adequate

The student’s reflection on the ethical and cultural issues a business may face is good.

The student’s reflection on the ethical and cultural issues a business may face is very good.

The student’s reflection on the ethical and cultural issues a business may face is excellent.

The student’s reflection on the ethical and cultural issues a business may face is outstanding.

The student’s reflection on the ethical and cultural issues a business may face is exemplary.

(Only applicable to accounting students)

Goal 1 – Objective 3 Knowledgeable about the theory and practice of responsible accounting and financial management in an international context

1.3. Identify an awareness of the cultural and ethical contexts in which professional accounting and finance operates

The student’s reflection on the ethical and cultural issues a business may face in regards to their professional accounting and finance operations, is completely insufficient.

The student’s reflection on the ethical and cultural issues a business may face in regards to their professional accounting and finance operations, is completely is insufficient.

The student’s reflection on the ethical and cultural issues a business may face in regards to their professional accounting and finance operations, is completely is adequate

The student’s reflection on the ethical and cultural issues a business may face in regards to their professional accounting and finance operations, is good.

The student’s reflection on the ethical and cultural issues a business may face in regards to their professional accounting and finance operations, is very good.

The student’s reflection on the ethical and cultural issues a business may face in regards to their professional accounting and finance operations, is excellent.

The student’s reflection on the ethical and cultural issues a business may face is in regards to t their professional accounting and finance operations, is outstanding.

The student’s reflection on the ethical and cultural issues a business may face in regards to their professional accounting and finance operations, is exemplary.

Goal 2 – Objective 1

Skilful in the use of professional and managerial techniques and processes

2.1. Evaluate effective interpersonal communication skills and the ability to work in multi-cultural teams

The student has been completely insufficient in reflecting upon their development of personal communication skills or their ability to work in teams.

The student has been insufficient in reflecting upon their development of personal communication skills or their ability to work in teams.

The student has adequately reflected upon their experience of developing their personal communication skills and ability to work as a team.

The student has provided a good reflection upon their experience of developing their personal communication skills and ability to work as a team.

The student provided a very good reflection upon their experience of developing their personal communication skills and ability to work as a team.

The student provided an excellent reflection upon their experience of developing their personal communication skills and ability to work as a team.

The student provided an outstanding reflection upon their experience of developing their personal communication skills and ability to work as a team.

The student provided an exemplary reflection upon their experience of developing their personal communication skills and ability to work as a team.

PR4XXX Capstone Consultancy Project – Assessment Information


E learning Journal template –

Your reflective learning statement is to be based / derived from your e-Learning Journal (which should be uploaded to Pebble. You should make regular entries (e.g.
weekly from when you start working on your Group Client Project
). Your entries should detail your reflections on the competences that you have developed and which areas you could further improved in relation to your career aspirations. The competences you should focus on are employability and leadership attribute skills. Please refer to guidance sheet relating to Assessment B Individual – Reflective Learning Statement (E-Learning Journal). This will form your reflective learning statement which should focus around the Leadership Attributes.

Example of a specimen template below –
it is not expected that every week you will have comments / reflections on all the skills listed.

Skill/ Behaviour


Managing people

Problem-solving and critical analysis

Developing collaborative relationships and team-working


Objective setting and managing performance

Project management

Having difficult conversations

Managing innovation and digital technologies

Financial skills

Risk management

Building and maintaining networks

Taking responsibility

Honest and ethical

Decision making

Curiosity and willingness to learn

Resilience, grit and determination

Self-awareness and ability to reflect

Inclusive and ability to work with different cultures



Global Mindset


Employability & Leadership Attribute Skills

Source: CBI/Pearson (2012) Education and Skills Survey

You may find it helpful to reflect on what you have learned in this module and from your programme as a whole. The Consultancy Project Team Event addressed some important employability skills (please see notes below).

Consultancy Project

Team Event (Executive Training Day)

You are expected to reflect as appropriate on the theories/models that were introduced at this event which are detailed in the “Learning Log”. In brief, they were:

Team Player Styles

This was taken from Glenn Parkers work on Team Players and teamwork. It forces the team members to look at their strengths and weaknesses and help the breakdown of tasks within the group as well as helping leaders support team members. There is a publication which introduces the concepts:

Parker, G. (2009) Team Work: 20 steps to success. US. HRD Press Inc

There was a presentation on the day at the end of the Team Player roles; after the students had shared with each other their preferred roles.

The theory is Lencioni’s 5 dysfunctions of a Team. The following video was shown:

His book is

Lencioni, Patrick M. (2002). The Five Dysfunctions of a team -: A Leadership Fable. John Wiley and Sons

Tannenbaum and Schmidt Continuum

This is a simple leadership model encouraging leaders to let go in the right circumstances.

Tannenbaum, R. & Schmidt, W. (1958) “How to choose a leadership pattern” Harvard Business Review 36(2), pp.95-101

John Adair – Action Centred leadership

Finally, bringing together team, task and team members with Adair’s model of leadership.

Adair, J (2009). Effective Leadership (NEW REVISED EDITION): How to be a successful leader. Pan

The Pareto Principle

This is a consultancy tool helping to identify the 20% of issues that cause 80% of the problems

Koch, R. (2007). The 80/20 Principle: The Secret of Achieving More with Less. Nicholas Brealey Publishing Ltd

Ishikawa/Fishbone diagram

Use the outputs of the Pareto analysis to identify the root causes.

Ishikawa, K (1985). What is Total Quality Control?: The Japanese Way. Prentice Hall

Six Thinking Hats

Finally, this Edward De Bono process was used to get Teams to have a 360 degree view to help them test their proposals

De Bono, E (2009) Six Thinking Hats. Penguin

Word Counts and Limits – Both Part A and B

If the assignment is within +10% of the stated word limit no penalty will apply.

The word count is to be declared on the front page of your assignment and the assignment cover sheet. The word count does not include:

· Title and Contents page

· Reference list

· Appendices

· Appropriate tables, figures and illustrations

· Glossary

· Bibliography

· Quotes from interviews and focus groups.

Please note, in text citations [e.g. (Smith, 2011)] and direct secondary quotations [e.g. “dib-dab nonsense analysis” (Smith, 2011 p.123)] are INCLUDED in the word count.

If this word count is falsified, students are reminded that this will be regarded as academic misconduct.

If the word limit of the full assignment exceeds the +10% limit, 10% of the mark provisionally awarded to the assignment will be deducted. For example: if the assignment is worth 70 marks but is above the word limit by more than 10%, a penalty of 7 marks will be imposed, giving a final mark of 63.

Students must retain an electronic copy of this assignment (including ALL appendices) and it must be made available within 24hours of them requesting it be submitted.

Note: For those assessments or partial assessments based on calculation, multiple choice etc., marks will be gained on an accumulative basis. In these cases, marks allocated to each section will be made clear.

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