
The proposal should consist of the following:

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  1. Cover page
  2. Table of contents
  3. Brief company background-  NETFLIX 
  4. Business problems or opportunities overview

    Briefly describe the problem or opportunity that you will be providing a technology solution for
    Explain how this problem/opportunity affects the organization

  5. Overview of technology solution category

    Provide a brief overview of the technology solution category, and explain how it fits the needs of the organization.- SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT SYSTEM(SCM) OF NETFLIX
    NOTE: Please see the definition of technology solution category in the section titled Potential Technology Solution Categories. It is suggested that you use one of the technologies listed in that section.

2 pages long ( not including cover page and table of contents)DO NOT COPY AND DO NOT PLAGIARIZED

Potential Technology Solution Categories 

  • Augmented reality
  • Business analytics
  • Business intelligence
  • Cloud-based services (software, hardware, storage, etc)
  • Collaboration technologies
  • Communication technologies
  • CRM system
  • Customer records system
  • Database system or application
  • eBusiness
  • eCommerce
  • Electronic document management system
  • Electronic medical records system
  • ERP system
  • Global information system
  • Group decision support system
  • HRM system
  • Information systems security solutions
  • Internet analytics implementation (web analytics, social media analytics, video analytics, etc.)
  • Internet of things
  • Inventory management system
  • Knowledge management system
  • mCommerce
  • Network technologies
  • Project management system/software
  • SCM system
  • Social media applications for business
  • Speech-to-text system/voice recognition system
  • assest tracking systems
  • Technologies to facilitate telecommuting
  • Text-to-speech system
  • Wireless sensor network

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