Punishment for First Degree Murder and Case Brief Eugene Milton Clemons and Dedrick Germond Smith (Suspects) v. United States of America (Appellant)
A person needs to learn how to learn. Reading is a skill that must be taught as soon as a person learns how to read. Our educational system puts almost no emphasis on organizing a person’s thoughts as he or she looks for knowledge. The internet has made this much worse I am afraid. The answers a person gets when asking a question on the internet has no governing principle that helps narrow the answer to the best answer available. It is up to the individual to carefully phrase the question to keep from getting sidetracked into either nonsense or worse still outright lies. There are good books on how to read and get the best out of it. This should be a required class starting as soon as a person shows sufficient comprehension of his or her language and continue right through high school. Until this is done the internet will be at best just entertainment for most and at worst will create bad habits of learning that may so corrupt the ability to learn that a truly educated society may become nearly impossible. The internet is a high utility tools so anywhere from great good to great evil can result (like nuclear fission, a firearm, education, government, advertising, etc.). But again, people choose what intention they will have in using a tool, the tool itself has no intention.