
Please note the charts cannot have a zero or no data on it. If there is no data on a specific subject, please choose another. Revise and remember to write the data on the chart onto the essay and compare etc. 

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Page 2


Numbers of healthcare indicators identified in milestone one provides a path for

milestones two and three. All the 25 indicators are sensitive public healthcare concerns that help

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us to understand the severity of the problem and why it exists. The analysis of all the indicators

individually will explore the detailed information and victims of these indicators in the state and

the county. Eight indicators will be discussed in detail to evaluate why the disease is essential for

public health and how it is the priority concern of the public as well as healthcare organizations.

I. Deaths from Influenza & Pneumonia

Influenza is a most reactive viral infection that is also known as flu. It is a severe winter

illness that spreads rapidly from one individual to another through cough and sneezing.

Simultaneously, pneumonia is the viral infection of the lungs that cause problems in

breadthening because the air sacs of humans filled with liquid distort the way of oxygen towards

the bloodstream. In severe cases, the availability of too little oxygen in body cells and blood

leads to the victim’s sudden death. Influenza is the cause of pneumonia among young children or

adults, people having chronic illnesses, and pregnant women. On most grounds, influenza does

not approach severe limits that cause pneumonia, but when it does so, it could be deadly more

often (ALA, 2020). That is why Influenza & Pneumonia are leading causes of different states of

the United States, including Florida.

Influenza & Pneumonia are public health priorities because millions of people become

the victim of this disease yearly. The increased risk of the disease is higher than assumptions that

pose a burden over the state, and to limit that burden, Influenza & Pneumonia should remain a

public health priority. In recent years, with the increase in healthcare concerns of the general and

changing circumstances of the healthcare industry, influenza caught more attention because

Karen Valaitis
you must introduce this acronym first occurrence, but only if it is going to be used again: (American Lung Association [ALA], 2020)

Karen Valaitis
don’t refer to the milestones in the essay – the final paper will be one cohesive research paper

Karen Valaitis
research more – why a public health priority – and cite

Karen Valaitis
repeat paper title here, from title page; delete the word Introduction

Karen Valaitis
this whole sentence is not clear – rewrite more concise and clear – what is the point?

Karen Valaitis
citation? all statements of fact must be cited; this is a research paper which include no personal opinions

Karen Valaitis
delete the word “Page”

Karen Valaitis
rewrite this sentence; the paper does not explore the victims, just the health indicators

Karen Valaitis
Tell your reader what indicators will be presented in the paper – this is the main purpose of an introduction

Karen Valaitis
this should be the word and not a symbol

Karen Valaitis
use a proper APA Level 2 header – flush left no numbering

Karen Valaitis
as before, change to influenza and pneumonia

Karen Valaitis
Do not capitalize words that are not proper nouns or titles

Page 3

researchers say that if cases of influenza will be controlled, pneumonia will be uncontrolled

automatically. Another reason for being the priority is the possibility of increasing coronary heart

disease due to influenza. Thus, the focus is maintained through vaccination and other advanced

treatments (Ab Osterhaus, 2015).

Healthcare organizations offer different programs to reduce prevailing threats of

influenza and pneumonia. One important and widely implemented program at workplaces titled

“Multicomponent interventions that include education effective in improving immunization

rates” aims to make recommendations about vaccine education through different media sources,

client reminders for vaccination against influenza and pneumonia, and offer clinical education to

vaccine providers for effective outcomes (WHO, 2016). Another focus of this program is to

eliminate the extra costs of patients that serve as a burden over them.

II. Hepatitis B, Pregnant Women

Hepatitis B is a liver infection caused by vaccine prevention through the Hepatitis B virus

(HBV). Hepatitis B spreads across the body when the infected person’s fluid-like blood with

Hepatitis B enters the body of another person who was not affected before. There are two types

of Hepatitis B; acute and chronic. Starting stages of Hepatitis B are termed sensitive. At this

stage, the virus can be recovered, or the body can be cleaned through procedures. While in the

chronic phase, the virus cannot be cleaned from the body immediately, leading to many other

fatal illnesses. The chances of liver cancer increase two-fold at this stage. Treatment at this stage

can be helpful to slow down infection only (Clinic, 2019).

