Public Administrator Generated Information on Economic Developement

Public Administrator Generated Information on Economic Developement Instructions: Option 2

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For this assignment option, you will conduct an exhaustive review of pertinent public sector generated data to scrutinize indicators of economic development status for the chosen jurisdiction. Present the data in an audio embedded PowerPoint presentation.

Use the following questions as a guide in writing and developing the presentation for your chosen jurisdiction:

How does the local planning process impact economic development in your chosen community? 

What are the most useful strategic approaches to use in economic development? 

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How do businesses impact the economic development of your chosen community? 

How do the human resources in your chosen community impact economic development? 

What steps should be used to implement a strategic plan in your chosen community? 

What are the challenges facing leaders of economic development in your chosen community? 

What are the economic strengths of your chosen community? 

What are some of the weaknesses of your economic development plan in your chosen community? 

What are the opportunities for economic development within your chosen community? 

What threatens the potential for economic development within your chosen community? 

What leadership traits are important for someone wanting to go into public administration/economic development in your chosen community?

You must include a minimum of 7–10 sources; these sources may include local news media, city council meeting minutes, interviews with business leaders in your community, etc. Your presentation must include a title slide, introduction or overview slide, and a conclusion slide. A separate reference page listing all sources in current APA format must be submitted with the PowerPoint presentation.

Use the attached instructions titled “Recording Audio in PowerPoint” to complete an audio recording for each slide. The total presentation time must range from 20–30 minutes.

Submit your PowerPoint presentation with audio recording by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 3. 

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