proposal essay

proposal essay

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Grade Sheet


Superior Satisfactory Needs Improvement

1. Introduction captures the reader’s interest and

includes problem or need to be addressed

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2. Thesis is clearly written, appropriately placed,

and includes proposal statement

3. * Body is well developed, using appropriate appeals of

reason and fact, value, emotion and character and

contains concrete examples and evidence

4. Tone is reasonable and does not alienate audience

5. Opposition is acknowledged and refuted

6. Sources are integrated properly with appropriate

signal words and phrases

7. Proper in-text documentation is provided

8. Sources used are credible and source credibility is

established with reader

9. *Sentence structure is varied, sophisticated,

and free of clarity issues

10. Essay is mostly free from grammatical error

11. Conclusion reiterates thesis in new and emphatic way,

providing lasting impact

12. References list is correct

13. Paper is formatted according to APA standards

14. Writing has sense of style

*weakness in development and clarity significantly affects grade

Points deducted for late work _______

Points deducted for incomplete pre-writing activities ________

Grade ____________

Proposal Essay Outline


· Grabber

· Show the problem – use examples, narrative, stats, opening scenarios, paint a picture of how this issue is serious and needs attention.

· Thesis Statement – last sentence of introduction. MUST include the actual feasible proposal.

e.i. Before marrying, all couples would need to attend marriage counseling.



· Conduct research. Explain the various ramifications involved in making your proposed solution possible and plausible; in other words, a reality.

· Money – the financial aspect of it

· Space – where will it be conducted

· Personnel – by whom? Who will provide the services etc

· History of issue in past decades


· To ensure legitimacy, you must give credit to those who have opposing views about your topic.

· Adequately state their position and give credit to it by acknowledging it.

· Lastly, rebut it in a respectful manner

· How is this (your proposed idea) better than whatever has been tried & how is it different

The body paragraphs where your entire proposed solution is explain should be 2-4 paragraphs

· Thorough description of your proposal (solution)

· How it will operate


· Scare tactics

· Negative / positive prediction


Final impacts

· Final parting thoughts

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