Hepatitis B is a public health priority through its consequences for pregnant women. In

most cases, Hepatitis B transformed into the new-born baby and created complications for the

child and the mother. Many reports say that transformation of Hepatitis B to the baby can be

Karen Valaitis
this is not the title of the program – is this a description?

Karen Valaitis
as before – incorrect format for using an acronym – correct as previously noted

Karen Valaitis

Karen Valaitis

Karen Valaitis
I don’t understand – rewrite and cite

Karen Valaitis
caused by vaccine prevention? this is unclear – rewrite this sentence

Karen Valaitis
expand and cite – what types of complications?

Karen Valaitis
citation? all statements of fact must be cited

Page 4

avoided by taking precautions seriously. Babies born to ladies having Hepatitis B should be

diagnosed with the vaccine within 24 hours to minimize the risk of transformation (Testing and

Treatment During Pregnancy, 2020). The second reason for Hepatitis B as the public health

priority is its rapid spread. Research says almost 350 million people suffer from this infectious

disease across the world (Maddrey, 2000).

A program titled “OUR NATIONAL IMPACT: Hep B United” is a national level

program in which all the states of the United States, including Florida, are performing their role

in reducing hep B through spreading awareness about vaccination, screening, and care to avoid

Hep B. This program is also an official partner of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

to work collectively to prevent and eliminate the disease from target areas (Testing and

Treatment During Pregnancy,


III. Deaths from Nutritional Deficiencies

The above indicator would be known as malnutrition, one of the growing healthcare

problems in developing countries worldwide. Nutritional deficiency is defined as insufficient

access to healthy and nutritious food, increasing the risk of death and severe illnesses. Nutritional

deficiency served as a direct cause of the end of 252 000 people in the state. Indicator statistics

reveal the higher threat of death from dietary deficiencies is in the state than in the county. The

reason behind this is poverty and insufficient access to nutritional and healthy food to everyone

at different locations (Broschat, 2012).

Deaths from Nutritional Deficiencies is a public concern due to numbers of direct deaths.

People in some regions of the state have no resources to fulfill their nutritional needs, and basic

food needs protein and other essential nutrition. Many community-based programs are

addressing the need for nutritionist food to avoid malnutrition. Still, these programs are also not

Karen Valaitis
incorrect – see reference list; fix throughout the paper

Karen Valaitis
rewrite this sentence – unclear

Karen Valaitis
do not abbreviate

Karen Valaitis

Karen Valaitis
more research is needed – cite this statement and include some data – what is the number of deaths?

Karen Valaitis
would be known, or is also known?

Karen Valaitis
unclear -rewrite and cite – how do you know they are not being managed with focus and concern?

Karen Valaitis
cite or delete – is this an opinion?

Karen Valaitis
rewrite this sentence – unclear

Karen Valaitis
missing comma

Page 5

managing the condition of the affected population with focus and concern, or the affected area

with malnutrition is medically neglected in the state (John B. Mason, 2006).

The program to prevent deaths from nutritional deficiency titled “International

Micronutrient Malnutrition Prevention and Control (IMMPaCt) program” is working to bring

resources for affected populations and help them achieve optimal health. This program is

working since 2000 and aims to bring micronutrients into the diet of individuals globally (CDC,


IV. Traumatic brain injury deaths

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is defined as the disruption of the normal functioning of the

brain caused from an accident, blow, bump, or any other sudden movement. The higher risk of

TBI is among children, and young people involved in different activities. It results when an

object enters brain tissue and disrupts its normal functioning. The classification of TBI is as mild

and severe. In mild TBI brain injury, the possibility of the damage is temporary, but the extreme

injury results in bleeding, bursting of tissues, and physical damage to the brain, leading to long-

term complications for the patient (MC, 2020).

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a public health concern with many TBI cases across the

state yearly. Yearly cases of TBI lead to permanent disability or severe damage to brain tissues.

For example, in 2014, there were 2.87 million TBI cases in emergency clinics, while 837,000

were dying due to severe TBI injuries (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019). These

statistics show healthcare organizations are concerned about this health indicator to avoid

destruction at this level.

There is no defined program to prevent TBI, but tips and techniques to avoid TBI by the

CDC are available as guidance for everyone. “Brain Injury Safety Tips and Prevention” provides

Karen Valaitis
I am going to stop commenting here – you must apply the notes above to the rest of the paper

Karen Valaitis
very good

Karen Valaitis

Karen Valaitis
missing a comma. Did you run this through Grammarly as required?

