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2/10/2021 Next Generation Uniformed Services ID Card 1/5


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Next Generation Uniformed Services ID Card
The Department of Defense is transitioning from its current paper-based Uniformed Services Identification (USID) card to a more secure, next
generation USID card. The Next Generation USID card will incorporate an updated design and security features to deter counterfeiting and
fraud, and will be printed on a plastic cardstock. Initial issuance of the Next Generation USID card will begin on July 31, 2020 at select
DoD ID card facilities, with phased implementation at all DoD ID card facilities projected to be complete in December 2020. USID
cards are issued to retired and reserve members, dependent family members of Uniformed Services members, and other eligible individuals in
accordance with DoD policy to facilitate access to benefits, privileges, and DoD bases. The Next Generation USID card does not change the
populations who are eligible to receive the current card.

Currently-issued USID cards remain valid through their expiration date. In an effort to limit the impact on ID card issuance facilities, cards
will not be reissued solely for the purpose of obtaining the Next Generation USID card. Since the Next Generation USID card will not be
available at all DoD ID card facilities until December 2020, and sites are currently operating under constrained conditions as a result of
COVID-19 to keep both cardholders and operators safe, individuals with an indefinite (INDEF) expiration date on their current USID card
should wait until summer 2021 to have their Next Generation USID card issued.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Click here (/Portals/53/Documents/FAQs_Next Gen USID Card ?ver=2020-07-27-143939-847) for a list of FAQs.

Next Generation USID Card Type Recipients

Armed Forces of the United States

Geneva Conventions Identification Card

-Members of the Individual Ready Reserves and Inactive National

-Non-CAC-eligible civilian noncombatant personnel deployed in
conjunction with military operations overseas

-Retired members entitled to retired pay

-Members of the Temporary Disability Retired List (TDRL)

-Members of the Permanent Disability Retired List (PDRL)

-Retired members of the Reserves and National Guard

-Medal of Honor recipients

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U.S. Department of Defense / Uniformed Services

Sponsor Identification and Privilege Card

-100% Disabled Veterans

-Former members in receipt of retired pay

-Transitional Health Care Member (TAMP)

-Full-time paid United Service Organizations (USO) personnel when
serving OCONUS

-United Seaman’s Service (USS) Personnel OCONUS

-Officers and Crews of MSC vessels deployed to foreign countries

-Select Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) personnel

-Other benefits-eligible categories as described in DoD policy

U.S. Department of Defense / Uniformed Services

Dependent Identification and Privilege Card

Dependents of:

-Active duty Service members of the regular components

-Reserve component Service members on active duty for more than 30


-Medal of Honor recipients

-Former members in receipt of retired pay

-Transitional Health Care Members (TAMP)

-100% Disabled Veterans

-Ship’s Officers and Crewmembers of NOAA Vessels

-Reserve members not on active duty or in receipt of retired pay

-Former members not in receipt of retired pay

-Reserve Service members who die after receipt of NOE

Surviving Dependents of:

-Active duty and retired Service members

-Medal of Honor recipients
-Other benefits-eligible categories as described in DoD policy

Color Coding

Blue Bar: Non-U.S. Citizen Sponsors and their Dependents
White: Current/Former Uniformed Service Members, theirSkip to main content (Press Enter).

2/10/2021 Next Generation Uniformed Services ID Card 3/5

Blue Bar: Non U.S. Citizen Sponsors and their Dependents
Dependents, and All Remaining Personnel

Current USID Card Type Recipients

DD Form 2 (Reserve)

Armed Forces of the United States Geneva Conventions
Identification Card

-Members of the Individual Ready Reserves and Inactive National

DD Form 2 (Retired)

United States Uniformed Services Identification Card

-Retired members entitled to retired pay
-Members of the Temporary Disability Retired List (TDRL)
-Members of the Permanent Disability Retired List (PDRL)

DD Form 2 (Reserve Retired)

United States Uniformed Services Identification Card

-Retired members of the Reserves and National Guard under the age of

DD Form 1173

United States Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card

-Dependents of: active-duty Service members of the regular
components; Reserve component Service members on active duty for
more than 30 days; retirees; Medal of Honor recipients; former
members in receipt of retired pay; Transitional Health Care Members
(TAMP); 100% Disabled American Veterans (DAV); and Ship’s
Officers and Crewmembers of NOAA Vessels

-Surviving dependents of: active-duty and retired military members;
Medal of Honor recipients; and 100% Disabled American Veterans

-Accompanying family members of authorized civilian personnel

-Eligible dependents of foreign military

-Other benefits-eligible categories as described in DoD policy

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DD Form 1173-1

United States Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card

(Guard and Reserve family member)

-Dependents of: Reserve members not on Active Duty or in receipt of
retired pay; former members not in receipt of retired pay; Reserve
Service members who die after receipt of Notice of Eligibility

-Other benefits-eligible categories as described in DoD policy

DD Form 2765

Department of Defense/Uniformed Services Identification and
Privilege Card

-Medal of Honor recipients

-100% Disabled American Veterans (DAV)

-Former members in receipt of retired pay
-Transitional Health Care Member (TAMP)

-Full-time paid personnel of the USO when serving outside the United

-United Seaman’s Service (USS) personnel when serving outside the
United States

-Officers and Crews of MSC Vessels deployed to foreign countries

-Select Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) personnel
-Other benefits-eligible categories as described in DoD policy

DoD Civilian Retiree Card

-Appropriated and non-appropriated fund civilians that have retired
from any DoD service or component or agency


Next Generation USID Frequently
Asked Questions (FAQ)
Gen USID Card ?ver=2020-07-

Don’t Know What to Bring With
You for a New ID Card? Use the
Pre-Arrival Checklist (PDF)
cs )

DoD Instruction 1000.13,
“Identification (ID) Cards for
Members of the Uniformed

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2/10/2021 Next Generation Uniformed Services ID Card 5/5

Members of the Uniformed
Services, Their Dependents, and
Other Eligible Individuals” (PDF)
1000.13 )

DoD Manual 1000.13, Volume 1,
“DoD Identification (ID) Cards: ID
Card Life-Cycle” (PDF)
1000.13_vol1 )

DoD Manual 1000.13, Volume 2,
“DoD Identification (ID) Cards:
Benefits for Members of the
Uniformed Services, Their
Dependents, and Other Eligible
Individuals” (PDF)
1000.13_vol2 )

ID Card Office Online

Questions? Visit Contact Us for
more information. (/Contact/)

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