
Attached is a document with three questions that need to be answered in detail with reference 

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  • COU 605 Week Four Journal Guidelines and Rubric
  • Journal activities in this course are private between you and the instructor.

    In your case conceptualization, you will need to address ethical and multicultural considerations presented in a case. This journal is an opportunity for you to
    explore how you will address your own barriers when helping clients.

    In a journal, reflect on the following:

     Discuss two ethical codes that seem most challenging to you and how you plan to address them.
     Discuss two multicultural considerations or barriers that seem most challenging to you and how you plan to address them.

    Make sure to tie in your selected counseling theory when appropriate.

    Guidelines for Submission: Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

    Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

    Ethical Codes Discusses two ethical codes that
    seem most challenging and how you
    plan to address them

    Discusses two ethical codes that
    seem most challenging and how you
    plan to address them, but lacks
    detail or clarity

    Does not discuss two ethical codes
    that seem most challenging and
    how you plan to address them


    Considerations or


    Discusses two multicultural
    considerations or barriers that seem
    most challenging and how you plan
    to address them

    Discusses two multicultural
    considerations or barriers that seem
    most challenging and how you plan
    to address them, but lacks detail or

    Does not discuss two multicultural
    considerations or barriers that seem
    most challenging and how you plan
    to address them


    Articulation of Response Journal assignment is mostly free of
    errors of organization and grammar;
    errors are marginal and rarely
    interrupt the flow

    Journal assignment contains errors
    of organization and grammar, but
    errors are limited enough so that
    assignment can be understood

    Journal assignment contains errors
    of organization and grammar
    making the assignment difficult to


    Total 100%

      COU 605 Week Four Journal Guidelines and Rubric

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