Karen Valaitis
destruction? can you think of a better word here?

Page 6

information on how traumatic brain injury can be avoided by wearing a helmet, using car booster

seats, etc. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015).

V. Fertility Rate

The fertility rate is defined as the ability to produce children, and as a measure, it is

numbers of children that a female can produce throughout her lifespan demographically. The

fertility rate of the county is higher than the state that shows the threat of population increase by

the difference of 1.8. But compared to other forms of the United States, the fertility rate of

Florida is declining, bringing worrisome for the state. The working-age population gap is

increasing and bringing many other healthcare problems (T.J. Mathews, 2019).

The declining fertility rate is a public health priority because it is challenging the state in

many ways. Infertility, infant deaths, a decline in reproductivity, and the prevalence of

childlessness pose threats for the public. These concerns are not for healthcare organizations, but

the social and economic system of the country will have to face many challenges in coming years

(Bergström, 2017).

There are many policies and programs enacted by the state to increase the fertility rate,

including paid maternal leaves to motivate working women to have children, state funds for

growing children, social security funds, etc., are some policies and programs enacted to enhance

the fertility rate of the state (UNDESA, 2017).

VI. Suicide Deaths

It is another essential indicator worth discussion with the increasing trends of suicide

deaths, and many times the cause behind this is mental health problems including depression,

stress, etc. Suicide deaths are not only a social dilemma but a healthcare challenge that left

millions of people in pain yearly. Suicide is defined as the intentional killing of an individual

Karen Valaitis
incorrect, see reference list

Karen Valaitis
1.8 what? always include units with data or it has no meaning

Karen Valaitis
incorrect incorrect (Matthews, 2014) – please study APA in-text citation

Karen Valaitis
?? I don’t understand this statement – rewrite;

Page 7

supported by different social, personal, economic, or mental health issues. According to the

Global Burden of Disease study and World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 800 000

people commit suicide yearly (Hannah Ritchie, 2019).

Suicide is a public health priority due to its countless cases yearly and how it is damaging

individuals leading them to death. However, suicide is not a disease but still a concern of public

health because it is the end of the thinking capacity of human beings and one of the leading

causes of death across the world. Suicide deaths are higher in the state than in the county with

the challenges people face. It is concerned with healthcare organizations because the prevention

and elimination of suicide from society is the responsibility of mental health personnel. In

coming years, the dependence on mental health practitioners will increase due to the increasing

cases of suicide (Kerry L. Knox, 2004).

Suicide is a social dilemma, and to deal with it, there are many active programs. Most of

the programs deal with the awareness about this killing act and motivation to seek medical

assistance when you feel like something is wrong. The first program, titled “Prevention of

Suicidal Behavior” by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), aims to spread

awareness about recognizing behaviors that lead to suicide. Along with the recognition, the

program helps individuals to combat this problem (Mercy, 1992).

VII. Children experiencing sexual violence

Sexual abuse is an essential indicator of healthcare in the state because child sexual abuse

leads to many other healthcare problems and complications. It is an important indicator to

discuss because it is one of the staking realities in the modern world. Child and adolescent sexual

abuse are raising many healthcare threats and damaging the normal functioning of life among

victims. Dragging them into mental health crises is one of the most significant damaging

Karen Valaitis
comma? 800,000

Karen Valaitis
incorrect (Knox, 2004) – please study APA in-text citation

Karen Valaitis
incorrect (Richie, 2004) – please study APA in-text citation – you must carefully review this paper for all sources and correct throughout

Page 8

outcomes (Laura K. Murray, 2014). The definition of CSA is not straightforward because most

people perceive this reality in the wrong way. Child sexual abuse is a rare happening event, but

in fact, child sexual abuse is the most commonly occurring phenomenon exploiting children in

many ways. Survivors of CSA often need sensitive healthcare assistance to estimate the severity

of the issue (Havig, 2008).

CSA is a public health priority due to the numbers of challenges it is posing for children.

In most cases or depending on the age of the child facing sexual abuse, majority of children fail

to survive. And those who survive need acute care and protection from healthcare organizations.

