
Over the next five weeks, you will research and analyze financial information on two companies listed on an exchange.

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Choose any two companies that are in the same industry and listed on the NYSE or any other exchange. Collect the financial information for these two companies and make sure you have information that includes balance sheets, income statements, and statements of cash flow for the last three years. You may select any company except FedEx and Coca Cola.


  1. Analyze the key characteristics of the companies selected, such as the industry in which they operate, the products they provide, their rankings in the industry, etc.
  2. Go to the company Web sites. Find the “About ….” section and note the company’s commitment to corporate governance and identify the key features of its commitment.
  3. Identify the main competitors for each selected company. Compare and contrast the reputations of the selected companies and their competitors.

Submission Details:

  • Submit a 2-3 page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.
  • Name your file: SU_FIN4060_W1_CP_LastName_FirstInitial

  • Submit your assignment to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
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