Purpose of formal education

 Read the articles and watch the videos below which will help you with composition exercise #1 due week two.  Please quote from the articles and videos in your exercise as well as answer the questions in the topic.

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On YouTube please watch Shift Happens


The Luxuries of Life-What the 1% of Elite have over you


and  Mark Cuban on the FIRE Movement: Financial Independence, Retire Early

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WEEK 2.   Composition Exercise #1 due by Thursday, January 14, 2020 at 10pm.

Topic For Composition Exercise #1:
I conclude that the purpose of formal education is to help individuals live free and independent lives so they can do whatever they want, whenever they want, however they want and wake up and work whenever they want as Mark Cuban and Layan Bubbly would say.  What type of education helps individuals achieve such freedom?  Do you agree with my conclusion or is the purpose of education and learning to train individuals so they may practice a profession?  We live in the information age with waves of information washing over us.  How do you know if what you read, hear, watch or see is reliable? Please answer these questions and explain your answers.  Also quote from the Wikipedia articles and YouTube videos above.

Please read this instructions to make the assignment

 For your composition exercises please write:
1. (format) a 500-word composition.  Use Courier New, 12-point font and double space and MLA style. 

2. (content) Your composition needs an answer and specific details for each question in the topic.  Within your 500-word limit you must cite from the material you’ve read and/or watched to support your ideas. As Abraham Lincoln wrote, “It is a pleasure to be able to quote lines to fit any occasion.”  Use two-three quotes from the sources in your composition to “fit” your interpretation of the material.

3. (focus) Stay focused on the topic.  Everything you write should have a connection to the topic and your ideas. 

4. (clarity) When you proofread check for common errors like fragments, run-on’s, commonly confused words, tense shift, subject-verb disagreement, spelling, etc.  Try to adhere to the KISS Principle.  This means keep your sentences short and simple and divide your composition into short easy to read paragraphs.



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