Psychotherapy with individual


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  • Explain whether your therapeutic theory has changed as a result of your practicum experiences. Recall the theories you selected in Week 1.
  • Explain how you integrated the therapeutic approaches from this  course in your clinical practice. Include how this helped you achieve  the goals and objectives you developed in Week 1.
  • Explain how you might impact social change through your work with clients who have mental health issues.
  • Support your approach with evidence-based literature.


>Practicum Experience


Log and Journal Template

Psychotherapy with Individuals

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Semiloore Akerele

Nursing theory

The selected nursing theory for the practicum experience is modeling and role-modeling theory. Modeling and role-modeling theory was invented by Evelyn Tomlin, Helen Erikson, and Mary Ann in




, (Erickson et al, 2005). I chose the theory for my practicum because it enhances the care provided to the clients with understanding and respect for every client’s uniqueness. The theory enables nurses to gain a clear understanding of the clients. The relationship built when using this theory encourages nurses and their clients to work towards achieving similar goals which include attaining and maintaining good health conditions.

In Modelling, the nurses gain knowledge on the understanding of the client about his or her world and be in a position to appreciate the values and significance of the client’s own ways of understandings. Since modeling recognizes the fact that each client has a unique view of his or her own world, nurses get the opportunity to build a visual image of how client view the world from perspective of the clients, (Erickson et al, 2005). For role-modeling, nurses promote and support the client with a view of obtaining and maintaining favorable health status. According to the model, the client is the expert in the care provided and has adequate knowledge of the better ways which can help him or her improve.

Counseling theory

The most preferred counseling theory for this practicum experience is the behavioral theory, (Joseph & Joseph, 2010). I picked the theory because it helps change unhealthy behaviors that a client may be having. Therapists use the theory to identify dynamics that affect a client’s behavior and recommend the best approaches that enhance the learning of healthy behaviors for clients, (Joseph & Joseph, 2010). On the other hand, the clients are continuously updated on their progress in attaining appropriate behaviors. Therapists use the model to achieve behavioral change through the initiated self-programs for the clients.

Goals and Objectives

The practicum experience goals are exercising the skills gained throughout the course in a health environment, help combine skills and personality for effective therapy, nurture positive orientation of the client and also affirm the clients on his or her abilities and strengths. The experience helps build trust with clients from the relationship developed. This results in better understanding, acceptance, and a client’s adherence to the treatment process. The objectives for the practicum are to ensure an effective healing process for the clients, to provide care to the clients, to eliminate ill behaviors that clients possess to help in getting better.



Timeline of practicum activities

My course was approved very late which was on a Friday of the first week of class. Fortunately, my preceptor agreed that I could come around for an introduction into the facility and witness some of the therapy sessions they had. My expectations and learning objectives were communicated. My preceptor word of encouragement and attitude helped me dealt with my nervousness.


16 hrs





Hours for this time frame


Learning Objective(s) Addressed


Sept 5th


8 hrs

Orientation and tour to the facility, expectations and goals communicate. Facility protocol shared and communicated. Introduction to the administrative staff. Schedule presented to the preceptor. Review and discuss Illinois administration code 132.

Ethic of confidentiality reviewed,

Computer training and documentation.

Review of


Sept 7th &9th


16 hrs

Review client cases. Shadowing the preceptor. Intake assessment orientation, Patient scheduling and therapy SOAP note supervision. Case presentation and analysis of a patient with depression.

Extensive evaluation of cognitive behavioral therapy and how it effectiveness in the management of major depressive disorder.


Sept 1


th &16th.

Shadowing my preceptor and providing assistance where necessary.

Demonstrated psychotherapeutic counselling techniques.

Expectation of a patient undergoing Cognitive behavioral therapy and patient assessment for improvement.


Sept 21st & 23rd

10am -6pm

6 hours

Meeting with the preceptor Follow-up individual psychotherapy session.

Review of REBT and CBT

Understanding the need for individual psychotherapy in Patient with ADHD


Erickson, H. C., Tomlin, E. M., & Swain, M. A. P. (2005). Modeling and role modeling: A theory and paradigm for nursing. Columbia, S.C: R.L. Bryan.

Joseph, S., & Joseph, S. (2010). Theories of counselling and psychotherapy: An introduction to the different approaches. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

(Continued next page)

Journal Entries

· Include references immediately following the content.

· Use APA style for your journal entry and references.

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Runninghead: WEEK 10 JOURNAL ENTRY



Week 10 Journal Entry



Week 10 Journal Entry

Therapeutic Theory

I can say that my therapeutic theory has not changed as a result practicum experiences. My initial therapeutic theory was a cognitive behavioural theory (CBT). I have interacted with several clients with different conditions that require therapy. I have realized that each client presents unique problems that require critical assessment before making a decision on the appropriate therapeutic theory. Through this experience, I have realized that the cognitive behavioural theory is effective in helping clients presenting various mental conditions. I was able to help my clients using various forms of CBT. CBT aims to enhance a patient mental health by changing the way they think. The theory focuses on changing irrational cognitive behaviour and distortion, thereby enhancing emotional control to help a patient confront the presenting problems. The counsellor/client relationship developed during CBT sessions is significant in determining the treatment outcome (González-Prendes & Resko, 2011).

Integration of the Therapeutic Approaches

This course exposed me to different kinds of therapeutic approaches, which were very much applicable to my clinical practice. In practice, each patient presents a unique condition that requires may personalized treatment. Integrating different therapeutic approaches is essential in enhancing the treatment approach. The goals I developed in week one was to adopt an appropriate therapeutic model that would enhance my reasoning skills and therapeutic communication with the client. I found interpersonal therapy to be effective especially on depressed patients. This theory focuses on resolving interpersonal issues and symptomatic recovery. Using this approach enable me to guide my patients towards their therapeutic goals to restore their cognitive functioning.

My Impact on Social Change

Mental disorders are common health problems that affect millions of people in the United States. Most of these conditions can be treated and the patients are able to regain their cognitive function. However, the majority of people with mental illness face stigmatization from their family members, friends as well as a healthcare professional (CDC, 2011). People with mental illness especially those with severe cognitive impairment require support from their family members and society. As a nurse, I have a special position to inform the society about the effect of supporting patients with mental illness on their treatment outcome. Awareness regarding mental illness is necessary to change the perception of society towards people with mental illness.


Fact Sheet MIS CDC. (2011). Retrieved from

González-Prendes, A. A., & Resko, S. M. (2012). Cognitive-Behavioral Theory. Trauma: Contemporary Directions in Theory, Practice, and Research, 14-40. doi:10.4135/9781452230597.n2

Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.

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