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CSCI333.01W Assignment 05


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0 points, 4 points each) True or False questions:

1) (4 points) (True/False) You must have a return statement in a function


2) (4 points) (True/False) When an argument with a default parameter value is omitted in a function call, the interpreter automatically passes the default parameter value in the call.


3)(4 points) (True/False) A function cannot contain multiple return statements.


4) (4 points) (True/False) The following two print statements output the same results:

def dif(length, width):

return length – width

print (dif (width = 10, length=2)) #1

print (dif (10, 2)) #2


5) (4 points) (True/False) Once a code block terminates (e.g., when a function returns), all variables defined in that block “go out of scope” and can no longer be accessed.


2. (20 points, 4 points each) Multiple choice:

1) (4 points) A function with multiple parameters specifies them in a(n) ________

a) semicolon separated list

b) comma-separated list

c) period-separated list

d) backslash-separated list


2) (4 points) To define a function with an arbitrary argument list, specify a parameter of the form:____

a) !args

b) #args

c) *args

d) ~args


3) (4 points) To assign a value to a global variable in a function, the global variable must be first declared in the function

a) True

b) False


4) (4 points) A statement in one function can access a local variable in another function

a) True
b) False

5) (4 points) The output for the following code is:

a) 9

def my_function (x):

x **2

print ( my_function (3))

b) 6

c) 8

d) None


3. (20 points, 5 points each) Hand-trace the following code. What is the output, or what error/problem do you observe and why?

1) (5 points)

def cube (x):

return x ** 3



2) (5 points)

def my_function ( fname, lname):

print (fname + “ “ + lname)

my_function (“Emily”, “Chong”)

my_function (“Eddie”, “Lowes”)

my_function (“John”)


3) (5 points)


def main():
num1 = 10

num2 = 15

result = add()

def add(num1, num2):
return num1 + num2


4) (5 points)


def main():
result = square(6)
print(‘square(6):’, result)

def square(number):
return number ** 2

main() # execution begins here
# when main returns, the script terminates here

4. (20 points) Define a maximum function that determines and returns the largest of three values, calls the function three times with integers, floating-point numbers, and strings, respectively and print out the results.

For example:

maximum (15, 20, 36)

output is: 36

maximum (12,3, 17.8, 1.5)

output is: 1.5

maximum (‘apple’, ‘orange’, ’banana’)

output is: orange

· (15 points) Write the program here, or copy/paste the screenshot of your program

· (3 points) Screenshot of a Program Run:

· (2 points) Save the program as “”. Upload the .py file as part of your submission.


You are implementing the maximum function in this exercise. Actually, for many common tasks, the capabilities you need already exist in Python. For example built-in function max() is similar to what you are implementing here. Using built-in functions or functions from the Python Standard Library’s modules rather than writing your own can reduce development time and increase program reliability, portability and performance. For a list of Python’s build-in functions and modules, please review here:

5. (20 points) Implement a Fahrenheit function that returns the Fahrenheit equivalent of a Celsius temperature. Use the following formula:

F = (9 / 5) * C + 32

Use this function to print a chart showing the Fahrenheit equivalents of all Cesium temperature in the range of 90-100 degrees (including 90 and 100 degrees). Use one digit of precision of the results.

For example, some outputs:

· (15 points) Write your program here, or copy/paste a screenshot of your Program:

· (3 points) copy/paste Program Run:

· (2 points) Save the program as “”. Upload the .py file as part of your submission.

6. Bonus Question: (20 points)

Write a recursive function for calculating n factorial: n!

Mathematically, n! = n x (n-1) x (n-2) x (n-3) x ……. x 3 x 2 x 1

From user input, get an integer number, print out the factorial result for this number


1) Decompose the original problem into simpler instance of the same problem and get the recursive function, which is n! = n x (n-1)!

2) Find the base/special case to terminate the recursion: 1! = 1

· (15 points) Write the program here, or copy/paste the screenshot of your program

· (3 points) Screenshot of a Program Run:

· (2 points) Save the program as “”. Upload the .py file as part of your submission.

What to submit:

a) One word file ( (x)) named ”CSCI333-Assign5-YourFirstLastName ”, including answers to all questions and the python source code in text or screenshots of all programs.

b) All the Python source files (.py) of the programming questions.

c) Create a folder named as “CSCI333-Assign5-YourFirstLastName” and put the word file and Python source files into one folder Submission

d) Zip (compress) the folder and submit the zipped file in myLeo

Note: Partial credit will be given so do what you can and make sure you show your work for each question. No credit be given if no work is shown.

For example, as long as you submit the screenshot of the programming result and the .py file, you will get the corresponding points.

Submission example:






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