Project management

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using the data from Evaluation project and Project scope statement to answer the week 3 question. 

Running Head: EVALUATION 1


Stakeholder Analysis

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Anh La

PJM 6125

Northeastern University


Project Objective

Our efforts are focussed on opening an Orangetheory Fitness franchise at Longwood location within four months starting from February 2020. Our analysis showed that many gym goers around Longwood area are extremely dissatisfied with the services and training methods of other fitness centers

Stakeholder Register/Analysis


Stakeholders role

Type (internal or external)

Stakeholder expectation

Stakeholder interest

Level of influence

Stakeholder views

Strategy for stakeholder engagement


Financial manager

Handle project resources


Possible overruns on the project and return on investment


High: failure to evaluate expenditure might rid the credibility of project to the stakeholders.


Give daily reporting on the expenditures.



Offer ready market for the fitness class


Advancement of service delivery, advanced economic conditions like cost-savings conveniences and measures.


High: the unsatisfied clients will destroy the organization reputation.


Provide a platform to include the client’s needs and provide incentive.


Project management trainer

Enables the training of workers for at least two months


Advance the credibility as well as job references on the future projects


High: realize the achievement of training


Offer a conducive environment for training in reference to space.


Employee manager

Present the entire project to the company officials.


Works on ensuring that employees perform quality task as needed


High: oversee training and ensuring that all things are in order


Maintain strong existence through the training period.



Attaining training sessions, attending evaluations and acquiring necessary skills


Opportunities for job retention or promotion, “free” time during training, acquisition of knowledge and skills


High: their attitude towards the training as well as attendance will determine the project’s success


Use of attendance sheet to evaluate attendance


Financial institution

Offers funds to run the project


Enable financial opportunities and relationship between the company and the clients


High: lack of source of funds the project will not be successfully completed


Lower interest percentage and extended means of payment


Executive directors

Work with the project shareholders and explain the project plan for them to approve


Ease all the pressures from the project shareholders to work together to gain profit and increase pay


High: if there is no intervention by these directors then the shareholders might not approve


Reporting the daily proceeding to the shareholders.



Being contracted to offer necessary equipment for the project


Improves the credibility of the business and facilitate the progress of the project


High: if supplies are not delivered on time it will mean that the progress of the project will be delayed


Timely delivery of supplies for the continuation of project.



Offer resources and approve the progress of the project


Additional vendor selection qualification criteria, potential for future business contracts,


High: failure to deliver supplies on time will affect the project timeline


Draft performance contracts to ascertain timely delivery of supplies.


Instructional designer

To offer a manual on ways in which the project operations will be carried out


promote their work as well as increase credibility and


High: the design and delivery of training should not stray away from the organization’s goals


Formulate a design and mode of delivery that is aligned with the organization’s goals.



Ensure compliance with necessary regulations.


Revenue inform of company and employee taxes, increased job opportunities, improved economy


High: the approval from relevant authority is necessary to carry out the project


Encourage the company to have such projects by endorsing supplies like trainee t-shirts, potential for future funding.


Technical manager

Oversee the installation, use and handling of all technical equipment to be used in the training.


Get access to quality technical equipment, showoff technical skills, put in request for technical upgrades


Medium: their expertise will facilitate a smooth training


Check to ensure equipment is well-handled and in good condition throughout the training.

Evaluation Goal Matrix


Measurement type



1. Estimation of cost and striking budget.



Finance manager

2. Timely completion of tasks within stipulated deadline


2 months

Employee manager

3. Proper utilization of available supplies to last the project duration


A remainder of supply materials at the end of the project


4. Proper utilization of available space for training


Accommodation of 100 trainees in two hall-size meeting rooms

Trainees, employee manager

5. Reputable, highly rated trainer firm


Reference to past acclaimed presentations nationwide


6. Successful training project


80% trainee attendance based on sign-in sheets


7. Successful project implementations


10% increase in success rate of projects undertaken

Trainers, employees

8. Alignment of instruction design and delivery mode with organization’s goals


Instruction manual teachings centered around the projects implemented by organization

Instruction designer, trainers

9. Skills and knowledge enhancement in the field of project management


70% success rate on project management exam results

Trainers, employees

10. Innovation in project creation and implementation


5% increase in new project idea submissions

Employees, employee manager

11. Gaining competitive edge


Approaches for consultation by other organizations

Directors, employee manager, employees

12. Client satisfaction


New client referrals, growing clientele base


1.2: Evaluation Goal Matrix.

