Program Evaluation Approaches


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Describe how you would apply approaches or models of program evaluation covered in Unit 5 studies to your Unit 8 assignment: Developing a Program Evaluation Proposal.

Describe how you would apply approaches or models of program evaluation covered in Unit 5 studies to your Unit 8 assignment: Developing a Program Evaluation Proposal.

Program Information: Beyond Balance is a nonprofit volunteer based organization that provides horseback riding and related equine assisted activities to individuals with special needs in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and surrounding areas. “Surpassing all boundaries.”

Beyond Balance is located a privately owned facility in Mount Holly NJ. Melissa Palmer, Missy Rush and Susy Berg founded Beyond Balance and achieved our nonprofit status in October of 2006. The owners of the farm have generously let Beyond Balance start and continue to grow our therapy riding program. Beyond Balance is a growing organization with experienced staff, horses and instructors. Long-term objectives are to secure our own facility to support the growing needs of the program with yearly philanthropy and annual fundraisers.

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The Stakeholders of this program are: the program directors, volunteers, clients, funders, Board Members, horses

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