
Consider how you have developed the knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes that enable your achievement of the course learning objectives listed in the syllabus. Discuss recommendations for future practice change based on the results of your practicum project. The following are the course learning objectives:

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  1. Critically appraise current and innovative practices in nursing, including monitoring quality of education practices among diverse learners.
  2. Synthesize previously learned materials planning the development, implementation, and evaluation of a project.
  3. Select appropriate and evaluation strategies for the target audience.
  4. Recognize personal leadership style and evaluate own effectiveness and growth as a leader. 
  5. Analyze institutional purposes and goals in nursing at all levels as related to professional and societal issues
  6. Engage in collaboration, consultation, and referral with other disciplines involved in clinical practice and health education. 
  7. Implement and evaluate evidence-based research findings as applied to nursing practice.

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