Project Scope Statement

Project Name: Opening an Orangetheory Fitness franchise

1.0 Project Purpose

Our efforts are focussed on opening an Orangetheory Fitness franchise at Longwood location within four months starting from February 2020. Our analysis showed that many gym-goers around Longwood area are extremely dissatisfied with the services and training methods of other fitness centers.


2.0 Project Scope


1. Achieve 100 members target during pre-sales.

2. Hiring 8 professional fitness instructors by March 2020

3. Complete the on-job training of professional instructors by franchisor by March 2019. 

4. Complete interior design of the fitness studio by April 2020.

    The process of setting up Orangetheory franchise at Longwood will start from February 26, 2020, to May 28, 2020.


1. Project management

2. Franchise location

3. License, permits and insurance for fitness center.

4. Interior design of the facility.

5. Equipments for the fitness center.

6. Recruitment of staff

7. Marketing strategy and development plan 

8. Financial planning

9. Market research and analysis

10. Pre-sales development plan  

11. First Quarter promotional strategy


3.0 Project Milestones

· Interior design completed by 06/15/2020

· Marketing plan review on 07/15/2020

· Recruitment of staff completed 07/30/2020

· Franchise setup completed by 08/30/2020

4.0 User Acceptance Criteria

· The infrastructure and design are accepted by city law and regulations

· The design are followed by the instructions of OrangeTheory

· The program and service and accepted by OrangeTheory

· Marketing and sale plan are followed the franchisee protocols

5.0 Project Constraints

1. The training of fitness professionals is the responsibility of ‘OrangeTheory Fitness’ in accordance with its workout standards.

2. OTbeat heart rate monitors are provided to the customers by the OrangeTheory Fitness

3. The cost, for performing initial safety audit of fitness facility, will be incurred by OrangeTheory Fitness. 

4. The cost will be high due to follow the instruction from OrangeTheory


Page 2 of 2

PJM6125 Project Evaluation: Selecting Evaluation Tools

Overview and Rationale

For this assignment, you will be selecting evaluation tools and adding those selected to the
Evaluation Goal Matrix that you developed as part of the previous assignment.

Program and Course Outcomes

This assignment is directly linked to the following key learning outcomes from the course

 LO3: Analyze and apply appropriate evaluation tool
 L07: Plan and conduct a tactical evaluation using both qualitative and quantitative


In addition to these key learning outcomes, you will also have the opportunity to evidence
the following skills through completing this assignment:

 Critical thinking
 Problem solving

Essential Components & Instructions

Using the project you identified in Lesson 1 and the stakeholder analysis and performance
metrics you identified as part of Lesson 2, you will be selecting evaluation tools and adding
them to your Evaluation Goal Matrix from Lesson 2.

Begin by updating your Evaluation Goal Matrix with any feedback provided, and then add
an additional column titled ‘Evaluation Tool’ and select an evaluation tool for each of the
metrics you identified during Lesson 2. Therefore, you will identify a minimum of one
evaluation tool for each of the entries in your evaluation goal matrix.

Once you identify the tools that you will use, write a few paragraphs on how each tool will
be used, why the tool was selected, who will be responsible for performing the evaluation
with the tool and how the data will be used and will help support the success of the project.

These entries can be made below your updated evaluation goal matrix. You should provide
a thorough evaluation and explanation of each tool you list in your updated evaluation goal

matrix. You may wish to use materials from the lesson, readings, and external sources in
writing the explanations. However, be sure to cite any sources that you use in writing the


Below are some key guidelines you will want to ensure you follow. Think of this short list
as a quality control checklist, along with the attached grading rubric.

 Be sure you have identified at least one tool per goal in your matrix

 You may use a tool to assess multiple goals if it is appropriate; if you do this, make sure

in your explanation that you provide sufficient detail to address all the goals the tool


 You should submit an updated Evaluation Goal Matrix and the narrative descriptive and

explanation of each tool in a single file (MsWord or )

 You should include a cover page

 You should provide a brief abstract about the process you went through to develop your

two tables.