Including mental, emotional, and physical health organizations serves all the needs of these

survivors. After the severe outcomes, gradual and compulsory treatment helps victims to come

back to everyday life. Increasing cases of healthcare abuse make it the healthcare priority.

Most of the active programs for the prevention of CSA are awareness seminars and

information through media that help children recognize a sexual touch and understand the

difference. The program titled “The National Strategy for Child Exploitation Prevention and

Interdiction” aims to protect individuals against sexual exploitation through information sharing

and other movements (Lynch, 2016).

VIII. Deaths from Coronary Heart Disease

Coronary Heart Disease is a heart disease that develops when the arteries of the heart stop

offering oxygen-rich blood to the heart that restricts the normal functioning of the heart.

Coronary Heart Disease is a leading cause of death across the world. Arteries stop supplying

normal blood with the restrictions caused by the blood clots inside, the availability of waxy

substances, or the increase in cholesterol (Español, 2019). The prevalence of the problem is

Karen Valaitis
incorrect – please review proper APA in-text citation: (Murray, 2014)

Karen Valaitis

Page 9

different from person to person through the stage of Coronary Heart Disease they are suffering


Coronary Heart Disease is a leading cause of death, and this is why it is a priority public

health issue. However, the treatment for Coronary Heart Disease is available but still the

occurrence at the higher level along with other diseases including microvascular heart disease

and many others. Increasing threats of heart disease and death as an outcome are growing

concerns of healthcare organizations and the public. Advance treatment and medication are

considered the precautions (Español, 2019).

Many CDC prevention programs are used to spread awareness about treatment and be

careful of events that lead to this challenge. CDC supports patients in multiple ways and

challenges their activities (CDC Prevention Programs, 2020).


In conclusion, all the healthcare indicators identified above show the public is at risk for

all the healthcare indicators and the role of healthcare organizations is crucial to maintain safety.

Suicide, CSA, Coronary Heart Disease, fertility are some healthcare priorities that need

immediate focus to avoid complications. Healthcare and mental health organizations are under

tremendous stress facing challenges along with the public.

Karen Valaitis

Karen Valaitis
citation? can you supplement this with research/data?

Karen Valaitis
incorrect – see reference list

Page 10


Ab Osterhaus, A. B. (2015). Why should influenza be a public health priority? PMID,

ALA. (2020). What Is The Connection Between Influenza and Pneumonia? American Lung

Association Scientific and Medical Editorial Review Panel,




Bergström, S. (2017). Reproductive failure as a health priority in the Third World: a review. East

After Med. J 69(4),

Broschat, T. K. (2012). Nutrient Deficiencies of Landscape and Field-Grown Palms in Florida.


CDC. (2020). Contributing CDC’s skills and resources for a healthier world without vitamin and

mineral deficiencies. CDC,


CDC Prevention Programs. (2020).


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2015). Brain Injury Safety Tips and Prevention,

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019). Surveillance Report of Traumatic Brain

Injury-related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths—the United

States, 2014,

Karen Valaitis
no acronyms on reference list – spell it out

Karen Valaitis
no acronyms on reference list – spell it out

Karen Valaitis
do not use acronyms on the reference list – correct throughout the list

Karen Valaitis
missing name of article or webpage as in previous entry

Page 11


The clinic, C. (2019). Hepatitis B. Cleveland Clinic,

español, L. e. (2019). Coronary Heart Disease.




Hannah Ritchie, M. R.-O. (2019). Suicide. World in Data,

Havig, K. (2008). The health care experiences of adult survivors of child sexual abuse: a

systematic review of evidence on sensitive practice.

John B. Mason, D. S. (2006). Community Health and Nutrition Programs. The International

Bank for Reconstruction and Development,

Kerry L. Knox, Y. C. (2004). If Suicide Is a Public Health Problem, What Are We Doing to

Prevent It? PMC, 37-45.

Laura K. Murray, A. N. (2014). Child Sexual Abuse. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 23(2),


Lynch, L. (2016). The National Strategy for Child Exploitation Prevention and Interdiction. US

Department of Justice, 1-45.

Maddrey, W. C. (2000). Hepatitis B: a significant public health issue. J Med Virol 61(3), 362-


Karen Valaitis
incorrect – begin with last name; correct throughout

Karen Valaitis
?? again – who is authoring organization?

