Public Speaking-6

Why Should We Evaluate Ourselves?

Self-awareness is an important trait of effective speakers. It’s important to recognize our strengths and weaknesses so that we can develop our skills and sharpen areas that need honed. This self-awareness will also help you as you critically analyze other speeches, too.

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As you probably noticed, our class’ shorter speeches do not compare to giving a drawn-out, formal speech. Thus, now is a good time for you to evaluate your performance as a speaker. In this paper, you will write an honest evaluation of your own performance as a speaker. You might consider discussing things you did well, things you could improve upon, your reaction to giving a formal speech in front of the class, or ways that I can help you feel more comfortable while speaking.

Papers must be typed, double-spaced, and in size 12 Times New Roman font. The paper must be at least two pages.

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