project management

 Refer to the project proposal you created for the Unit II Assignment. For this assignment, you will be expanding on that project to include a project scope document (i.e., the definition of what needs to be done to produce the project deliverables and to satisfy the customer). The project scope document should satisfy the following components:

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  • Customer Requirements: Describe the customer requirements through functional or performance specifications of the project’s end product/service.
  • Statement of Work (SOW): Explain the SOW including the work elements and milestones to be performed. This should include risks associated with the project.
  • Deliverables: Formulate a schedule of the deliverables including milestones throughout the project and the final deliverable at the conclusion of the project. Compile a Gantt chart (instructions and example are included within the Unit III Lesson).
  • Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): Describe the WBS that breaks down the work elements in the SOW into specific work tasks.
  • Acceptance Criteria: Develop and build upon the acceptance criteria discussed briefly in the project proposal.

While project scope documents may vary from project to project, your document should contain a thorough description of each section. Additionally, please include an introduction paragraph. If your project varies in such a way that a thorough description is not possible, you will then include elements of the section in question to give an outline of what is provided. See the Unit III Lesson for additional insight on compilation of a project proposal.Your project scope document should be a minimum of three pages in length, and each section should be properly labeled using the subheadings above. If another person were to pick up your document, he or she should know exactly what is expected and what direction the project will take.Make sure you use appropriate APA-style writing and citations. Also, make sure that you use 12-point Times New Roman font and that you double-space. 

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