Karen Valaitis
incorrect – begin with last name

Karen Valaitis
incorrect – begin with last name; correct throughout

Karen Valaitis
?? – author – should be Cleveland Clinic Foundation – fix with in-text citation as well

Karen Valaitis
incorrect – begin with last name; correct throughout

Page 12

MC. (2020). Traumatic brain injury. Mayo Clinic,


Mercy, P. W. (1992). Programs for the Prevention of Suicide Among Adolescents and Young

Adults. Youth suicide prevention programs: a resource guide. Atlanta: US Department of

Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, 1-16.

T.J. Mathews, M. a. (2019). Total Fertility Rates by State and Race and Hispanic Origin: the

United States, 2017. National Vital Statistics Reports Volume 68, Number 1, 1-11.

Testing and Treatment During Pregnancy. (2020). Hepatitis B Foundation,


UNDESA. (2017). Government policies to raise or lower the fertility level. United Nations

Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 1-2.

WHO. (2016). Programs | Flu & Pneumonia. WHO,


Karen Valaitis
again – do not use acronyms on the reference list – correct throughout the list

Karen Valaitis

Karen Valaitis
incorrect format – always begin the entry with author or authoring organization

Karen Valaitis
incorrect format – begin with last name as with Mercy entry

Karen Valaitis
is this a correct web url?

Karen Valaitis
again – do not use acronyms on the reference list – correct throughout the list

Page 13


Table 1: Reportable & Infectious Diseases, Rate Per 100,000 Population

Broward County Florida Differences

HIV/AIDS Diagnosis
(The year 2021)

15.1 8.8 6.3

Immunization levels in 4th
(The year 2021)

97.6 95.3 2.3

Deaths from Influenza &
Pneumonia (the Year

6.9 8.4 1.5

Hepatitis B, Pregnant
Women (The year 2021)

24.5 10.9 13.6

Infectious Syphilis Cases
(The year 2021)

22.4 15.1 7.3

(Florida Department of Health, 2021)

Table 2: Chronic Diseases, Rate Per 100,000 Population

Broward County Florida Differences

Deaths from Coronary
Heart Disease (the Year

85.7 88.6 2.9

Deaths from Diabetes
(The year 2021)

17.5 19.7 2.2

Deaths from Nutritional
Deficiencies (The year

0.5 1.8 1.3

Deaths from Stroke
(The year 2021)

58.0 41.4 16.6

Female Breast Cancer
Cases at Advanced Stage
when Diagnosed
(The year 2021)

31.7 31.4 0.3

(Florida Department of Health, 2021)

Page 14

Table 3: Maternal and Child Health, Rate Per 100,000 Population

Broward County Florida Differences

Births to Mothers With 3rd
Trimester Prenatal Care
(The year 2021)

6.7 5.1 1.6

Traumatic brain injury
deaths ages 1-5 (The year

2.7 2.2 0.5

Fertility Rate
(The year 2021)

58.6 56.8 1.8

Asthma hospitalizations ages
1-5 (The year 2021)

561.1 476.6 84.5

Births covered by emergency
Medicaid (the Year 2021)

3.6 4.0 0.4

(Florida Department of Health, 2021)

Table 4: Injury & Violence, Rate Per 100,000 Population

Broward County Florida Differences

Suicide Deaths
(The year 2021)

11.2 14.5 3.3

Drug Poisoning Deaths
(The year 2021)

25.8 25.1 0.7

Deaths from Medical &
Surgical Care Complications
(The year 2021)

1.4 2.5 1.1

Homicide Deaths
(The year 2021)

7.3 6.7 0.6

Deaths from Motor Vehicle
Crashes (the Year 2021)

12.4 14.7 2.3

(Florida Department of Health, 2021)

Page 15

Table 5: Social & Behavioral Health, Rate Per 100,000 Population

Broward County Florida Differences

Non-fatal hospitalizations for
eating disorders ages 12-18
(The year 2021)

20.1 36.0 15.9

Youths Arrested
(The year 2021)

109.2 160.6 51.4

Deaths from Alcoholic Liver
Disease (the Year 2021)

4.5 6.3 1.8

Children experiencing sexual
violence ages 5-11
(The year 2021)

26.0 57.8 31.8

Hospitalizations for mood and
depressive disorders
(The year 2021)

585.3 499.4 85.9

(Florida Department of Health, 2021)

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