Production Capacity Requirements


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Research a manufacturing organization of your choice, and describe its strategic manufacturing policy. (Note: You may choose a private-sector or public-sector organization; however, more information will be available for a private-sector, publicly traded company). Your description should consider long-term issues (1–5 years), and include a discussion of the following topics:

  • Products or services
  • Markets and customers
  • Suppliers, vendors, and supply chain partners
  • Facilities (e.g., plants, distribution centers, and so on)

Describe the following characteristics to be included in the strategic planning process:

  • Alignment of manufacturing strategy with corporate/business-level strategy
  • Product/process alternatives (make-to stock, make-to order, etc.)
  • Inventory policies (service levels, order quantity/frequency, etc.)
  • Capacity planning alternatives (chase, level, etc.)
  • Long-range forecasting techniques (quantitative and qualitative)
  • Make or buy decisions (outsourcing, etc.)
  • Interfaces/coordination with other business functions (marketing, etc.)
  • Initiatives to improve operations (continuous improvement, lean/agile, TOC, etc.)
  • Metrics to measure manufacturing performance

    Other metrics

Finally, what manufacturing strategy improvements would you suggest for this organization?

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Prepare a research paper of 8–10 pages (excluding title page, abstract, references page, and appendices) in APA format presenting the items listed above. A minimum of five (5) peer-reviewed academic or professional references must be used in the paper.

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