Professional Assignment 1 – CLO 2


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Professional Assignment 1 – CLO 2

Go back through the business press (Fortune, The Economist, BusinessWeek, and so forth and any other LIRN- based articles) and find at least three articles related to either downsizing, implementation of a new technology, or a merger or acquisition. In a minimum of  four (4) pages in 7th edition APA formatted paper:

  1. What were the key frontline experiences listed in relation to your chosen change?
  2. How do they relate to those listed in Chapter 4? 
  3. Did you identify new ones confronting change managers?
  4. How would you prioritize these experiences? 
  5. Do any stand out as “deal breakers”? Why?
  6. What new insights into implementing this type of change emerge from this?

*Please refer to the Grading Criteria for Professional Assignments in the University Policies for specific guidelines and expectations

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