 You should provide a project summary of your project

 You should format the documents professionally

 The tables should be readable without having to zoom in on small text



Above Standard

Meets Standards
(94.9 – 84%)


(83.9 – 77%)

Below Standard
(76.9 – 70%)

Not Evident
(69.9 – 0%)

Tool Selection
and Updated
Goals Matrix

Selection of tools show
excellent insight and
makes appropriate
usage of both
quantitative and
qualitative tools that is
well matched to related
evaluation goal.

Evaluation tools
selected are well
matched to related
evaluation goal. Both
quantitative and
qualitative tools are
used and appropriately
matched to the goals.

Evaluation tools
selected mostly aligns
with related evaluation

Evaluation tools
selected are poorly
suited for the relative
evaluation goal and are
heavily skewed towards
quantitative or
qualitative metrics.

Evaluation tools
selected are not suited
for the relative
evaluation goal.
Selected only
qualitative tools or only
quantitative tool that
do not match the
evaluation goal.


Provides a thorough
evaluation and
explanation of each
tool listed in the
updated evaluation
goal matrix and
properly references
and cites sources as
needed. Explanations
show an insightful
understanding of the
role of the evaluation

Provides an evaluation
and explanation of
each tool listed in the
updated evaluation
goal matrix and
properly references
and cites sources as
needed. Explanations
show an understanding
of the role of the
evaluation tools.

Provides a general
evaluation and
explanation of each
tool listed, but does
provide specific
information or does not
use proper references
and citations.
Explanations show a
general understanding
of the role of the
evaluation tools.

Provides evaluations
and explanations of the
tools listed, but omits
some tools and does
not provide necessary
detail. Explanations do
not show an
understanding of the
role of the evaluation

Does not provide
evaluations or
explanation of the tools
listed in the evaluation
goal matrix and does
not show an
understanding the role
of the relevant
evaluation tool.


Professional insights
into depth and breadth
of assignment – goes
WELL beyond

understanding of the
evaluation tools;
exploration of expert
viewpoints and use of

Basic understanding of
the evaluation tools;
exploration of expert
viewpoints and use of
evidence to inform

Poor understanding of
evaluation tools and is
vague and/or not
clearly linked to
evaluation goals

Does not clearly link to
the evaluation goal;
explore expert
viewpoints or use
evidence to inform

requirements to
explore performance
evaluation tools and
appropriate relevant
new techniques

evidence to inform
interpretation and
analysis; thorough
evaluation the context
(historical, ethical,
cultural, environmental
or circumstantial
settings), and self and
others’ assumptions
and perspectives when
stating a position; well-
informed conclusions
based on methodically
prioritized evidence
and perspectives.

interpretation and
analysis; includes a
evaluation the context
(historical, ethical,
cultural, environmental
or circumstantial
settings), and self and
others’ assumptions
and perspectives when
stating a position;
conclusions are based
on methodically
prioritized evidence
and perspectives.

clearly; includes some
exploration of expert
viewpoints and use of
evidence to inform
interpretation and
analysis; includes a
general evaluation the
context (historical,
ethical, cultural,
environmental or
circumstantial settings),
and self and others’
assumptions and
perspectives when
stating a position, but
lack specificity;
conclusions are based
on prioritized evidence
and perspectives

interpretation and
analysis; does not
provide an evaluation
the context (historical,
ethical, cultural,
environmental or
circumstantial settings),
and self and others’
assumptions and
perspectives when
stating a position;
conclusions are not
based on prioritized
evidence and

Grammar &

All work grammatically
correct with no
misspellings or
grammatical mistakes.
Expresses ideas and
opinions clearly and
concisely in a manner
appropriate to the

All work grammatically
correct with rare

Minimal errors in
spelling, grammar,
sentence structure
and/or other writing
conventions but the
reader is able to
understand what the
writer meant.

Frequent errors in
spelling, grammar,
sentence structure,
and/or other writing
conventions that
distract the reader.

Writing contains
numerous errors in
spelling, grammar,
sentence structure, etc.
that interfere with
comprehension. The
reader is unable to
understand some of
the intended meaning.

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