
 Yabe Online Auctions requires its sellers to post items for sale for a six-week period during which the price of any unsold item drops 12 percent each week. For example, an item that costs $10.00 during the first week costs 12 percent less, or $8.80, during the second week. During the third week, the same item is 12 percent less than $8.80, or $7.74. Design a modular program that allows a user to input prices until an appropriate sentinel value is entered and displays the price of each item for weeks one through six. 

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Lab 7

Submit a flowchart, pseudocode, and python code for the problem statement below.

Problem Statement

Yabe Online Auctions requires its sellers to post items for sale for a six-week period during which the price of any unsold item drops 12 percent each week. For example, an item that costs $10.00 during the first week costs 12 percent less, or $8.80, during the second week. During the third week, the same item is 12 percent less than $8.80, or $7.74. Design a modular program that allows a user to input prices until an appropriate sentinel value is entered and displays the price of each item for weeks one through six.

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Implementation is expected to include applicable concepts learned up to this point such as:

· Applying best suited selection and/or repetition structures

· Declaring & using variable and constants

· Proper naming convention of identifiers – variable and constant names

· Modularization and configuration of mainline logic

· Proper use of flowchart terminology as stated in the book

· Spacing for enhanced readability

· Must include proper indentations and comments

· Must implement all concepts of the chapter and previous chapters that apply

NOTE: All instructions must be followed to be graded

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