Process Mapping the Protection of Intellectual Property


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Research a product or service relevant to your chosen field of study (Information and Technology). You will be creating a hierarchical process map, consisting of three levels, that could be provided to a development team to follow to ensure that the intellectual property is protected. The process map will be focused on opportunities for intellectual property (IP) protection within the context of the creation of a new product or service relevant to your field of study. Proper protection for products/services often requires multiple forms of protection. Map out the process of appropriate protection of intellectual property, making sure to consider the legal processes involved. It is important to select the correct tool for the creation of a quality process map and the corresponding presentation. 

-Create a process map to describe intellectual property protection within the context of the creation a new product or service relevant to your field of study (Information and Technology). Your map should include a minimum of 10 process steps.

-Describe the intellectual property protection mechanism required to protect your product.

-How is this intellectual property captured, registered, and/or protected?

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-Clear inputs/outputs.

-Clear scope definition.     

-Incorporate at least one subprocess.

-In addition, in a minimum of 200 words, articulate and demonstrate how teamwork is integrated into, and supports, an organization.

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